The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 1055 Li Xintong suffers, are you pregnant 1

When a person came to the imperial capital, he insisted on starting his own business?

What is there to start a business?

With so many industries in the Qin family and Yao family, he used it to start a business?

It must be the vixen in front of him who is confusing him, causing him to be carried away by his emotions and lose his fighting spirit!

At this moment, Yao Wenxi, who had nowhere to vent, transferred all her anger to Li Xintong. She had nothing to do with others. Just when Li Xintong appeared, she took all her anger as a matter of course.

Seeing Yao Wenxi, Li Xintong was indeed a little surprised. She didn't expect that she would see Qin Mo's mother in such an unprepared situation, and she immediately became a little nervous.

She likes Qin Mo, and naturally hopes that she can get along with his mother in harmony. Plus, she knew that Yao Wenxi's personality was strong and difficult to get along with, so Li Xintong felt even more uneasy.

She wanted to smile and say hello to her, but... seeing Yao Wenxi's terrifying eyes, she immediately frowned!

"A... Auntie, you... you..." The look in her eyes was too terrifying, it was as if she was going to be cut into pieces. She... she didn't offend Qin Mo's mother, right?


Yao Wenxi hooked her lips, very satisfied with the little girl's reaction, nervous and afraid...


This is how others should react when they see her Yao Wenxi!

"Do you know who I am?"

"I know, you are Qin Mo's mother!"

Yao Wenxi raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Do you know me?"

"I've seen the photos of Qin Mo, I know you, Auntie..."

"How long have you been secretly dating my son?"


Li Xintong frowned again, "Auntie, did you misunderstand something? Qin Mo and I..."

"I misunderstood? What did I misunderstand you? Don't you secretly date my son? Little girl, you are not small, and you want to marry my son alone? I tell you, dream!"

Li Xintong was stunned!

Yao Wenxi looked at Li Xintong resentfully, and suddenly took two steps forward, "Don't look at me so innocently, let me tell you, the Qin family's family background is not for a lowly person like you, let me see it later. When you and Qin Mo are together, the unfortunate one is not only you, I will make your whole family suffer!"

Li Xintong's eyes widened, and his mind was dazed!

isn't it?


Is a person like her still low-ranking?

When did the Li family become so humble in the imperial capital?

As the crown jewel of the Li family, Li Xintong grew up so big, and it was the first time she heard from others that her status was low.

She was a little stunned for a while. She was not worthy of Qin Mo, so how could she be worthy of Qin Mo?

Yao Wenxi thought that Li Xintong, a college student who had never seen the world, trembled when she was frightened, but she was determined to say what she said.

But after she said harsh words just now, the little girl on the opposite side didn't respond. Looking at her eyes, she was just shocked and puzzled, but not afraid.

Yao Wenxi was angry, "Did you hear that?"

She roared again fiercely, and the man also stepped forward two steps to approach Li Xintong.

Li Xintong was frightened by her sudden movement, and she instinctively took a few steps back when she recovered, her hands shaking.

She was holding a bag in her hand, and when she shrank, it just happened to be placed in front of her lower abdomen. The position around her waist was originally the most normal instinctive reaction, but for Yao Wenxi, it was very exciting.

Seeing her instinctively protecting her lower abdomen, Yao Wenxi's eyes widened and she couldn't believe her: "You... you're pregnant? Are you pregnant?"

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