The Rebirth of the Male God Starts From Playing Games

Vol 2 Chapter 686: 687.Don’t underestimate the power of otakus

Chapter 686 687. Don’t underestimate the power of otakus

In addition to the very good results achieved by Bai Zhihua, Bomi Games also achieved good results in several key projects.

The first is the new online game "QQ Speed" launched at the end of this year

This is a relatively young competitive racing online game that focuses on X3 engine development, high-quality production, exquisite graphics, rich tracks, and a more comfortable operating system.

Although "Kart Racing" already exists on the market, "QQ Speed" still entered this market, and in less than a month, the number of registered users exceeded 2 million. At the same time, The number of people online has also exceeded 200,000.

It can be said that the emergence of "QQ Speed" has taken away the market of many previous racing games, because Bomi's game production level is so high, not to mention that there are various excellent channels for simultaneous promotion, which has attracted many Players come here in droves.

There are many players on the Internet who are very enthusiastic about this game and have given various praises:

"I didn't really play racing games originally. Mainly because I was poor in life. I had no money, no house, no car. I couldn't talk to others. I just liked to play small games.

So I have no idea about cars. My classmates played Need for Speed, F1 racing, etc. before, but I didn’t really catch a cold.

Once someone asked me to play "Kart Racing". I originally wanted to give it a try, but I gave up the idea after seeing the style of the game.

I can’t say that Paopao’s painting style is bad, but it’s just not the kind that suits my aesthetic.

It should be said that it is relatively younger, it gives me the feeling.

But there are just a lot of people playing this game.

I have always felt that I am not a racing player, and I am not the audience for racing games at all, until I played Bomi's new game "QQ Speed"

What I like most about this new game developed by Bomi is its graphics, because the picture quality is really good, and the style of painting is more mature than running games. Although it is also cartoon style, two-dimensional or something, it is really It pokes me.

So I gave it a try. After playing it, I discovered that it wasn’t that I didn’t like racing games, but I just hadn’t played what I really wanted before.

It's like I always hated eating eggplant when I was a child. It wasn't until I grew up and ate minced eggplant meat in Guizhou that I discovered that eggplant can be made so delicious.

It’s not that I don’t like eggplant, I just don’t like the eggplant my mother makes.

This is how I felt after playing "QQ Speed". "

"It can only be said that this wave is Bomi's victory. They have seized a market that is vacant in the game. After all, everyone has different aesthetics. Everyone has their own preferences. Although Kart Racing previously catered to many Players have demands for racing games, but the painting style will definitely filter out many players who don't like the Q version of big-headed dolls and younger cartoon shapes.

This time, "QQ Speed" is obviously higher than Paopao in terms of age group, and it can get more support from the remaining players. As expected, "QQ Speed" has achieved good results.

Anyway, all my friends around me are playing this game. "

"Bomi's products must be high-quality products. This sentence is correct. The quality lies here. Even racing games can be top-notch in the industry. Don't just see its style." , I think the gameplay developed by them is also the best and richest on the market.”

This is inevitable. After all, Boss Cao came from 2021. At that time, racing online games could actually be said to have developed very maturely. In the later period, various gameplays, tracks, maps, and cars were already available. You can do it all, and these are all things that have been proven by the market.

Now they have moved the future [ultimate version] of the online racing game to the present, and naturally the gameplay will be richer than Kart Racing.

So players' senses are very keen.

With good game quality, omni-channel promotion, and the Bomi company’s signature, and there are few popular competing products in the racing game category, “QQ Speed” successfully started a new wave of racing game craze. .

And another very important point is that QQ Speed ​​seems to be a racing game, but it has one big thing in common with games like Audition -

Full of social attributes.

Many players play this game mainly because of the rich social attributes in the game.

The painting style of "QQ Speed" is quite pleasing, and the gameplay is easy to get started, and the operation is not difficult. The main thing is to master the various periods of using nitrogen and the control of the direction...

This makes the game have a lot of female players.

Many girls naturally flock in after seeing the style of painting.

QQ Speed ​​is probably the online game with the most female players besides Audition.

There is a saying in the gaming industry -

Whoever wins the female players wins the world.

What does that mean?

Female players are not only game customers, consuming in the game, but also a resource within the game. For many large-scale online games, female players are a rare creature, such as Bomi's " In "Three Kingdoms Online 2", the number of female players is very small.

The overall male-to-female ratio is probably about 9:1, so when a girl appears in the game, a lot of players will come up to ask for help and give away equipment.

And precisely because female players have various benefits, many male players also use voice changers to pretend to be girls in the game to cheat for equipment and so on.

When the number of women increases, many boys will follow.

This is human nature.

Especially games, a form of entertainment, naturally serve young people, and most young people have inexplicable longing and desire for love.

Therefore, a game with good social attributes will naturally become popular.

There is only one kind of game that is naturally exclusive or not very friendly to female players, and that is the MOBA category.

Whether it’s the popular DOTA in the past few years or the rising League of Legends now, when players are matched with female teammates, many people’s first reaction is not—

Wow, there is a young lady, can she help you improve your score?


Damn it, another one is holding me back, this one is probably going to make me kneel down.

In this high-intensity confrontation game, there is no gender, only two kinds of people:

Experts and novices.

Awesome and pig teammates.

It’s not that many girls are inferior to male players, it’s mainly because they haven’t had games in their childhood experiences and hobbies. In other words, many girls who play games don’t really like games with strong confrontation, so they react in a negative way. There will be a little difference from the operation.

But these are temporary. When a game becomes large enough, like LOL, it will develop in three to five years and sweep over hundreds of millions of players around the world. Because the base is too large, the number of girls will gradually increase. of.

It's just that there are no games like Audition and QQ Speed ​​that will naturally attract female players. They are naturally the type of games that women dominate and are good at.

So when QQ Speed ​​went online, many female players poured in, and it even reached a ratio of 6:4 at one time, with more females than male players.

And when male players know that you can pick up girls in the game, and the number of girls in a game is really scary, they will flock in one after another.

So this is the reason why female players dominate the world.

With more girls, they naturally become an attraction in the game.

Bomi has the largest social software in China and has various traffic platforms. Under this premise, if a game with full social attributes is launched, it will naturally fit in with these and become an extremely popular game.

In QQ Speed, players can log in directly with their QQ account, and can attract QQ friends. There are many extremely rich multiplayer cooperative track games in the game, allowing players to have good social interaction in the game. These are Bomi has a unique advantage.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, QQ Speed ​​is likely to become one of Bomi’s new top 10 online games.

Of course, "QQ Speed" is also one of the game projects that has achieved good results. After that, there is another shooting online game that has been anticipated by players for a long time but has not yet been launched -

"Gun Girl ONline"

This game is one of those that has already been extremely popular even before it is launched.

In December, "Gun Girls Online" entered the promotion period intensively about a month after the launch of "QQ Speed".

The streets, Internet cafes, bus stops, and Bomi's major promotional channels are all sparing no effort to promote Gun Girls Online.

The players were immediately excited.

"Wow, Gun Girls Online is about to be launched!"

"Yeah, I've waited a long time for this day. I'm really excited."

"I'm so excited to finally see my wives again."

"Obviously they are my wives."

"It is said that in addition to the characters of Gun Girls 1, many new Gun Girls will be added to the game, and some of them may appear in the future "Gun Girls 2"."

"Is it true? Then I must play this game, for the sake of my wife and future wives."

"I also heard from Bomi's official promotion that "Gun Girls Online" will be updated simultaneously with the "Gun Girls" stand-alone series in the future, or will be linked.

As long as the characters appear in Gun Girls, they will appear in the online version. "

"This is a great benefit."

“The only thing I might be worried about is—

The better-looking and more popular the Gun Girl, the more expensive the purchase price will be. Can you afford it? "

"Ah... no, this is simply bad news. Has Bomi reached the point where she needs a lot of money?"

"Maybe I have figured it out. I have given you so many wives in vain before, and it is time for you to make some contributions to your wives. Otherwise, how can you show your love for your wives?"

Gun Girl is a very important and well-known IP game of Bomi Company. It has been several years since its launch. Many players are eagerly waiting for "Gun Girl 2" to be released.

Therefore, Bomi Company is also restarting the development of "Gun Girls 2", but it has not been completed yet.

Compared with the next two generations, it is obviously much easier to develop "Gun Girls Online". Many resources are readily available, and because of the addition of multiplayer mode, the game has more novel ways to play. .

The reason why it has not been launched until now is mainly because the game needs to be networked and needs to add some multiplayer battle scenes, and also needs to add a game mall to sell gun girls, skins and various props. and treasure chests, etc…

To put it bluntly, it is based on the original Gun Girl 1 and adds network elements and a krypton gold system.

Bomi has opened the pre-registration system before, so there are many players who have reserved the game. Even by the time of pre-registration, there were more than 15 million players in total.

There are also many foreign players who expressed great indignation.

"Why can't Gun Girls Online be launched globally simultaneously, instead of developing China first? This is so unfair!"

"Yes, our island country is also very enthusiastic about Gun Girls. I have collected a complete set of peripherals before, and I have been looking forward to the sequel of Gun Girls. I finally looked forward to a Gun Girls online, but I found out that it is only for China. It’s so disappointing.”

There is a reason why Bomi Company chose to open in China first. The main reason is that the audience of Gun Girls Online only has a few regions, first is the Chinese-speaking area, then is the island country, and then is Omi...

Opening up the Chinese-speaking area first is not only to capture the main audience, but also to seize time.

If you want to operate abroad, you have to find local operators to cooperate. Negotiations and other things will also take a certain amount of time. It is impossible to be so fast. In addition, there are various network laying, server stacking, etc., there is no one It probably won’t be done in half a year.

Therefore, Bomi Company's plan is to open up China first, and then open up island countries...and gradually expand to other countries.

Another good factor is that if you test it domestically first, you can collect a lot of first-hand data for adjustments, so that you can provide better content in the external version.

However, only the opening of the China region has not dampened the enthusiasm of players. Many foreign players want to play this game even under high delay pressure.

Joined the pre-registration early.

On January 1, 2011, New Year's Day, Gun Girls Online was officially launched, and countless players poured in.

In less than 2 days, the number of registered players in the game has exceeded 20 million.

The number of people online at the same time reached a staggering 2 million.

Countless players have said that this game is really fun.

"I've played a lot of shooting games, and it turns out that a game that turns my wife into a gun is more suitable for me."

"It's time for you to see the power of my wife."

"Let's see who has a tougher wife!"

The popularity of Gun Girls Online has made game developers understand a truth -

Never underestimate the power of 2D nerds.

With Gun Girl, who needs a three-dimensional female character?


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See you tomorrow (End of chapter)

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