About Tang Yu, Lu Haoting had already told the old man Tang. After the old man found out, he had been waiting for the day to meet.

Tang Feng has been with Tang Yu for the past two days, and the old man has not asked.

Moreover, now that Zhuge Yuehua's identity has been exposed, and Gu Yunxi's identity has also been revealed by Zhuge Yuehua, Mr. Tang's rank naturally knows about these things.

So, he kept waiting.

The place to meet is in this manor villa. It's a big place. They all live here. Everyone is used to living together, and it's convenient to chat.

Lu Haoting personally went back to pick up Mr. Tang and Tang Weiguo.

To be honest, Tang Yu was still a little nervous. He stayed in the hall and was a little restless.

Seeing him like this, Gu Yunxi laughed and joked, "Don't worry, the old man will definitely like what you like. If you don't believe me, ask Xiaofeng, he is like the wind and the rain in the Tang family, the old man and Mr. Tang are both Treat him like a baby!"

"Now that you're back, the treatment will definitely be the same. You're so good, it's too late for the old man to be happy! Besides, he only has a grandson like you, I guess even if you're an ignorant dude, he likes you just as much, not to mention Say you are so good!"

Of course, Tang Yu was not nervous because he was not good. He knew that Gu Yunxi was just letting him relax, and nodded in response, "I see, I... just a little excited."

From childhood to adulthood, apart from Gu Xiran, only the brothers Lu Haoting made him feel some affection.

They have a deep friendship and are no different from relatives, but after all, they are not related by blood. He has not been loved by his family since he was a child, and the expectation in his heart is different.

What's more, this is the Tang family!

My idol of the year!

The idol in his heart suddenly became his grandfather and father, what does it feel like?

Tang Yuzheng was vacant, and outside, Mr. Tang's car had arrived.

During this period of time, the old man's body has been recuperated very well by Gu Yunxi, and he is in a good mood. With Tang Feng by his side to make him happy, his body has recovered a lot.

Legs, can also stand up and walk for a while.

When the car stopped, the old man couldn't wait for someone to open the door for him, so he opened the door and got out of the car impatiently.

Lu Haoting was startled, and hurried over to support the old man.

Over there, Liu Xingchi in the driver's seat also got out of the car, and Tang Weiguo, who was behind him, came out impatiently.

Ye Fan came with Tang Jin and Dudu too.

Hearing the sound of the car, Tang Yu couldn't help standing up and went out directly.

He had just walked a few steps, but in front of him, Mr. Tang had already entered with the help of Lu Haoting.

Seeing Tang Yu, the old man immediately stayed where he was.

Tang Yu was quite famous in the imperial capital back then. Both Old Master Tang and Tang Weiguo admired him very much. Tang Weiguo even thought about accepting him as a godson, and he had an inexplicably good impression on him.

Now that I see Tang Yu, even if I haven't seen him for so many years, the old man can still recognize him at a glance.

He stood there, squinting, looking straight at Tang Yu in front of him.

This appearance, this temperament, is exactly the same as the impression of him.

Eight years have passed, Tang Yu was in his early twenties at that time, and now, he even has a son.

The old man's eyes were immediately blurred by tears.


Tang Yu walked over quickly, and the old man directly hugged him.

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