The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 1014 Xiao Wu is very protective 22 Three media and six hires 4

Seeing that her face was not good, the assistant knew that she was in a bad mood, and with a thud, he said cautiously, "Madam, there is something wrong with that project in Area A, and the land cannot be approved for a long time, so we don't dare to make a lot of it. Invest in it."

Yao Wenxi frowned, "Why hasn't it been approved yet?"

The assistant whispered: "Because... someone has also taken a fancy to that piece and wants to come in and share a piece of the pie. The other party has a lot of background, we..."

"What is the background? What is the background? How dare he provoke the Qin family in Jiangnan Province?"

Yao Wenxi is accustomed to being at the top. In Jiangnan Province, her husband is the top executive of Jiangnan Province, and her family is the first family in Jiangzhou. No matter what she does, no one will dare to stop her.

This situation lasted for more than 20 years. Even when Qin Mo was sick, no one dared to provoke her.

After Qin Mo recovered in the past few years, her status in Jiangzhou became higher. Since then, it can be said that even Qin Lirong, the CEO, has restrained a lot and has more respect for her.

But after the development of the imperial capital, everything changed.

This is the imperial capital, where all the major families of the rich and powerful are concentrated. Every inch of land is expensive, and there are all kinds of complicated interpersonal relationships. The foundation of the Qin family is in Jiangzhou.

There are no people at all.

Qin Lirong is not a son of an aristocratic family. If he was born in a wealthy family in the imperial capital, he would naturally have a foothold here, but unfortunately, Qin Lirong did not.

That's why Yao Wenxi came to the imperial capital to develop, so he wanted Luo Yuwei's support so much, and breaking into Lu Haoting's circle was equivalent to directly entering the top dignitaries in the imperial capital, and his development was almost complete.

However, for two years, Luo Yuwei has not agreed.

This made Yao Wenxi annoyed.

This time when she was in trouble, her instinct was again this self-respecting attitude.

The assistant lowered his head. He also knew how powerful the Qin family in Jiangnan Province was, but unfortunately, this is the imperial capital!

"Madam, the interpersonal relationships in the imperial capital are complicated, and we still don't understand many secret relationships. This is the most troublesome. Now this one, I heard that he has something to do with the side branch of the Xi family. Not enough!"

Xi's house!

That was the existence that almost surpassed the Lu family.

Now that the Tang family of the Lu family has reached the top, they have not deliberately suppressed the Xi family. However, the Xi family has restrained themselves a lot, but even if they do, the Xi family is still the Xi family.

Yao Wenxi's current level cannot even fight against the side of the Xi family.

Qin Lirong is a very proud person. He really wants to occupy a place in the imperial capital, but he knows that all this is too difficult. Without the support of the imperial capital, it is difficult for him to do it.

In case of failure, it is very embarrassing.

So for the past two years, he has been looking for the possibility of being promoted to the imperial capital, but he has never been successful.

Qin Lirong's current status is not easy to come by, and he will never take action easily if he is not sure.

Everything in Jiangnan Province is too important to him, so there is no absolute certainty. He prefers to stay in Jiangzhou. At least in Jiangzhou, the Qin family is an absolute top giant.

But Yao Wenxi is in business, so her concerns are much less than Qin Lirong, and Qin Lirong also wanted Yao Wenxi to try the water first, but in order to save her face, Qin Lirong did not give Yao Wenxi too much network support.

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