The Rebirth of the Giants

1042. Chapter 1042 Have a child and stay in the imperial capital 1

"Because of Yunxi's relationship, our family wants to come to the imperial capital to develop, but there is no foundation in the imperial capital. My parents desperately hope that I can find strong personal connections to push the family to the top. Yunxi's background is so strong..."

Qin Mo explained the matter again, and Li Xintong was stunned!

Let Qin Mo grab Ye Jin's position and use the connections in that circle to strengthen the Qin family. If he is unhappy in the end, he will hollow out the Yunshang Group?

Oh my God!

How could his mother think like that?

Seeing Li Xintong's stunned appearance, Qin Mo smiled. There was a bit of self-deprecation in his smile!

"You think it's incredible too, don't you? Yun Xi is our friend and has saved me. How can I try to trick her?"

"What's more, Yunshang Group has nothing to do with me at all. Just because I have a better relationship with Yunxi, I should be the one to manage it? This is too ridiculous!"

Li Xintong twitched her cheeks for a long time before she finally said, "This...why do they do this? Your Qin family in Jiangzhou is a top wealthy family, right? I heard you say that your mother is the eldest lady of the Yao family! The Yao family is A first-class family in Jiangzhou, my God, isn't this family background enough?"

"Born in a family like yours, anyone can be a genius! Look at the rich second-generation we have seen, my God, the family has not been doing well, and he begins to think that he is the biggest. , not being arrogant all day long is like being sorry for yourself."

"You were born in such an environment, not only did you not learn badly, but you were also so good, you didn't want to play, you didn't lose your family, you didn't cheat, you got good grades, and you worked hard to start a business. The problem is that you did a good job. are you awake?"

Qin Mo: "..."

He didn't expect that Li Xintong would say such a thing, he was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

Li Xintong blinked her big eyes, she really didn't understand!

She grew up in a wealthy family in the imperial capital, and she has seen too many rich second-generations, including a lot of playboys, and she does everything she can to let her parents clean up the mess behind her buttocks. How dashing!

The parents had terrible headaches all day long, and they still looked like a baby bump, so long as they didn't cause trouble, thank God!

Of course, there are also very powerful people. After all, they have been educated by elites since childhood. Their parents are smart, and their genes are good. Those who have good grades and can help the family, or study abroad with good grades, are simply the pride of their parents for a lifetime. , that's a baby bump within a baby bump.

In Li Xintong's opinion, Qin Mo is no worse than those outstanding wealthy sons of the imperial capital. Although he did not study abroad, he also graduated from a first-class university in China, a top-notch school!

The family background is also good enough, the people are so good-looking, and you can start your own business, and you hardly need your parents to worry about it! What's more, he was not in good health in the past, and it is only because his health has gradually improved over the past few years that he has the strength to work hard.

If he had been healthy before, then his achievements would definitely be much more than ordinary people.

Isn't that good enough?

She always thought that Qin Mo was like this. His parents held him in their palms like a treasure!

I didn't expect it to be like this in reality!

Qin Mo looked at her and said amusingly, "Is that what your parents did to you?"

Looking at her innocent big eyes, it's so innocent!

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