The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 971 Finale 22

At the beginning, I played at Tang's house, but was later taken by Gu Yunxi to Jingshuiwan Villa. The environment there is good, the scenery is excellent, there are mountains and waters. After listening to Gu Yunxi's friends, all of them joined the team. As for Lu Haoting and Tang Yu, their wife and children were not at home when Lu Haoting and Tang Yu returned home. Even this guy, Ye Fan, had a pitifully resentful look on his face!

Ye Fan's Office

Ye Fan was having a headache with the thick stack of documents and didn't want to work at all. When he saw Tang Yu and Lu Haoting coming over, he immediately asked for help: "Two big brothers, hurry up and feel sorry for my little brother."

The two rolled their eyes and sat on one side of the sofa, not at all conscious of being the eldest brother to take care of the younger brother.

Ye Fan was angry.

Lu Haoting: "They've all gone to play? They've gone one by one, leaving us old men still here?"

Ye Fan said aggrieved: "What can I do? The women said that they are all women and children, and they are a vulnerable group. We men are here to earn money to support our family, so that's why! They went to play together, and I was the only one suffering. Haha, managing the company here makes me mad."

Tang Yu patted his chest, took a sip of the coffee that Ye Fan's secretary brought in, and leaned on the sofa with a face full of enjoyment, "Oh, it's better to be a baby! Like me, I just came home, and my old man treats me like a baby. It's so comfortable to be a baby pet, don't let me do anything!"

Lu Haoting said ruthlessly, "If you continue to be a baby, your big cousin will probably bring his cousin home."

Tang Yu: "..."

Thinking of the big cousin who hated him, Tang Yu suddenly started to have a headache.

Ye Fan smiled, "You deserve it, let you squeak!"

Lu Haoting: "Luo Yuwei also went to play with Yunxi? Where has Xiao Wu been recently?"

Speaking of this, Ye Fan became angry.

"Yuwei did go. As for Xiao Wu... decorating the new house! He is about to get married!"

Tang Yu touched his chin, "I suddenly feel envious of Xiao Wu. Luo Yuwei doesn't have a family, and no one dislikes Xiao Wu. He just needs to coax his daughter-in-law well. They can be as romantic as they want."

"Didn't I say before that Luo Yuwei had no sense of security and was in no hurry to get married since she was a child? Renovating a new house so soon and preparing to get married?"

Ye Fan said: "Speaking of this, I have something to ask you?"

He looked at Lu Haoting and said, "The new house that Xiao Wu renovated is a high-rise residence in Qingcheng Shanshui. Although it is not a single-family villa, it is also 300 square meters! That place and Jingshuiwan are almost equivalent to neighbors. A set costs tens of millions, when did he become so rich?"

Lu Haoting thought for a while, "Oh! I remember, he seemed to have mentioned to me once before that he did a favor to a rich man, did he save the life of the rich man or the son of the rich man? Then that The rich man thanked him, and Xiao Wu just knew that the rich man had a house in Qingcheng, so he bought it from him."

"The development of Qingcheng Shanshui was earlier than Jingshui Bay. Didn't the construction stop for a period of time! Later, someone took over and continued to build. The price of Jingshui Bay is so high, and Qingcheng's price only increased later."

"The rich man bought it earlier. Xiao Wu bought it at the original price and only spent 7 million. He sold a house in the urban area and used the money to decorate it. He said yes... keep it. Live during our honeymoon with Yuwei."

Ye Fan: "..."

Now that the mansion is nearly 90 million, he bought it for 7 million. Is there any reason for this?

Ye Fan: "I also want to help the rich!"

Lu Haoting smiled, "I remember Xiao Wu said that the price difference was so big that the rich man was a little reluctant, but when he heard that he was my brother and you, he immediately agreed with a smile, and Xiao Wu was still chatting with me. , let me and you have to work hard and stay low so he can eat and drink all the time."

Ye Fan: "..."

Tang Yu: "..."

Lu Haoting turned his head to look at Tang Yu, "Now that there is a big brother Tang, Xiao Wu's life will be more nourishing!"

It's nice to have a cool back against a big tree!

Ye Fan glanced at the pile of documents on the table and was speechless!

Pushing the documents on the table, "I don't want to do it anymore, let's go and play with my daughter-in-law!"

Lu Haoting and Tang Yu looked at each other, heartbroken!

Lu Haoting: "Aren't you in a hurry?"

Ye Fan shook his head, "It's not in a hurry, I've already approved it if I'm in a hurry, and leave the rest to the vice president."

"My daughter-in-law has been running with my son for a few days, and I don't want to stay at home anymore!"

Lu Haoting: "..."

Tang Yu: "..."

Lu Haoting: "Tang Jin has liked you for so many years, but you are her belief! Did she just leave you for so many days?"

Ye Fan looked at Lu Haoting with a faint light, "She believes in your daughter-in-law more!"

Lu Haoting: "..."

"Pfft..." Tang Yu next to him spit out a sip of coffee.

Tang Jin is a very powerful designer. She is still very young. She can achieve her position and have a bright future in the future.

With such a huge group as Ye's group, they couldn't become a place for Tang Jin to play, but they wanted to hug Gu Yunxi's thigh, which made Ye Fan very depressed. However, the elder sister-in-law is a big brother who is even bigger than the big brother, and he can't fight, there is really no way.

Looking at Ye Fan, Lu Haoting raised his eyebrows proudly, "That means your daughter-in-law has vision."

Ye Fan: "..."

I packed up my things, "Let's go, call the fourth child, let's go out to play."

Lu Haoting said: "Since we want to play, let's take a vacation. Don't go to Jingshui Bay. We often go there. How about going to the beach in another place?"

Tang Yu didn't care, "I can go anywhere."

Lu Haoting nodded, "Then let's go to the beach! I have a villa overlooking the sea. I will call a plane to take everyone with me later. Let's go to Jingshui Bay to meet first."

Lu Haoting immediately called Gu Yunxi and asked them to prepare, "You don't need to bring too many things, there is everything over there, just bring some things that you can use with you. I will arrange for the plane to meet at Jingshui Bay later, tonight at Jingshui Bay. BBQ over there."

Gu Yunxi's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Okay! How long will we play?"

Hearing the little girl's happy voice, Lu Haoting smiled and said, "If you like it, just play for a few more days, play as long as you want, we will have lunch on the plane, I will let them slow down on the way, we can Take a look at the scenery on the plane."

Gu Yunxi's smile suddenly became brighter, "That's great, then I'll prepare, by the way... I've prepared for you too, bye!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Haoting smiled, Yunxi was obviously much happier recently than before.

Gu Yunxi received the news and immediately ran to tell a few girls.

Happy new year babies!

The new year has finally come, I have been organizing for a few days, and finally found some state, come up to take a bubble, and start to resume the update, every day at twelve o'clock in the morning, ah ah! Good night!

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