With the appearance of the wolf, the entire audience boiled, and at this time, Starmark quickly stood up after seeing the appearance of the wolf.

Komatsu felt very strange when he saw Starmark standing up, so he asked, “Mr. Starmark, what’s wrong?” ”

Starmark frowned and glanced at a few people, and then said with some seriousness: “I just saw the wolf entering, but there were two voices, in addition to one is the voice of the wolf, and the other is in the belly of the wolf, which means that this wolf is pregnant!” And listening to the sound, it looks like it’s about to give birth! Director Mansam stop releasing the Battle Perfume! ”

After hearing Starmark’s words, Director Mansam quickly took out his mobile phone and called Ling’s number: “Ling! Ling! Turn off the battle perfume! ”

Ling shouted, “It’s useless! It’s not repaired at all! Forget it, sure enough, it’s faster to go over there and use the calming perfume! ”

Director Mansam said, “You just said I’m handsome, right? ”

Ling said with some disgust: “No!” Handsome or anything is not mentioned at all! ”

Director Mansam exclaimed, “Sure enough, you just said I’m handsome!” ”

Ling called: “How could it be said!” Saying that, he knocked the machine, and then the machine flashed an electric spark, and then black smoke appeared, and Ling held her head and shouted: “Ah! The bad ones are even worse! (As in the original, the machine is broken!) )

Then Ling picked up her perfume sprayer (I didn’t know the name, so I gave it myself, don’t spray it if you don’t like it!). ran out.

And here because the machine was broken, the battle perfume began to spill out like a life, and Starmark saw the situation and asked: “What is the situation?” Doesn’t it mean to turn off the combat perfume? Why are you spraying more and more? ”

Director Mansam said with some seriousness: “The control machine is broken, and Ling will have to wait a while before she can come over!” However, you just said that I am handsome! ”

Starmark said with a black line: “No!” But it seems that you have to figure it out yourself! With that, he photonized and rushed towards the thick glass.

I saw a small circular hole appear on the glass, and Director Mansam called: “The special reinforced plexiglass with a thickness of 2.5 meters actually looks like it has been cut!” ”

Starmark flashed in front of several people, and when I saw it again, Starmark was already standing on the field, and everyone outside the field felt very strange, so someone asked: “Who is he?” I wasn’t impressed at all! ”

And at this time, someone stood up and said: “I know him, he is the apprentice of Mr. Jiro, a point master, Starmark, a very powerful food hunter, I have seen him and Ah Yu walking together before, so I asked in particular!” ”

Everyone around said in surprise: “Really? I haven’t heard anything about him, but it’s a great feeling! (Although I don’t know it now, but then because Tina posted a video of Starmark processing puffer fish whales, almost no one in Starmark didn’t know after that, of course, this is an afterword!) )

When Starmark in the field looked at the circle of fierce beasts beside him looking at the wolf instead of himself, Starmark said a little helplessly: “Hey! Now I’m your opponent! Saying that, he slightly exuded a little momentum of his own!

Several fierce beasts felt that this was actually very fierce after looking at Starmark, and Starmark said to the wolf who looked at him with some seriousness: “Okay, go and give birth to your cub with peace of mind!” Now leave it to me here! Saying that, he arranged a layer of light shield on the body of the fighting wolf, and then looked at the surrounding beasts and said: “You guys better rest a little!” ”

And the beasts seemed to understand Starmark’s words, and all of them roared and pounced at once, while Starmark calmly asked the beasts: “You! Ever been kicked at the speed of light? Lightspeed kick! Saying that, his right foot became elemental, and he kicked several fierce beasts in a row.

The beasts that were kicked by Starmark seemed to all keep moving in place, but in the next second, all the surrounding beasts fell to the ground.

The spectators outside the venue exclaimed in amazement, “Wow! That’s awesome! All those beasts were subdued at once! At this time, the fighting wolf also gave birth, and the little fighting wolf was coquettish in the arms of the fighting wolf, and the fighting wolf was also gently licking the little fighting wolf with his tongue.

At this time, the mutation suddenly appeared, and suddenly a large attack hit the fighting wolf, and the fighting wolf was also shot away by the attack because it was still in the weak stage after giving birth.

Starmark angrily looked at the source of the attack, and saw an old man with very thick hair standing there, Starmark knew that the attack was coming from his side, but because of the stop of Director Mansam, Starmark stopped the hand he wanted to attack.

And Director Mansam walked up to the old man and said, “Aren’t you President Dochem of the Republic of Roth? Did you send the attack just now? ”

After seeing the old man’s appearance, Starmark quickly called: “Director Mansam get out of there!” That is not President Dochem of the Republic of Roth! Watch his hands! He’s a robot, and he should be a gourmet robot! ”

Director Mansam was obviously stunned when he heard Starmark’s words, but it was because of this stunned that the gourmet robot directly removed the mask, then opened its face, and directly emitted a ray that hit Director Mansam’s neck.

Seeing such an attack, the crowd around began to become very chaotic, and everyone around began to run towards the nearest exit.

Soon, there was no one left, but Starmark at this time, because Director Mansam was also attacked, Starmark shouted to Ayu: “Ayu, you go and protect the little fighting wolf!” Sure enough, the people at the food club are still very annoying! Although Starmark seemed to be very calm, the almost materialized anger around him, and the angry golem behind him, showed Starmark’s anger.

Komatsu said with some fear, “This is the second time I’ve seen Mr. Starmark so angry!” ”

And at this time, a voice suddenly came from Komatsu’s side and asked, “Oh? Is this what Starmark wrath looks like? This oppressive momentum is really heart-palpitating! ”

Komatsu heard the question and said, “Yes! When we were in the beach cave before, we met the food robot driven by the deputy chef of the gourmet club, Stakisa! Mr. Starmark was really angry at that time! ”

Then the voice asked again, “Oh? Can Starmark with such a good personality also get angry? But why is he so angry? But then again, you just said I’m handsome, right? ”

Komatsu turned his head after hearing this question, and saw Director Mansam with a hole in his neck talking to him, and Komatsu quickly asked: “Director Mansam, are you okay?” But if you want to say why, I know from Mr. Starmark that Mr. Starmark’s parents died at the hands of the gourmet club! That’s why you’re very angry! ”

The food robot saw that Starmark was walking directly towards him, so he directly attacked Starmark, but Starmark couldn’t dodge, and directly elementalized and rushed over and used eight-foot Qionggouyu.

The food robot exploded directly in front of several people, and at this time, the mother wolf slowly stood up in the ruins, slowly walked to the little fighting wolf and licked the little fighting wolf.

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