The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 926 Familiar pain!

"Mmmmm..." Everyone immediately nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice, and they looked very good!

"Be obedient, don't make trouble, I'll let you all come in." Lu Haoting said.

When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly brightened.

"Okay, okay! We are obedient and we will never make trouble!"

"Yes, yes, no trouble, no trouble, absolutely no trouble!"

Lu Haoting gave the shop assistants a wink, and they immediately opened the door obediently and let these little girls in.

Lu Haoting said a few words to a clerk next to him, and the clerk immediately went to arrange it.

I brought a few people to arrange these little girls in the open area next to them, took chairs and placed them in the rest area on the other side for them to sit, and also moved a few small tables in front of them as instructed, and served a cup of coffee each.

Unexpectedly, there is such a treatment, and the girls suddenly widened their eyes.

"Anything like that?"

Several people were amazed!

Lu Haoting said, "Fan welfare!"

Everyone immediately smiled!


It's all high-end here! Top luxury brands, they didn't even enter the gate before, but they came in today, blowing the air conditioner and drinking the coffee here...


Everyone was excited and quickly took pictures and sent them to the circle of friends. Maybe Yaya will have this chance in this life!

Sorry for not showing off.

When Gu Yunxi changed his clothes and came out, he was stunned to see so many people!

Lu Haoting got up and straightened her skirt, "They're all your fans. They're all watching outside and refusing to leave. It's too hot outside, so I'll let them in!"

Gu Yunxi smiled and waved at them, "Hello!"


Fans are dying of excitement, this kind of thing is really rare.

Powerful fan!

The video has been filmed all the time. We media is too powerful these days. These people are almost equivalent to live broadcast simultaneously, because the video has been spread out soon.

Gu Yunxi was wearing a simple wedding dress, but it was actually more like a simple little dress.

White, tube top, long straps on the shoulders tied into bows, the whole skirt is very slim, without a tall and slender figure, it is not beautiful at all.

The hem of the skirt is transparent, and then there are several layers of veil on it, which is very beautiful!

"This is my favorite, this style is so beautiful!"

Although not as grand as the first two, Gu Yunxi likes this one the most.

"I'm going to find a designer to order two of this style, and change the color. This one can be worn normally."

Lu Haoting smiled and said, "It's fine if you like it. Customize as many as you like. If you like it, set each color again."

Gu Yunxi is happy!

After being beautiful for a while, she went to change her clothes. As a result, just a few steps away, Gu Yunxi froze.


With a light hum, she stopped, and involuntarily bent down slightly, covering her stomach with her hands.

The clerk who was supporting her jumped down, "Miss Gu?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Haoting hurried over to hug her when he saw something was wrong.

But at this moment, Gu Yunxi's mind was blank, and his face was extremely pale.

It feels so familiar!

Countless pains in the past life, the feeling carved into the bone marrow, how could it be... how could it be...

"Ah..." The intense pain suddenly spread from the lower abdomen to all the limbs, especially the lower abdomen, Gu Yunxi screamed and could hardly stand.


Lu Haoting was startled, he hugged her tightly, and saw that she had been bent over and lowered her head, only to realize that on the white and cold floor, bright red blood kept dripping...

Good night! Early today haha! When you're done with work later, try to go to bed earlier, alright!

Remember I am a mother! Hey!

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