The Rebirth of the Giants

1064 Mama Li vs Yao Wenxi 6

"No...No! Mom, I didn't, Qin Mo didn't do anything to me, really nothing!" Li Xintong was frightened and quickly explained, "Mom really didn't, nothing happened between us, His mother is very strange, inexplicably said that I am pregnant, I...I don't know why!"

Knowing that their daughter was not pregnant, the Li family breathed a sigh of relief.

Li's father said angrily: "It must be Qin Mo, that bastard in Qin Mo told his mother that you are pregnant, he must be afraid that his mother would not agree with you being together, so he said you are pregnant, this bastard, useless stupid Stuff, I don't think about your reputation at all, damn... I will never let him go!"

Dad Li is a man, he can't take all his anger on Yao Wenxi for this kind of thing, he will only hate Qin Mo.

Luo Yuwei knew it was not good as soon as she heard it, Qin Mo would be hurt by his mother if he went on like this!

" father, Qin Mo won't..." Li Xintong was also panicked.

Luo Yuwei hurriedly said: "Uncle, Qin Mo doesn't know about this, it's his mother's idea, I called him to come over when Tongtong was in the hospital, he rushed over a few minutes later, knowing his mother It was because he suspected that Tongtong was pregnant and wanted to bring her over to remove the baby. Qin Mo was going crazy at the time, and he even explained to his mother that Tongtong was not pregnant! He definitely didn't know what he looked like at the time."

"Qin Mo told me that his affairs with Tongtong will have to wait for the Li family to accept him, and then he will take Tongtong to meet his parents. Now it's the man who goes to the woman's house first. Is there a woman whose parents haven't seen each other yet, so he brought his girlfriend to see his own parents?"

Li Xintong hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Qin Mo told me, he said he would bring him to see you when I was ready, and when you all agreed and were satisfied with him, with your consent, he would He will take me to see his parents, Dad, this has nothing to do with Qin Mo."

The faces of the Li family looked better, but they were still angry.

"What about Qin Mo? What about others? After killing my daughter like this, the person is nowhere to be seen?" Dad Li said angrily.

Luo Yuwei quickly explained, "Uncle, Qin Mo took his mother home, he went to the hospital and saw that Tongtong was injured, especially when his mother wanted to remove Tongtong's child, he was mad, and he was on the spot. Got into a fight with his mother."

"Yao Wenxi is a very strong person. Seeing that his son was arguing with him and not arguing with him, he made a loud noise on the spot. Qin Mo saw that there were many onlookers around him, and he was afraid that Tongtong's identity would spread to the upper class in the future. People would laugh at her, so I hurriedly asked me to bring Tongtong back first. He went and dragged his mother away. There were too many people in the hospital, so we couldn’t make a fuss over there. Otherwise, Tongtong would be the most injured in the end. I'll come over and apologize to you."

At this time, Luo Yuwei could only help Qin Mo here.

Li Xintong tossed so much, she was frightened and exhausted. The people of the Li family couldn't bear to ask any more questions when they saw her like that. Luo Yuwei gave her medicine, comforted her a few words, and let her Go to bed first!

In fact, she still had a lot to say, but Li Xintong didn't have the strength to listen at this time, and the people of the Li family were reluctant to let Li Xintong worry any more, so they coaxed her to let her rest first and wait until Qin Mo came.

Luo Yuwei knew it wasn't that simple, so she could only say: "Uncle and auntie, I'll go back first, Tongtong's face is a little severe, I have the medicine left by Yunxi, I'll come back to see Tongtong at night, give it to her. She changed her medicine so she would never have a scar on her face."

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