The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 934 What about now? Can you cure it?

The corridor of the hospital was crowded with people, but when Lu Haoting passed by, all of them gave way. He hugged Gu Yunxi and left without any hindrance.

The crowd has been staring at him, this tall man, the image at this moment really shocked these people.

With so many cameras pointed at him, in today's era of so developed self-media, it can be called a synchronous live broadcast.

You must know that among these people, a large part of them were specially arranged by Gu Bingyan to make Lu Haoting get rid of Gu Yunxi in a rage!

After the picture was exposed, there was a lot of noise on the Internet!

Most female netizens feel that Lu Haoting is a real man, and Gu Yunxi has found the right person. This pair is true love!

But there are also many people who think that Lu Haoting is just acting, and the doctor said that, there is absolutely no falsehood, but he just can't let himself down, so he just won't admit it!

"A group of naive women, do you think he really believes in Gu Yunxi? A man's idea tells you that as long as he is a man, he will mind his girlfriend's past and be diagnosed with this result. With such a family background as the Lu family, Gu Yunxi will Don't think about it for the rest of your life!"

"You fart, Lu Shao said very clearly, Gu Yunxi was raised by him, and this time it was framed, your brother Diaosi, only an idiot like you will be played around and show your IQ here."

"It's just funny, what kind of lintel is the Lu family? Is that doctor stupid? He dares to slander Gu Yunxi?"

"These naive women don't believe it! What kind of love do they believe in, tsk tsk tsk! If you don't believe it, look at it, the so-called wedding is definitely far away, and it will definitely break up after a long time."

"What kind of relationship does a rich family have, it's all for use. Gu Yunxi's beautiful family has only played for a few years, so marrying at a young age is a liar?"

"Keyboard warriors shut up for me, I'm a scumbag, don't think that all men are as scumbags as you, this young master Lu has appeared every time since he was exposed to protect his girlfriend, you scumbags don't deserve to be compared with him, I wish you a lifetime of bachelors!"

"This kind of scum must be a bachelor, whoever encounters it will be unlucky!"

"Don't break up! Never break up! Brother bodyguard, you have to trust Yun Xi! Be sure to find out, Yun Xi has no background. Many people who marry into the Lu family must be jealous. Someone framed her, Yun Xi must be innocent...don't break up..."

"Yunxi is so smart, he must be innocent. With such a male god husband, who can look down on others? Lord male god, you must be sober! Don't be calculated by others!"

"Yes, yes, yes! No matter what angle you think about Gu Yunxi, there is no need to fool around with other men. Please have seen a man like Young Master Lu. Who else can get into her eyes at this time? These people are rumors. We also need to get a more credible one, okay?"

"Hahaha, some scumbags are born to be sloppy in their bones, do you understand?"


There was a lot of noise on the Internet, and Gu Yunxi's fans were shouting, the male god comes out soon, the bodyguard brother comes out soon!

"Don't shout, people's attitude is clear enough, Yun Xi may be busy now when something happens!"

"Will your wedding continue?"

"Don't break up!"

"I won't break up, so you can't see the obvious maintenance?"


Lu Haoting hugged Gu Yunxi, and this time, instead of going to Jingshui Bay, let alone the Lu family's old house, he went directly to Zhuge Yuehua's manor villa.

When he arrived downstairs in the hospital, Zhuge Yuehua's car was already waiting.

Everyone got into the car, but Ye Fan and Liu Xingchi did not go. Zhuge Yuehua was not in the car, he was going to arrest Gu Bingyan, while Ye Fan and Liu Xingchi stayed by the side of the people they cared about.

Zhuge Yuehua will arrange for the person to protect, and Liu Xingchi will also arrange for the people on the Lu family's side to protect the people on their side.

Soon after arriving at the manor villa, Lu Haoting got off the car with Gu Yunxi in his arms. Gu Yunhan and the others were already ready.

"younger sister……"

Gu Yunxi looked at these people and smiled, "It's okay, I can't die!"

"What's going on?" Lu Haoting was very anxious and worried, but Gu Yunxi was in a bad mood before, and he kept silent, so he couldn't ask.

Gu Yunxi looked at him and smiled calmly, "Don't worry, I'm really fine, at least for the time being. My life will not be in danger for at least the next twenty years."

Lu Haoting frowned, saying this was not reassuring at all.

Gu Yunxi said: "My body was poisoned by Gu Bingyan when I was very young. It was very secretive and very advanced. I never found it before, not even the magic doctor system on my body. Everything I use to eat is tested and there is no problem, so when there is a problem with the body and bleeding, I will collapse!"

"Obviously I was so careful, but something happened!"

"Later, based on my symptoms, I studied it carefully for a while, and then I came to understand that this is a poison that I have been exposed to since I was a child, and my grandfather knew it. He has been suppressing this poison for me, but he is only studying it, not Detox for me, he is just suppressing the poison so that it doesn't explode, but he doesn't care that his method will make the poison worse."

"My situation today is just a physical abnormality caused by the change of the toxic outbreak. Most of the blood that flows from my body is women's menstrual blood, which has been pushed down in advance. What the doctor said is only superficial. The situation, on the surface, is indeed what he said, unless it is a particularly experienced and capable doctor to see that something is wrong, and it can only be found through a particularly careful examination."

"In an ordinary examination, the result is what the doctor said. The doctor was obviously bribed and deliberately emphasized in front of everyone, but if you ask someone to examine me, the result will be the same, unless the detailed examination, to Doctors would only say that they were inexperienced, misjudged, etc."

"Besides, I was diagnosed with this condition under normal circumstances, and there are so many reporters and people outside, will you still let me go? I have no chance to refute at all!"

Lu Haoting doesn't care about these conspiracies now, he only cares, "What about now? Can you cure it?"

Good night!

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