The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 948 Gu Xiran's Magical Cooking Skill 2

Tang Yu smiled, "She's not very good at taking care of herself. When I met her, she could only feed herself, and she was always motivated to be a good wife and mother."

Gu Yunxi: "..."

Tang Feng: "It's a miracle that I can grow up!"

"No, my cooking skills are better than my mother's! When we used to escape outside, I often did the cooking, and my mother was responsible for it."

Gu Xiran wanted to cry a little, "Who said that, I... I've done a lot of work! Those fish, pheasants, and all kinds of prey were all called by me."

Tang Feng nodded, "Yes, my mother is good at this."

Tang Yu smiled and rolled up his sleeves, "I'll do it! What do you want to eat?"

Gu Xiran watched Tang Yu roll up his sleeves, the fingers of his hands were slender and the joints were clearly defined, which was very beautiful!

She was instantly intoxicated, and her eyes were attracted by Tang Yu's hands, "Meat!"

Tang Yu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Tang Yu stared at the incomparably delicate girl in front of her. This girl has not changed her hobbies for so many years?

Tang Feng: "Dad, my mother and I used to be poor! We can't have enough to eat, and we often go hungry. Eating meat is our dream."

He wants to save some face for his mother and arouse Baba's sympathy.

As a result, Gu Xiran didn't appreciate it at all.

"What do you know? Before you were born, when I was with your father, I liked to eat meat, and I couldn't eat enough every day."

Tang Feng: "..."

Seeing how Tang Yu was washing the ingredients and chopping vegetables, Gu Yunxi asked curiously, "Brother-in-law, can you cook? How is your cooking?"

Tang Yu used to have a very high status. Although he was behind in the birth of the imperial capital, he was helpless and capable!

Lu Haoting and Ye Fan, who were born at the top of the class, respected him as their eldest brother, which showed his ability.

It is rare for such a man to know how to cook.

Lu Haoting would too, and he did a good job.

Before Tang Yu could answer this, Gu Xiran hurriedly said, "He knows, cooking is delicious. Once, in order to be able to eat his cooking, I stopped eating my own roasted black meat all day long, almost I was about to make a promise to him, but it scared him away!"

Gu Yunxi: "..."


How did she think that everything that the two had had was so interesting?

Lu Haoting said, "Actually, I know how to cook, and it was taught by my eldest brother."


Gu Yunxi was surprised, and looked at Lu Haoting with a look of surprise, "Brother-in-law taught it?"

Lu Haoting nodded.

"At that time, Ye Fan and I were not very young. He was the eldest. He was free for a while. He was just learning to cook. Seeing that we never cook, he said that he was very jealous of us rich kids. Treat us a little bit, drag all of us to learn how to cook, and say that when you grow up, it's easier to find a daughter-in-law."

"He said that my personality is too cold and I don't like girls, Ye Fan is too proud, his nostrils are turned up all day, the fourth is too stupid and needs to learn some crafts, as for the fifth, it is more perfect, a typical warm man, but our brothers He has to learn everything, and he has to learn too.”

Gu Yunxi: "..."

Tang Yu touched his nose, thinking back then, it was so funny.

At that time, he brought this group of little radishes, and each one was more noble than the other, but they all called him big brother...

Also very obedient!

hey hey hey!

Liu Xingchi came over and took a sentence, "In the end, the elder brother and I were the only ones who learned it. The third brother barely knew a little bit, but he didn't do it for a few years and completely forgot about it. As for the fourth brother...cough...he almost exploded. After the kitchen, I was only responsible for eating.”

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