The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 824 Announcement!

Gu Yunxi had already given an order, so Chen Jingyuan naturally went to do it right away.

These are all very simple proofs. Gu Yunxi's grades have always been far ahead since he was a child. Such a good student will usually be impressed by the school.

In addition, Gu Yunxi is doing so well at present, so the school is naturally more concerned.

When Chen Jingyuan contacted Gu Yunxi's hometown school, the other party was willing to cooperate almost without hesitation, and found out those records in the past, and even recorded an explanation video of Gu Yunxi's former head teacher and sent it over.

More than an hour later, Gu Yunxi's studio posted a meager, announcing the relationship between Gu Yunxi and Wang Shuzhen.

It is clearly stated that Gu Yunxi's parents divorced when he was seven years old, and then he went to live with his grandfather in the countryside. He had never seen his mother for twelve years, and Ms. Wang was not Gu Yunxi's biological mother.

Yun Xi studied medicine with her grandfather since she was a child. Last year, she took a medical professor as her teacher and lived in the compound. Ms. Wang’s husband’s family was the top wealthy family in the compound, but she was married to a side branch. There is also living expenses for her, which is not as good as the top rich wife, but she has a worry-free life.

After meeting Yunxi, she repeatedly asked Yunxi to keep all the money she earned, but Yunxi refused. Yunxi never saw her mother from the age of seven until she was an adult. Some evidence is attached below.

The most conspicuous, of course, is the paternity test certificate, and then the registration information of Gu Yunxi's six years of junior high school and high school.

Before the age of fifteen, the guardian column was written as Grandpa. After the age of fifteen, the guardian became Lu Haoting, and for the past six years, the emergency contact has always been Lu Haoting.

It's just that the three words Lu Haoting were not made public, and only one word Lu was left.

And then there's a video.

"Hello everyone, I'm the head teacher of Gu Yunxi's junior high school for three years. Yunxi's grades have been far ahead during her school days, but at the very beginning, she was often late and didn't even come to school. This is a child who studies very hard, for this reason. I have visited many times."

"There is only one grandfather in her family, and her grandfather did not support her to go to school, so she left her to do housework at home. During the home visit, I learned that Yunxi has taken care of all the housework in the house since she was a child. If you don't do well, you will be beaten by your grandfather."

"Once I saw Yunxi didn't come to school again, and went to her house, only to see her being beaten with sticks and tied with a rope by the public. The reason was that the breakfast was not delicious."

"All the tuition fees, materials, accommodation, living expenses, etc., for Gu Yunxi's schooling are all the responsibility of a Mr. Lu from our side. It is precisely because of his protection that Yunxi can go to school all the time. She has learned a lot. Things, that gentleman has hired many teachers for her, as well as foreign teachers, Yunxi knows several languages, and has learned dance and musical instruments."

"During a home visit, her grandfather told me clearly that this child has no parents and no mother, and is a child no one wants. It is useless to go to school."


The video is here, but it's already very telling. In the video, the teacher's face has been processed, and his appearance has not been announced.

But these contents are enough for netizens to know everything!

"Damn it! It's shameless, born and not raised, and now that people are prosperous, they come up to ask for money."

"Where do you want money? People clearly said that she wants Gu Yunxi to keep all the money she makes."

"It's disgusting, how can there be such a shameless mother in the world?"

"It's not my own, so it doesn't hurt! It's just that Yunxi is used as a tool to make money. When I was a child, I didn't want someone else when I got divorced. When I grew up, I shamelessly asked someone to support her, or when I knew that the other party was not her daughter, How did this person do it?"

"Sure enough, people are shameless and invincible in the world, it has refreshed the three views!"

"Baby Yunxi is so pitiful! He must have suffered a lot when he was a child."

"My God, I've been doing housework since I was a child, and I have to take care of my grandfather. My God, I'm married, and I can't do anything!"

"Woooooo I feel sorry for Yunxi! Hug baby Yunxi!"

"The one who sponsored her to go to school is the current bodyguard brother?"

"Definitely yes! Is this a promise of body? The cultivation department ahhhhhhhhh!"

"Under that circumstance, Yunxi can still be so good, I feel bad! That lady Wang, please let her explode in place!"

"Get off the earth, that shameless woman! Disgusting!"


The speed of this Weibo posting is quite fast. The incident happened this morning. As a result, at eleven o'clock, this Weibo came out.

It was only two hours before and after the incident happened.

A moment ago, people were still envious of Gu Yunxi's sweet love, but just as those trolls were on their way, the paternity test was exposed like this.

This time, it can't be black if you want to!

On the contrary, it aroused the anger of the whole network. Everyone is ashamed of this kind of parents who abandoned their children. I wish that such people would disappear from the world.

Therefore, as soon as this Weibo came out, the public opinion was almost one-sided, and they were completely on Gu Yunxi's side. All of them supported Gu Yunxi's denial of this mother. Anyway, it was not his own.

All this happened too fast, and she didn't go in the direction Gu Bingyan wanted at all. She looked at everything on the Internet dumbfounded, and felt that this Gu Yunxi seemed to be against her by nature.

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