The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 922 In the future, can I walk sideways?

No matter how hard Lu Qingbo and Chen Xianglan struggled, in the end, they were taken away.

The shouting was heard by the surrounding families, and everyone knew that the Lu family had fallen.

It wasn't that he was beaten down by other houses, but Lu Haoting, the future heir, took care of his parents himself.

They also have a young son. Lu Haoyu is only fifteen years old this year. It seems that he can't fight against Lu Haoting.

Lu Haoyu went back to his room, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the black sky outside. He knew that at this time, many people must be thinking about the Lu family. Maybe, he, the most isolated grandson, was right there with everyone. in the calculation.

Lu Haoyu sneered, an inexplicable viciousness appeared on his tender little face, indifference and frightening!


Gu Yunxi just listened to the matter of Lu Qingbo's couple, but he didn't care if he passed his ears.

She is now looking forward to Tang Yu's affairs.

Holding the computer, he ran to Lu Haoting and said with a smile, "Did you tell Grandpa Tang about Tang Yu? When will we meet?"

Lu Haoting turned to look at her and said with a smile: "It is true, the old man is very happy. At present, he has decided to meet him in Jingshui Bay. The old man said, if you want, you should continue to hold the marriage banquet. He really wants to meet him. You fucking granddaughter."

"Now that I know the relationship between Xiaofeng's mother and you turned out to be cousins, I'm even happier. I'm going to announce Tang Yu's identity directly at the family recognition banquet."

Gu Yunxi said: "It's so easy? Just announce it? Is there any problem in the middle? Tang Yu was... gone for so long back then, why did he come back this time?"

A person who was declared dead back then suddenly came back alive, and there was no news for eight years. There must be an explanation, right?

Lu Haoting smiled, "For this, I have to thank eldest brother. Your eldest brother is willing to prove it to him. What else can I say?"

Gu Yunxi's eyes widened, "Big... Big Brother? The identity of Big Brother..."

Lu Haoting smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you, the country of your eldest brother, in fact, everyone at the top of the country knows it? There are many people in the world who know this secret, but ordinary people don't know it."

"Now that he told the old leader in person, who wouldn't believe it?"

Gu Yunxi: "..."

Big brother is just... super awesome!

Seeing her shocked look, Lu Haoting smiled and said, "What? Are you surprised? People in the world who know this secret know that your eldest brother has advanced technology and is a very mysterious and powerful place. Now your eldest brother has come to prove it to him in person. Identity, is there anyone who dares to doubt it?"

Gu Yunxi: "..."

A few people at the top know, and then they will announce Tang Yu's return immediately. The people below don't need to explain. Anyway, everyone above has acquiesced. Those people, with a little wink, know what to ask and what not to ask. As for those who don't Winking ... no wink can't get in this position. "

Gu Yunxi burst out laughing!

This can be, very strong, big brother!

Gu Yunxi hurriedly leaned over and pointed at his nose, "What about me? What about me? Did my eldest brother tell me about my identity? Am I already pretty cool now?"

Lu Haoting: "..."

Lu Haoting rubbed her head and rubbed Gu Yunxi's wave into a mess, "Your brother's short guard, even Tang Yu has been guarded, how can he be without you?"

"Oye!" Gu Yunxi screamed, "Then can I walk sideways in the future?"

Lu Haoting: "..."

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