The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 909 The male god has never let us down!

Who said that being a star has to be a lifetime?

Who said that being a star has to be popular for a lifetime?

Under such conditions as Gu Yunxi, she can become popular when she wants to be popular, when she wants to be popular, and when she doesn't want to be popular, the Lu family will naturally have a way to reduce her popularity. After a long time, her fans will not be able to. So crazy.

Maybe when you mention her, everyone will remember and know her, but it's completely different from the top traffic in the entertainment industry.

Without the popularity, there will be no media tracking and reporting, and her life will return to the peace of ordinary people.

With their current conditions, it is actually very simple to do this.

Therefore, Lu Haoting doesn't care about the so-called high-profile, because if he wants to be high-profile, he can be high-profile, and if he wants to be low-key, he can immediately be low-key!

A smile appeared on Gu Yunxi's face, and he stared at Lu Haoting with bright eyes.

Lu Haoting was overjoyed, "Aren't you particularly moved? Do you really want to... give me a hug?"

Gu Yunxi: "..."

She looked at Lu Haoting and nodded greatly!

Lu Haoting laughed and pulled her into his arms, "Silly girl! This is touching? What is this? I found that you girls are so coaxing."

Gu Yunxi raised her head, "Then it will be harder for me to coax me in the future?"

Lu Haoting raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Okay, no matter how difficult it is to coax you, I will definitely coax you into a happy mood."

"Let's go, I'll take you back first."



The two left, but at this time, the Internet has been blown up by these videos!

"Hahahahahahaha..." Someone matched the video of Gu Yunxi and Lu Haoting together, but didn't say anything, it was just the endless chattering hahaha!

"Yunxi is getting married!"

"Some trolls, slap in the face?"

"Lord Male God did not disappoint us, Yun Xi and brother bodyguard are getting married!"


Because there were a lot of people at the scene, most of them were holding their mobile phones, and Lu Haoting and Gu Yunxi had been there for a long time, and everyone had enough time to prepare and react, so basically everyone present had a lot of videos.

All kinds of videos from all angles have been posted on the Internet, both long and short, and even some people have posted high-definition full versions, and there are more than one full version, there are several full versions!

Once this video came out, it was definitely hot enough!

One second, Gu Yunxi was displeased by her husband's family, and the news that her mother came to the door to fall out between the two families is still in the crazy reports.

Obviously sweet!

Obviously very pampered!

"Ahhh dog food! This is the sweetest dog food I've ever eaten!"

"Oh my god, Lord God is too cool!"

"Hey! Brother bodyguard never let us down!"

"Fogcao, Wucao! It appeared directly! This slap in the face..."

"Wait and be envious, the male god has posted on Weibo! Go and see!"


Everyone immediately rushed to Lu Haoting's Weibo to watch, and found that Lu Haoting had indeed posted a Weibo.

"I have met my parents during the Chinese New Year. My grandparents, uncles, aunts, and younger brothers like it very much. The wedding is already under preparation.

Below is a side view of Gu Yunxi sitting in the car, without looking at the camera, but with a sweet smile!

The clothes on his body are obvious, just the clothes in the mall just now, and it can be seen that they are just after they were photographed.

Such a high-profile and clear reply was like giving Gu Yunxi's fans a super boost, making them completely crazy!


"Master Male God will never let us down! Love you to death!"

"This is my favorite couple, bar none!"

"This is the warmest boyfriend I've ever seen. I'm so envious!"

"You want to lie to me about falling in love again!"

"It's obviously done on purpose, actress!"

"Yes, yes, it's just acting, and there will be a wedding soon! The trolls are looking forward to it!"

"Looking carefully at this content, it seems that the whole family likes Yunxi very much, but the mother-in-law doesn't like it!"

"Probably the parents don't like it!"

"It doesn't matter, it should be grandparents in charge!"

"The big family is the old-fashioned boss!"


Originally, Lu Haoting was going to take Gu Yunxi to the hospital to see Chen Xianglan, but now, he has changed his mind.

Since the other party is shameless, he will make them lose face completely!

Lu Haoting directly sent Gu Yunxi home, while himself, went to the study.

When the news of Lu Haoting and Gu Yunxi broke out, not only Chen Xianglan and Lu Qingbo were dumbfounded, but even Gu Bingyan was completely dumbfounded!

"How could this be?" She stared at the computer screen and couldn't believe those words.

She had already pretended to be Gu Yunxi's own mother to reject the Lu family, and she had scolded the Lu family for being that virtuous. Why would Lu Haoting stand up to support Gu Yunxi?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the two of them break up without breaking up?

"How could this be? How could this be?"

Gu Bingyan screamed, feeling that her conspiracy and tricks were completely useless on Gu Yunxi.

She had only experienced this feeling of powerlessness twice in her life.

Once, facing Gu Yunxi's father, and the other time, facing Tang Weiguo!

Both of them are such excellent men, so fascinated her, but they both have women they like. She spent so much effort to destroy them and create misunderstandings, but in the end, these two people just didn't follow her calculations. come.

No matter how she arranged it, the other party always believed in each other and could not be separated!

It's too late tonight, go to bed first! I'll make it up tomorrow, okay?

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