The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 905 take you to see the dress

She gritted her teeth and said, "I'm the eldest daughter-in-law of the Lu family. Your daughter actually did such a thing. It's fine if she doesn't come to apologize to me, but she even came to question me. With a mother like you, it's no wonder you raised such an uneducated person. daughter!"

Gu Bingyan smiled, "You said Yunxi wanted to kill you, is there any evidence? What reason does she have to kill you?"

"I still know about my rich wife! Even if the matter is false, Yunxi's reputation will be ruined even if the matter is not clear!"

"I think you did it on purpose. It was just a bitter trick. The purpose was to stink Yunxi's reputation and make the Lu family give up on her, right?"

Chen Xianglan's face suddenly stiffened. To be honest, she has never done such a big thing in her life. Now that she is doing it for the first time, she is indeed a little empty in her heart.

Gu Bingyan smiled and said, "Why, don't you dare to speak? It seems that I was the one who said it?"

Chen Xianglan said angrily, "Get out of here, I warn you, no matter how much you say, it's useless, I won't agree to such an actor as Gu Yunxi marrying into the Lu family, don't even dream about it!"

Gu Bingyan's face changed, "With your kind of virtue, you're still a wealthy wife? I don't think it's very good. The Lu family can let a woman like you come out and make a fool of yourself. This family education is really embarrassing!"

"Chen Xianglan, don't you know how much you have? You are struggling here, let me tell you, the daughter of mine, who is in the east, doesn't look down on your Lu family. Just your virtue, that Lu family is not very good. Like, hum! Don't ask my daughter to marry her in the future!"

After Gu Bingyan finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"You...stop...stop for me..."

This kind of disdainful insult completely irritated Chen Xianglan. She has been oppressed all these years, and she has never defeated anyone. Now she has finally found an opportunity to beat Gu Yunxi to the ground. The media has already scolded Gu Yunxi as a dog. Her head was covered in blood, but this Gu Bingyan even ran up to her and shouted, it's no wonder she wasn't angry!

What Gu Bingyan wanted was for her to be angry, and she deliberately intensified the conflict, so that the Lu family would not want Gu Yunxi even if it was for their own sake!

This time, she wanted to see, what would happen to the eldest grandson of the Lu family who had been protecting Gu Yunxi this time?


The reporters stared straight at Gu Bingyan, this Gu Yunxi's mother is really tough! Did this happen right away?

"Ms. Gu, Ms. Gu, have you and your daughter made up your mind? You will never marry into the Lu family in the future?"

"Yes, yes! Where's Gu Yunxi? Why hasn't she made a statement? Will she not marry into the Lu family?"

"Ms. Gu, is it very distressing that your daughter is so disliked by others? Will you find a better husband's family for her in the future? Do you have to find a top-tier wealthy family?"


Gu Bingyan stood in front of the reporters with a face full of protection for her daughter, "Yunxi has suffered a lot since she was a child, and now she meets such a mother-in-law, I will never let her jump into the fire pit and suffer, so This Lu family will never marry!"

"Yunxi has been very sad for the past two days and has been staying at home. She suffered a lot when she was a child, so she dreams of marrying into a wealthy family and will no longer have to worry about life in the future. She worked hard for so long and failed to succeed, which hit her hard. , I decided to let her rest at home for a while."

"As for Yunxi's future husband's family, of course, it is a top-level wealthy family. I already have a candidate, and I will let Yunxi come out as soon as possible, everyone can rest assured!"

After that, she left!

And the reporters were stunned by the news one after another!

Fog grass!

What does this mean?

Just these few words, it's enough for the major reporters to go back and play for several days, and every sentence is a headline!

Soon, the overwhelming reports came out, and Gu Bingyan even found a next home for Gu Yunxi. It seems that this Lu family is absolutely impossible!

The Internet was so lively that some fans felt that Gu Bingyan was supporting Gu Yunxi and praised her for being a good mother, strong and handsome!

However, some people find it strange, thinking that Gu Bingyan's sitting seems strange!

At this time, Gu Yunxi and Lu Haoting came out. Lu Haoting was going to send Yunxi to the company first and deal with Chen Xianglan himself. He drove down the street and found that many TV commercials were about Gu Yunxi. , was everywhere, Lu Haoting looked at the contents, his eyes were cold, and he parked his car outside the door of a shopping mall.

Gu Yunxi was stunned, "Why?"

Lu Haoting said: "Mr. Tang wants to recognize you as his granddaughter, the banquet is already set, so naturally we need a dress. When I was preparing for the wedding, I saw a lot of dresses, here is a beautiful dress, I will take you to order one. It's just the right time to wear it at a banquet."

"Now?" Gu Yunxi was surprised.

"Well! Let's go!"

Lu Haoting took a long leg, got out of the car, came to Gu Yunxi's side, opened the car door for her, and pulled Gu Yunxi out, who was still a little confused.

"Let's go! It's just on the way, let's go and have a look! I've been looking at that dress for a long time, you must be beautiful in it!"

Lu Haoting took Gu Yunxi into the shopping mall. First, he went to a milk tea shop and ordered a cup of iced milk tea for Gu Yunxi. The clerk there was a little beauty. Seeing Gu Yunxi behind Lu Haoting, he suddenly screamed. ,"what……"

Gu Yunxi was startled!

Good night!

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