The Rebirth of the Giants

1101 Uncle, I'm Awesome 3

It was the first time he had heard such words from someone else's mouth.

Zhuge Feifei is still young, no matter how smart she is, she is only a child. She will have such a consciousness, obviously, it must come from her father and mother.

Lu Haoyu's heart suddenly filled with warmth.

My brother, the closest to him!

He knew from a young age that he was the child of his stepmother, and he was not born to the same mother as his eldest brother.

And not only his mother, but also his father, is hostile to the elder brother.

But it is also the same. He saw it when he was very young. The eldest brother is very capable. He is more powerful than his mother and father. If this eldest brother is really a threat to him as his parents said, he will be calculated to suppress him. , then he would not have the ability to fight back at all.

After all, the eldest brother is so much older than him, and he has an advantage in age, and there are grandparents in the family to support him.

But no, the big brother never hurt him.

Even, not bad for him.

When he was in school when he was a child, in order to attract the attention of his eldest brother, he wanted to know whether he would protect his younger brother.

He cautiously and eagerly waited for his brother's response.

As a result, the eldest brother really came, came to give him a head start, and beat those who bullied him and beat him severely.

At that time, he was very happy!

From then on, he knew that he and his eldest brother were brothers, real brothers!

So even after so many years, his mother has always taught him to strive to be good and compete with his eldest brother for the family property.

He was unhappy, and he simply ignored his mother's behavior.

I even thought to see if the eldest brother would be worried that he was taught by his mother to educate him.

In the end, the eldest brother didn't pay much attention to him, but the sister-in-law paid more attention, for fear that he would grow crooked!


When Lu Haoyu thinks about it at this time, he still thinks it's very funny. When he is young, he is really cute!

"What are you laughing at?" Zhuge Feifei said in a milky voice.

Lu Haoyu smiled and said, "Me! I'm in a good mood! Remember to kiss me in the future! Our family Feifei is so powerful, my uncle will depend on you in the future!"

Zhuge Feifei was immediately excited, "Okay, okay! I will definitely cover you!"

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, years have passed.

Imperial Airport

Lu Haoyu, who had returned from studying abroad at the age of 26, was carrying a suitcase in the crowd to find someone to pick him up.

After a while, I saw a little girl not far away who was waving her hands vigorously.

"Uncle, uncle! Here!"

Lu Haoyu smiled and hurried over with his suitcase.

Before reaching the front, Zhuge Feifei, who had grown into a little girl, rushed towards him.

With a smile on his face, Lu Haoyu opened his hands to pick up the little girl who rushed over and turned around a few times.

"Hey! My little Feifei has grown taller again! I haven't seen you for half a year, do you miss Uncle?"

"Of course I did! If I hadn't known that you were coming back at this time, I would definitely have asked my parents to take me abroad to find you!"

Lu Haoyu laughed happily.

The fate between people is really wonderful sometimes, maybe, he is really smarter! This little girl likes smart people, so she has been close to him since she was a child.

Of course, he also spent a lot of time with her in exchange for it.

After he studied in college for a period of time in China, he went directly to study abroad. In recent years, this little girl often went abroad to see him. He took her to travel around and gained a lot of knowledge.

They only met once half a year ago.

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