The Rebirth of the Giants

Chapter 985 Finale 36

Cheng Jin has also been on fire since "Princess of the Prosperity". This person is quite talented. Gu Yunxi got him to develop under the name of his own company. Giving him the position of best man this time is considered a compliment to him.

The main reason is that there will be many celebrities from all walks of life at the wedding banquet today, which can bring him to know many large investors.

He is handsome, and his characters are classic and lovable. Many little girls like him. When they see his car, several little girls who come to watch the fun want to climb on his car.

As a result, Jiang Xinlei pushed them all down one by one.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing? What are you doing? This is the car the bridesmaids are riding in. Do the bridesmaids understand?"

Gu Yunxi's identity is not dare to provoke people present, although many people do not know the origin of the Zhuge royal family behind her, but everyone knows that the big bosses at the top give her face.

I heard that the background is tougher than the Lu family. Who would dare to provoke such a person?

Anyone who can be a bridesmaid must have a very good relationship with the bride, so even if these famous ladies don't know Jiang Xinlei, when they hear that she is a bridesmaid, none of them dare to mess with her.

Jiang Xinlei was sitting in Cheng Jin's car alone, and Jiang Minghan, who was watching, gritted her teeth!

Gu Yunxi got on the sedan chair, and the whole team started to head towards the wedding venue. Because the distance is less than two kilometers in total, in order to facilitate the shooting of more images, the team walked very slowly, and some people did not Take the car and follow the team directly.

This is Jingshuiwan Scenic Area. The roads are spacious and the environment is beautiful, but few people come here. It is prepared for those rich people who live in the local area. Usually, people can occasionally see people doing morning exercises here.

Now that Lu Haoting and Gu Yunxi are married, the flowers and trees on both sides of the road are tied with festive red lanterns. At this time on the road, no one is looking for it, so the whole road is unobstructed.

At that time, there will be many people around to watch the fun, standing on the side of the road sticky and happy!

The bridegroom's team set off in front, the best man and the bridesmaids in the middle followed, the sedan chair was behind, and the caravan was behind, and some who didn't want to walk just sat in the car.

Six photographers and four drones filmed the whole process, and it took more than 40 minutes to arrive at the lakeside of the wedding venue.

The Huxin Pavilion, where the groom went first, was the largest venue, and the elders of the Lu family were already waiting here.

Gu Yunxi landed on the sedan chair, and Zhuge Yuehua took her by the hand and slowly sent her there. This is an artificial lake. The road leading to the Huxin Pavilion is covered with red carpets. Her long skirt has a bright red wedding dress. The clothes won't get on the dust at all.

In front of Lu Haoting, Zhuge Yuehua put Gu Yunxi's hand in his.

I kowtowed to Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu, offered tea, and the wedding ceremony was not over until after the worship.

There are three ancient painting boats parked around the Huxin Pavilion, and the place where the bride changes clothes is on the boat.

The bridal chamber tonight is also on board.

Now these three painting boats are parked around the Huxin Pavilion, and there is a banquet on it.

There are three banquets in the Huxin Pavilion, all of which are the most distinguished guests.

There were over 300 tables full of banquets on both sides of the outer road. This was the list that the Lu family and Gu Yunxi had screened.

Gu Yunxi's identity has been heard in the upper class, and some people's identities are not known enough, but it is true that they know that this person can't be provoked, and all the upper-level leaders give her face, which shows her status.

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