The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 873 Come! Group plastic surgery to recognize relatives!

Such a sentence, not to mention Gu Bingyan, even Yang Siqian's face was a little stiff.

Especially Yang Siqian, she has an excellent reputation in the entertainment industry and is the goddess in everyone's mind.

Gu Bingyan is not from the entertainment industry, so everyone's attention and discussion will not be too high, but her Yang Siqian is different.

At this time, Gu Bingyan suddenly said in a heartache: "It's my fault! It's my fault! Yunxi, Qianqian told me before that you look a lot like me, but she didn't know it at that time. I also have a daughter, she was surprised for a long time when she saw your appearance!"

"It's just that she doesn't know this and doesn't take it seriously. I didn't tell her."

"As for you, when Qianqian told me, I also found out that you look a lot like me, but... I can't believe it, you are my daughter! Plastic surgery is so advanced in this era, and I am separated from you. After all these years..."

"Didn't you just tell me that you handed me over to Wang Shuzhen and gave her a lot of money to ask the An family to take care of me? Don't you know Wang Shuzhen? Don't you know the An family? These news have long been exposed, who are you deceiving? "

Gu Bingyan: "..."

Everyone looked at Gu Bingyan with embarrassed eyes, and obviously, they were also suspicious.

That's right!

Gu Yunxi's identity has already been made public on the Internet!

That Wang Shuzhen was making a lot of noise at that time!

Does this lady know?


Gu Yunxi sneered, "I should doubt you about plastic surgery, right? Madam, where did you come from? Don't tell me, you want to recognize my daughter, so you made your face look like this. Yes, I have something to do, farewell!"

After speaking, Gu Yunxi turned around and left.

In fact, she just came to see Gu Bingyan herself, to determine whether it was hers or not. Now that she has determined, she doesn't want to gossip with her.

She knows Gu Bingyan too well. This woman has already appeared, and she has already made a move to use her mother's identity to give her a fatal blow. Then she will definitely do it.

This woman can't see her better, she will never give up!

Therefore, there is no need for her to find her at all, Gu Bingyan will bring it to the door herself.

People have already appeared, whether it is the Tang family or the Lu family, someone will follow her to investigate her secretly, Gu Yunxi just needs to wait for the result.

There were reporters in the matter at the time, and it was naturally exposed. I didn't expect that Gu Yunxi, who was despised by the wealthy mother-in-law a moment ago, suddenly appeared a daughter with a strong background. I felt that Gu Yunxi's experience, Like writing a novel, the ups and downs are wonderful.

"Is this Gu Yunxi's mother? It looks like oh my God!"

"This woman doesn't look like a mother at all, she's lying."

"It looks like a mother and daughter? Maybe it's really because of the plastic surgery to touch porcelain! Alas... Now people are crazy about being popular!"

"Hahahaha Gu Yunxi is an orphan! And his background is unknown. Come on, old irons. Let's have a plastic surgery group to meet Gu Yunxi. I want to be her boyfriend."


"That's a good idea, goddess, goddess, I'm your fiancé that you've made a baby kiss since you were a child!"

"You bastards, watch out for her husband to beat you up."

"Her future mother-in-law dislikes her for being a third-rate actor and dislikes her. I don't dislike her! Come and marry me!"

"I feel so sorry for Baby Yunxi, really, what kind of people are these people?"

"That is, is it her fault that she doesn't have parents? Is it her fault that her parents don't want her? After so many hardships, she finally grew up, and she and her boyfriend have known each other since childhood. What kind of character and feelings do you need to say? At this time, you jumped out and said that people are not educated, please, even if Gu Yunxi is not educated, it is because you are not well educated, but they have been with your son since childhood."

"That's right, why do you blame Gu Yunxi?"


Gu Yunxi doesn't have any shady facts about her. She is popular among the passers-by, and her grades are good. In the eyes of the public, she is a good boy. Especially when she had such an experience when she was a child, everyone felt more distressed about her.

Seeing her working so hard now, but still being despised by the wealthy mother-in-law, I feel very sorry for her, because at this time, Gu Yunxi is just like their ordinary people, with no ability, no background, and no one seems to protect her at all. Support her.

A nineteen-year-old girl is still a child!

She worked so hard to make herself excellent. In the eyes of many people, her achievements are already beyond the reach of others. However, in the eyes of the wealthy, these are still worthless, which makes many people feel distressed, powerless, and angry. !

So after so many things happened, there were more voices supporting Gu Yunxi. Of course, there were not a few people who rejoiced in misfortune.

It's just that Gu Bingyan's appearance, after all, still affects some people, such as... Chen Xianglan.

Originally, he thought that Gu Yunxi had no foundation and was an orphan without a father and no mother, but now, a mother suddenly appeared.

Yang Siqian has a good reputation in the entertainment industry. Everyone knows that she has a backstage, but no one has checked her specific identity, and some people don't care too much.

In fact, this person is none other than Yang Kangming's daughter, but many people have forgotten it.

Not to mention Yang Siqian, the appearance of Gu Bingyan made Chen Xianglan feel a hint of crisis. Gu Yunxi was favored by Lu Haoting, and he was close to the Tang family. Mother……

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