The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 902 Something big happened!

Gu Xiran is his sister. He has been away for so many years, just to find these two sisters. Now that his cousin doesn't want to go back because of his childhood, he can barely accept it.

But why didn't Xi Ran go back?

She has no family here, they are all enemies, and there are so many people who want to hunt her down. Tang Yu has lived with them for eight years, and she can stay there. Why should Gu Xiran come here too? ?

Seeing him like this, Zhuge Yuehua smiled, a little helpless, "It's useless if you don't agree. Unless you force it, I guess Xi Ran won't stay there."


This point was difficult for the second child, Xiaoba and Gu Yunhan to accept.

"Because we don't have their worries there!"

Three people: "..."

Zhuge Yuehua looked at the distant sky and sighed, "Whether you admit it or not, we all missed the stage in their lives that needed us the most. Now they have grown up, they have their own lovers and their own pursuits. Their biggest concern is here, and we..."

"I'll be happy with them, but not... it's just a pity..."

This result makes me want to cry!

But unfortunately, it is the truth.

The only good thing is that they are all doing well.

Whether it was them, or Gu Yunxi and Gu Xiran, they were all innocent.

It was Gu Bingyan who caused all this!

The three of them didn't speak anymore, and they felt very sad. At the same time, they hated Gu Bingyan even more!

Zhuge Yuehua said: "It's already dawn, go back to sleep! Now that Xiao Jiu and Xi Ran have both found it, it's a good thing, they can do whatever they want in the future, and they can be with whomever they like. They are going to get married, and our maiden brothers just need to be there whenever they need it!"

The three of them bowed their heads and did not speak. Finally, they walked away crying!

As soon as my sister was found, she was snatched away and wanted to cry!

Lu Haoting carried Gu Yunxi back to the room, helped her take a bath, changed into comfortable pajamas and put them on the bed. The little girl was really happy today, she drank a little too much, and she slept soundly at this time.

After Lu Haoting finished packing himself, he lay beside her and looked at her. The attitude of Zhuge Yuehua just now finally... let him breathe a sigh of relief!

Yunxi has a family, and he still cares about her so much, which makes him very happy, his baby, the regret in his heart can finally be eliminated.

Tang Yu is back, Xiaofeng's mother is not dead, all this is perfect!

The only thing that worries him is Yunxi's identity. These brothers are not simple, and they treat Yunxi as a treasure. What if they have to take Yunxi back?

He has raised a girl for so many years, how could he be willing to give it to others?

And Zhuge Yuehua's attitude just now made him understand that Yunxi should still belong to him, and they would not rob him.

After a night of trouble, Lu Haoting was also tired, the big stone in his heart was put down, and he fell asleep with Gu Yunxi in his arms!

Everyone slept until noon before waking up. After Lu Haoting woke up, Gu Yunxi didn't wake up until after washing up. Seeing that it was noon, he also woke up.

When the two went downstairs, they saw Zhuge Yuehua standing in front of the TV in the living room, staring at the TV with cold eyes.

Tang Yu brought Tang Feng down just in time, followed by Ye Fan with Dudu, and Liu Xingchi also went downstairs.

It was almost time for lunch, and everyone came out.

Seeing this situation, everyone looked at each other, quickly went downstairs, and took a closer look, only to realize that something major happened!

On the TV, a news was being reported, very, very hot, about Gu Yunxi.

In the picture, it is the scene of Chen Xianglan being hospitalized in the hospital. She told the reporter that it was Gu Yunxi who pushed her down the stairs and fell and injured her. After that, she ran away by herself and was seriously injured. She was still in the underground parking lot by herself. Xi is murder, and she has already called the police.

This is simply shocking news in the entertainment industry!

The reporters went crazy and went to the hospital one after another, and the corridors were blocked by them.

"Ms. Shen, are you sure that Gu Yunxi pushed you? Is it because of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?"

Chen Xianglan said angrily, "What is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? I'm not her mother-in-law, and she will never want to marry into the Lu family in her life. She is not worthy of such a vicious woman!"

"I went to talk to her, but she was going to kill me because I didn't agree with her marrying in. My Lu family can't bear this kind of woman. This time, I will never let her go."

What Chen Xianglan said was too simple and direct, she didn't need the reporters to continue the interview, she said everything the reporters wanted to know.

In the TV screen, it can be seen that Chen Xianglan was very angry. She was seriously injured, her head was covered with gauze, her face was pale, and she was lying on the hospital bed weakly.

And next to her, was her husband, Lu Qingbo!

Lu Qingbo also told reporters that the Lu family would never want a female star like Gu Yunxi, who has a vicious mind and wants to marry into a wealthy family.

As soon as this news came out, it really detonated the whole network.

This time, it is more popular than any time before. Gu Yunxi's name has successfully reached the top of the nation. Now, everyone in the whole country knows her.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Cinderella marrying into a wealthy family, female stars climbing Gaozhi, etc. are all topics that everyone likes to discuss the most.

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