The Rebirth of the Giants

920 Suspension and House Arrest 3

A person like Lu Qingbo, who has no support in the Lu family, and who has no ability, dares to do such an outrageous thing, and the amount is so large, he really underestimates him.

No wonder the old man made such a big fire!

Lu Haoting said: "I was beaten hard, and now I am recovering from my injuries in the confinement room in the backyard. This time the Shen family is completely over. Her two older brothers will stay in prison and will not come out. The two sisters-in-law are equally guilty. As for Shen Qingmei, what she has committed is no small matter, and she will not be released from prison for ten or eight years."

As for whether it can last ten years, and whether the people who worked with her before will let her live for ten years, that's not something he should worry about!

However, Lu Haoting didn't tell Gu Yunxi that they were all irrelevant people, and they were not necessary at all.

Both Chen Xianglan and Lu Qingbo had skin injuries, and they were sent to the confinement room to find a doctor to treat the wounds. They woke up at night. Although they were in severe pain, their consciousness was clear.

Chen Xianglan has been in the Lu family for so long, and this is the first time she has suffered like this, and she kept shouting and screaming in pain.

On Lu Qingbo's side, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He thought that this was the punishment for him now, and that after receiving this punishment, he would be able to go out.

Anyway, he is the son of the old man and the old lady, no matter what, the second old man will not treat them like that.

As a result, the old man really didn't do anything to him at that time, but he only waited for one day. The next night, the old man asked the doctor to come over and examine them thoroughly again.

"How are they?"

Old Man Lu stood outside the iron gate, looking at his son and daughter-in-law inside.

The doctor next to him respectfully said: "Master, they are all fine. Although the injuries look serious, they are all skin injuries. They have been bandaged with medicine, and the wounds will heal soon."

The old man understood and nodded, "Okay, you can leave now."

The old man gestured to the servant next to him, and the servant immediately sent the doctor out when he saw it.

It was already dark at the moment, the lights were very dim here, and the old man Lu stood there, staring at Lu Qingbo who was in the room, and he didn't know if he could see clearly.

Knowing that his father was outside, Lu Qingbo screamed even more miserably. He struggled to reach the iron gate and looked at the old man Lu, "Dad, you were beaten and punished, so you can calm down, okay? I'm hurt! Let me out!"

Mr. Lu stood outside, looking at this son, with this tone, he didn't even know how to repent!

The old man Lu said: "What you did this time has violated the bottom line of the Lu family. Boss, you don't need to go back to your work. I have arranged the future for the two of you."

"On Beishan, our family has a villa. The environment there is very good, and it is the most suitable for cultivating the mind. In the future, the two of you can live there! I will send someone to watch you. come out."

"Come here, prepare the car and take them to Beishan Villa."

After speaking, Mr. Lu turned around and left directly.

Lu Qingbo was stunned there!

Beishan Villa?

There are no companies under the Lu family's name, and nothing about business operations, but there are still quite a few of these real estates.

After all, it has been passed down for several generations, and the Lu family has a lot of wealth, but most of them are real estate.

Beishan is a small hill in the north of the imperial capital. It has a beautiful environment and is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

The Lu family has a villa over there, and it's very big. It has everything in it. If it's a vacation, it's really wonderful.

But right now, Mr. Lu obviously didn't want them to go on vacation.

Chen Xianglan stopped shouting at this time, and quickly got up and moved to Lu Qingbo's side, "Beishan Villa? What did Dad ask us to do there?"

Lu Qingbo didn't speak, he couldn't believe it, it would never be what he imagined.

"Dad...Dad...Dad what do you mean? Dad..."

Lu Qingbo shook the iron door with all his might like crazy, calling out to Mr. Lu who had left in front of him.

The old man Lu stopped and did not look back, but the voice came over.

"That's what you think, your work will stop now, and you and your wife will live in the Beishan villa in the future. Without my order, you are not allowed to step out of the villa!"

Mr. Lu didn't look back and left directly.

Suspension and house arrest, a certainty!

"No...Dad...Dad...You can't be like this, you can't be so heartless, I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong, you forgive me? I don't dare, I don't dare anymore, Dad... Dad …”

Lu Qingbo shouted in despair and panic beside him, which made Chen Xianglan come back to his senses.

"'s impossible..."

Grandma Lu and Lu Haoyu stood at the back, looking at the appearance of the two, Grandma Lu was also very sad. Of course, she felt bad for her own son, who ended up in middle age.

But he felt distressed, and he had to suffer this punishment.

Grandma Lu covered her face and left crying.

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