The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 973 Finale 24

Lunch is ready, and it's time to eat on the plane.

Two small private jets, loaded with everyone.

The plane crossed the lake and flew over the green mountains, overlooking the mountains and rivers from a high altitude.

Everyone gathered around the window and looked at the scenery below, Li Xintong was amazed!

"Oh, it's good to hang out with the big guys! I've never been on a private jet before!"

The Li family is considered a high class, but there is no private plane. This is the first time for Li Xintong to take a plane to see the scenery.

Beside Liang Chuxia and Jiang Xinlei, they stared at Han Xi while watching the scenery.

I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect that the male god Han Xi would come too!


Jiang Xinlei was a little bolder, and asked Han Xi with a blushing face: "Male god, what's your relationship with Boss Lu?"

She wanted to ask, why are you here?

This is a friend of Gu Yunxi and Lu Haoting. Everyone went out to play together. Han Xi even came here. It must be related, and the relationship seems to be quite unusual.

Oh my God!

What kind of fairy boyfriend did Yun Xi find?

Even the male god Han Xi can hang it?

The cold Han Xi glanced at Liang Chuxia next to her. The little girl stared at her with bright eyes, but her hand was holding Jiang Xinlei's wrist tightly. It seemed that the relationship was very good.

"Relationship!" Han Xi said concisely.

Jiang Xinlei and Liang Chuxia's eyes suddenly lit up, and the fire of gossip was burning.

"Kin... relatives? What kind of relatives? Are you his brother? Cousin or something?"

Han Xi and Lu Haoting don't have the same surname, and they certainly don't belong to the same family. The biggest possibility is their cousins.

Han Xi glanced at them, and this time, did not answer directly.

"I'll tell you later."


He didn't directly refuse, but he didn't say it clearly, and the two people who provoke them were scratching their heads in a hurry.

Jiang Minghan, who was not far away, bit his fork and stared at Jiang Xinlei, his face full of displeasure.

Ye Fan, who was peeling shrimp for his son next to him, glanced at him, and looked at Liu Xingchi, who was peeling shrimp for his girlfriend.


When the elder brother talked to Yunxi, this guy had a big prejudice against women. At that time, they also said that you should not fall on women in the future. I didn't expect it to take so long?

It is estimated to be fulfilled!

Ye Fan said quietly: "Fourth! Don't bite the fork! If you are in a bad mood, bite the knife, the knife is harder!"

A lot of western food was prepared at noon, and everyone used a knife and fork. Jiang Minghan now bit the fork in his mouth, almost deformed.

Jiang Minghan: "..."

He didn't realize what happened to him, and said a little depressedly: "You said, are girls all so crazy now? Chasing male stars is more enthusiastic than chasing boyfriends. What the hell is this?"

Liu Xingchi: "..."

Ye Fan: "..."

Lu Haoting on the other side looked up at him when he heard the words, and suddenly smiled, a little gloomy.

"What is a nympho? You don't know? Now many girls are chasing stars, not only chasing idols than chasing boyfriends, but sometimes! They just wish they could sleep with idols!"

"Pfft..." Liu Xingchi spit out a drink.

Big brother is worthy of being a big brother, ruthless enough!

Jiang Minghan, the Erha, hadn't figured out that these brothers were teasing him, and when he heard this, he suddenly became uneasy.

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