Howther Hotel.

When Chu Xuan returned here, the twilight had sunk.

He took a bucket of instant noodles, two more canned beef, and began to prepare dinner.

As the cultivation grows, the monks can open the valley after entering the foundation building period, so as to eat and drink dew and cut off the fireworks of the world.

But after all, Chu Xuan has not yet cultivated in the foundation building period.

Besides, I haven’t touched instant noodles for more than 20 years, so what’s wrong with eating more!

In Zhao Hong’s small warehouse, instant noodles are piled up, in addition to a variety of chocolates and biscuits, all of which are very storable foods.

It was enough for Chu Xuan to eat alone.

Among the several bathtubs, there is no sound now.

Chu Xuan asked Little Tiger and Little Leopard to take the two spirit dogs out to hunt on their own, and by the way, let them bring a few lively zombies back to be the furnace of Lingzhi.

However, he gave an order to Little Tiger and Little Leopard not to prey on living people at will, giving priority to zombies.

Little Tiger and Little Leopard are the Yin Corpses he refined, and if they brutally kill innocent mortals, the slaughter caused will naturally be attributed to him.

He didn’t want so much merit he had just received to disappear in the blink of an eye.

After the order, the little tiger and leopard roared in unison, indicating that they knew.

Seeing the rhubarb and erhuang next to him, they didn’t say a word.

The tiger goes up and kicks them directly.

The two spirit dogs whimpered, and then nodded repeatedly.

After watching them leave, Chu Xuan sat down and began to absorb the large blood beads.

A large bead of blood the size of a fist was suspended in front of him, and silky strands of blood qi entered his mouth and nose, following the method of transforming blood and seizing spiritual skills in his body.

After each Great Zhou Tian, Chu Xuan’s spiritual power would grow by one point.

So, two days later.

Chu Xuan’s breath suddenly broke through the bottleneck.

In an instant, it is like a fish entering the sea and swimming freely.

He opened his eyes sharply, revealing a look of delight.

“Seven layers of refining gas!”

The seventh layer of gas refining belongs to the ranks of the later stage of gas refining.

“The seventh layer of the Blood Transformation Spirit Skill, there is also a new spell, you can try.”

He is now full of spells, and those who do not have the ability to ward off enemies are only the “Spirit Blood Shield” learned in the fourth layer of the Blood Transformation Spirit Skill.

It is a mid-grade defense spell during the refining period.

Most of the time, the enemies rely on corpses and worms.

Now, after practicing the seventh layer of the Blood Transformation Spirit Technique, there is a powerful top-grade spell.

Chu Xuan immediately got up and condensed his spiritual power.

Gradually, miserable green flames converged in the palm.

At a certain moment, the green flame swelled to the limit, and Chu Xuan suddenly blasted it out.


A big hole was blasted out of the wall.

Debris exploded everywhere.

Around the entrance of the cave, there were still green flames that continued to burn, and only gradually subsided after ten minutes.

Chu Xuan raised his eyebrows.

It is worthy of being a top-grade spell in the refining period, and it is very powerful.

This spell is called “Fire Bomb”.

The Wuji Sect has a total of four Qi Refining Period exercises, of which there are nine corresponding Qi Refining Period Upper Grade Attack Spells.

But the Fire Bomb is obviously the most powerful attack among them.

Of course, it also has a fatal drawback.

That is, the charging time is too long, and the consumption of spiritual power is very large.

With Chu Xuan’s current spiritual power, he could only release it three times at most.

During the charge period, it is vulnerable to attack.

If the spell doesn’t hit the enemy, it’s even worse.

The next step will inevitably fall into a passive beating situation.

However, Chu Xuan was not too worried about not being able to hit.

With so many corpses under his command, he can effectively restrict the enemy’s position.

Blood Wire also possesses natural spells such as Blood Binding Technique, making it easier to control enemies.

“Not bad, not bad, you should practice more in the future and master the fire bomb more skillfully.”

Chu Xuan was about to continue to release the Fire Bomb.

But I heard a noise from the other side of the bathtub.

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A yin corpse crawled out of the bathtub and came to Chu Xuan’s side respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, the other Yin corpses also woke up one after another and came to Chu Xuan one after another.

Chu Xuan had dripped blood into their corpse refining liquid early in the morning.

Although it is not a blood of essence, it has already recognized the Lord in advance.

That’s why they were so respectful to Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan put them into the corpse tower one by one and used identification techniques to identify them.

The result disappointed him a little.

There are six Yin Corpses, but they are all only inferior qualifications, and the spells are also very poor.

Pounce, fly out for a distance.

Longitudinal jumping, the ability to bounce becomes stronger.

That’s pretty good, at least it’s a little useful.

Other Yin Corpses have any binge eating techniques, speed up the speed of eating.

Water absorption, which stores water in the stomach.

Purification, which purifies sewage.

Chu Xuan even saw a self-detonation technique, and would directly rush up to self-detonate when fighting.

He reluctantly gave the order that this guy should never use spells.

I worked hard to use the corpse refining potion, and I also put a lot of effort into cultivating you, and you rushed up and blew yourself up in order to fight a mob.


“This guy hasn’t woken up yet?”

Chu Xuan came to the front of a bathtub.

What is refined here is Zhao Hong’s corpse.

However, only a thin layer remained of the liquid.

The other yin corpses have already been baked.

He hadn’t woken up yet.

Chu Xuan was happy instead.

Because it’s a good thing.

It shows that Zhao Hong’s body is working hard to absorb all the essence in the corpse refining liquid, and it has not stopped yet.

Chu Xuan thought about it, so he concocted another bucket of corpse refining liquid and poured it into Zhao Hong’s bathtub.

“At this rate, I’m afraid it will take three or five days.”

Chu Xuan found an empty room and began to temper the Fire Bomb.

The other side.

Black Front Security Company.

Compared to the Howther Hotel occupied by the Greyhound Gang.

It’s much cleaner and tidier.

The company is surrounded by an iron fence with iron tribulus terrestris.

There is blood stains on the iron tribulus terrestris, and there is a lot of minced meat.

It clearly played an important role in the fight against zombies.

At this time, a man stood at the door, “Open the door, I am Wang Yong.” The

gate slowly opened, and Wang Yong strode in.

Two thin men came over and said with a grin, “Brother Yong, send those three people away?”

Wang Yong wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, “Send them off, Linjiang Army will send someone to pick them up.”

“Where is my cousin, I have something important to tell him.”

A thin man pointed to a three-story building and said in a low voice, “The manager is doing errands there, Brother Yong better not go now, don’t disturb the manager’s interest.”

Wang Yong’s brows furrowed deeply, “No, this matter is very important, I have to go.”

He quickened his pace.

As soon as I arrived downstairs, I heard a faint sound coming from the building.

At the door of the three-story small building, there is a tall burly man guarding it.

Wang Yong wanted to go directly upstairs, but he stopped him.

“I want to see my cousin!”

He growled lowly.

The burly man was expressionless, “The manager ordered, and no one will see you, including you.”

Wang Yong gritted his teeth and simply shouted at the top of his throat, “Brother! I am Wang Yong! I have something important to tell you! There

was silence in the small building for a moment, and suddenly there was a sound of slapping on the table.

An inch head poked out of the window and said angrily, “Fuck, don’t you know I’m running an errand!”

After a while, he cursed and said, “Come up.” ”

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