The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 907 Pet! go to the extreme pet 2

Looking at the little girls around, all of them looked at him with bright eyes and anticipation. The phone was shooting all the time, just waiting for him to give an answer.

Lu Haoting smiled. Although he had a mask on his face, his eyes were clearly smiling. He hugged Gu Yunxi tightly, just like many young couples in front of him. .

"Aren't we okay? Who said we're breaking up?"

"Ah ah ah..." The girls around screamed excitedly.

"Really not? Then why doesn't your mother like Yunxi?"

"Your mother won't break up with Yun Xi even if she opposes you, right?"

"You will protect Yunxi, right?"

"Don't break up! How nice you are!"


Lu Haoting said: "It won't be divided. My aunt really doesn't like Yunxi, but it's not as serious as you said. I took Yunxi to meet her parents during the Chinese New Year. My grandparents like her very much. There will never be a breakup."

"Ah, ah, that's great, great!"

"When will you be married?"

I don't know who shouted, everyone was stunned, and the surroundings suddenly became silent, all of them stared at Lu Haoting with wide eyes, looking at him eagerly, hoping he could give an answer!

Lu Haoting glanced at Gu Yunxi, his eyes were obviously meant to be said.

Gu Yunxi felt that it was a little too high-profile, and she pulled Lu Haoting uncomfortably, "No... not good! This..."

It's too high-profile, and she's not used to it. Although, in the heart of a girl, she definitely likes to be spoiled by her husband to announce their relationship to the world, especially now that she is being questioned by Chen Xianglan and Lu Qingbo's so-called parents-in-law maintenance, but...

She was still not used to it.

When dealing with Lu Haoting, she had always wanted to keep a low profile and low-key, but...she had maintained a low-key image for so long, and his Weibo was all broken!

Now, it is estimated to be in the headlines again!

Gu Yunxi lowered her head, a little shy, a little sweet, and a little... worried, I don't want to be so high-profile!

In short, the contradiction is to die for!


Lu Haoting was overjoyed, this girl's little daughter's thoughts came out again, yes, it seems that he has been spoiled by him during this period of time, and she has become more and more cute!

In the past, this girl was too rational, especially when it came to dealing with him, she had always been cautious. How could she have such a way of talking about love?

Aren't they all impulsive, bloody, crazy?

Lu Haoting put his arm around Gu Yunxi's shoulder and said to the crowd with the other, "The wedding is already under preparation. It will be held at the end of the year at the earliest and at the beginning of next year at the latest!"

This is definitely the most neat and tidy star they've ever seen. Oh my god, this answer is so hilarious!

There is no ambiguity at all, there is no ambiguity at all, I have met my parents, my grandparents agree, the wedding is in preparation, and it is almost the second half of the year, and I will get married!

Ouch, ooh, this is so clear hahahaha!

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Oh oh congrats!"


"Congratulations, congratulations! Growing old!"

"Born your son early!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

There was a burst of laughter around, everyone was happy and ridiculed!

No fans would be unhappy seeing their idols so protected.

After talking about what everyone wanted to know the most, after taking the milk tea, Lu Haoting was ready to take Gu Yunxi away.

But they came to see the dresses, and that store was still going.

There were a lot of people around, but it was not that difficult for Lu Haoting to take Gu Yunxi away.

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