The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 930 Hahaha, what a pity, you failed again!

Gu Bingyan's face had miraculously turned bad, which fully showed a mother's disappointment and despair towards her daughter. She roared and rushed over to reach out to slap Gu Yunxi in the face, but Lu Haoting stopped her with the other hand and grabbed it. Before Gu Yunxi's hair could be pulled, Lu Haoting suddenly grabbed his wrist and folded his backhand!



This time, Gu Bingyan was really unprepared, this time against Gu Yunxi, it was her last move, and it was also a nirvana!

When the doctor found out such a result, Gu Yunxi would never be able to turn over, she would be ruined, she would be abandoned by everyone, and everyone would yell and beat her like a rat crossing the street.

This time, her calculations were flawless. She was excited for several days and didn't fall asleep. When the poison finally broke out, she couldn't wait.

In the end, he was too excited and obsessed. He wanted to beat Gu Yunxi fiercely and vent the anger in his heart. In the end, Lu Haoting grabbed his wrist, folded his backhand, and clicked. break.

Lu Haoting looked at her with a murderous look in his eyes. Those eyes were scarlet. He broke Gu Bingyan's wrist, raised his foot, and kicked Gu Bingyan's stomach with a savage kick. Yan kicked and flew out.


The surrounding screams were endless, Gu Bingyan's body was like a kite with a broken string, and flew directly from Gu Yunxi's hospital bed to the crowd.


Gu Bingyan hit the wall next to her, and fell on the trash can when she fell to the ground. , stared at Lu Haoting with wide eyes.

She has been beaten in such a place all her life. Apart from Tang Weiguo, this Lu Haoting is the only one!

Not to mention Gu Bingyan, the jaws of the onlookers were shocked. The whole scene was stunned, hiding, and dumbfounded. Some people were in a half-squatting position and just kept looking at the ground in a state of confusion. Gu Bingyan.

Everyone's eyes were dull and slowly turned to look at Lu Haoting on the other side...

Lying down... in the trough! Even the mother-in-law beating?

What the hell are you hitting so hard?

Broken wrist and kicked flying?

Are they dreaming? Is this picture real?

No wonder they are so dumb!

Everything that happened in front of them was completely beyond their cognition. Is this world a fantasy?

Gu Yunxi's situation is obviously to put a green hat on a man, shouldn't it be time to stage a routine drama where a rich and powerful boy is deceived and injured, and a scumbag is in disrepute and kneels down to beg for forgiveness?

Who can tell them that all of this is a miracle?

The middle-aged beauty next to her was also stunned for a long time before she finally regained her senses and said angrily, "Lu Haoting, why are you crazy?"

Lu Haoting just glanced at her, then turned his eyes.

At this time, Gu Yunxi in his arms finally reacted.

She stretched out her head and looked at Gu Bingyan on the ground.

She knew that Gu Bingyan must have neglected to take precautions because she was too excited to be tricked. This woman's force value is not low. If she hadn't been unprepared, she would not have been injured so badly by Brother Hao Ting, and now she can't even get up. .

Gu Yunxi slowly left Lu Haoting's embrace, slowly...getting out of bed!

She is still wearing that white and dreamy high-definition gauze skirt, layered and transparent, surrounded by light gauze, beautiful cake skirt, wearing a slender and tall body, she is really very beautiful.

However, at this moment, the top of the skirt was dyed red, full of blood!

Her feet fell on the ground, but at this moment, her body was actually still a little sore, especially in the lower abdomen, she was still covering her stomach with one hand, but she still came to Gu Bingyan step by step.

Looking at Gu Bingyan's hatred and unwilling eyes on the ground, Gu Yunxi suddenly smiled, sneering, very proud, completely a winner's smile.

"You...are jealous of me?"

"See? This is the people around me, whether it's friends or lovers, they just believe me. Are you jealous? Are you unwilling? This is your last resort, right?"

"Hahaha, what a pity, I failed again, hahaha!"

Gu Yunxi's laughter made Gu Bingyan almost crazy, "Shut up! Shut up, shut up for me, ah, ah, don't laugh... Shut up..."

Gu Yunxi looked at Gu Bingyan on the ground, her smile was so bright and beautiful, "How can you shut up? I will keep smiling, Gu Bingyan, I will make you live a hundred years, and let you go to For the rest of your life, watch carefully, how my parents, as well as me and Lu Haoting, are so affectionate and loving that we are full of children and grandchildren, hahahaha..."

Gu Bingyan's face turned purple, " have no chance, you have no chance in this life!"

Gu Yunxi smiled, "Is it because of the poison on my body?"

Gu Bingyan was stunned!

Gu Yunxi's smile carried a strong sarcasm: "I only know now that this poison came to me when I was born. My grandfather has been really... well-intentioned over the years!"

Gu Bingyan was stunned, "You... what did you say? How did you know?"

Good night!

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