More than an hour later.

Tang Jinchuan and the three woke up slowly.

When I woke up, my head was still in unbearable pain, as if I had been trampled back and forth by a giant elephant seventeen or eight times.

The two men still had palpitations, vigilant and vigilant.

Tang Jinchuan stood up strongly, condensed a shield with the little fat left, and walked towards the warehouse vigilantly.

However, the warehouse was empty.

The fat body of the mutant spider mother has long disappeared.

The spider silk that was all over the warehouse was also burned down.

If it weren’t for the few strands left in the corner, Tang Jinchuan would even wonder if he had ever seen the mutant spider mother.

He couldn’t see the array flag arranged by Chu Xuan.

Because, for the sake of safety, Chu Xuan attached a small formation to all the formation flags, that is, the blinding method.

Creatures with weak spiritual energy are extremely difficult to see through the blinding method, and naturally they cannot find the formation flag.

The two men supported each other and trembled and came to Tang Jinchuan’s side.

Seeing the empty warehouse, I couldn’t help but sigh.

“Brother Tang, we seem to have been stained with the light of that big guy.

“Yes, if he hadn’t gotten rid of the mutant spider mother, we would have died a long time ago.”

“The spiders here seem to be dead, and we can safely check the bus.” The

two whispered.

When Tang Jinchuan thought of this, he was also in good spirits, “Yes, hurry up!” ”

What happened here, and then report to the boss after I go back.” ”

They had good luck.

There are three buses in the warehouse that are generally intact and ready to go.

There are two more, a little damaged, but the worse devices can also be driven.

In addition, they found a lot of gasoline and diesel fuel in the warehouse, which could be used as fuel for this evacuation.

“There are five buses, the three of us can’t drive away,” Tang Jinchuan waved his hand, “go back to the company immediately and call someone to help.” At

dusk, they returned to the Black Front Security Company.

In the hall.

Wang Gangjian, Wang Yong, and Song Dayi were sad.

Tang Jinchuan walked in with a happy face, and when he saw their appearance, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Especially when he saw that Song Dayi was missing an arm, his face suddenly became solemn.

“What happened, didn’t it go well?” asked Tang Jinchuan.

Wang Yong smiled bitterly, “The factory I went to was quite smooth, but I only found a big truck that could be used.”

“But Old Song…” Song

Dayi’s face was still pale, and he said in a low voice, “I encountered two high-level zombies, and the people I brought with me died, and I lost an arm and barely survived.

Wang Gangjian sighed, “This time I only found a big truck, which is far from enough.”

“If you really can’t, you can only draw lots…” He couldn’t


Draw lots to get on the bus.

These four words are cruel.

Most of the members of the Black Front Security Company are old guys who followed him before the zombie crisis.

Just abandon them like that, he can’t do it.

Tang Jinchuan laughed, “Don’t cry your face, I have good news.”

The three were stunned, “Find how many buses?”

Tang Jinchuan smiled strangely, “You guess.”

Wang Yong thought for a moment and put up two fingers, “Two?” Tang

Jinchuan shook his head.

Song Dayi raised three fingers, “Three?” Tang

Jinchuan shook his head again.

Wang Gangjian frowned, “Is there only one?

Tang Jinchuan smiled, “It’s all wrong, it’s five!” Wang

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Gangjian and the three were stunned, and their eyes immediately erupted with ecstasy.


a little more stuffing each car, you’re sure to get everybody down.

Maybe there will be a little rich space, stuff more materials into it!”

“Don’t lie!” Wang Gangjian said excitedly.

Tang Jinchuan said seriously, “I have checked them all, the five buses are in good performance, there are some spare parts, and the fuel is very sufficient, enough for us to drive to the sphere of influence of the Linjiang Army.” ”

The main sphere of influence of the Linjiang Army is in the area of Longjiang City, the capital of Linjiang Province.

Although Longjiang City is only 500 kilometers away from Donghu City, the straight-line distance is only 500 kilometers.

But there may be all kinds of accidents in between, and the distance to be covered is definitely more than 500 kilometers.

Naturally, the more fuel, the better.

“Good, good, good, when the sky breaks tomorrow, let’s go and drive the car over!” Wang Gangjian happily closed his legs.

Song Dayi’s pale complexion also improved slightly because of his happiness.

“Old Tang, are you not in danger?” asked Wang Yong.

Tang Jinchuan’s face suddenly became solemn, “If I met, if it weren’t for luck, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to come back.”

Wang Gangjian’s hearts tightened, “You talk quickly.”

Tang Jinchuan explained in detail everything that happened to the Donghu City Bus Company.

After the three listened, they were stunned.

The heart cannot be calm for a long time.

“Royal sword flight

?” “Control zombies! You can also control the flames!” ”

You attacked the spider silk that could not be broken dozens of times, and was cut off by him casually?” The

three looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other’s hearts.

What kind of character is this

? There are such awesome people in our Donghu City?

“Manipulating zombies… Last time on the highway, the wolves seemed to have been destroyed by a transcendent who could manipulate zombies. Wang

Yong’s mind flashed, and he suddenly remembered what happened.

For them, the wolves were wiped out months ago.

Wang Gangjian was also stunned for a moment, and slapped his thigh, “Yes, it’s connected

!” “Could it be the same person?!” Song

Dayi was pleasantly surprised, “That is to say, there has always been a powerful transcendent active in our Donghu City!”

The three of them were immediately ecstatic.

This transcendent must not be low-level, at least it must be second-level.

It may even be a legendary third-level transcendent.

However, after a moment of ecstasy, the three fell silent again.

No matter how powerful the transcendent is, it is not the opponent of the corpse tide.

That General Ye of the Linjiang Army, a third-level transcendent who had killed the corpses alone and rescued sixteen researchers from the Life Science Research Institute.

But he did not dare to step into the corpse group composed of tens of thousands of zombies alone.

There is a saying that ants bite dead elephants.

The spiritual energy of the transcendent is not endless.

Once the spiritual energy is used up, it can only fight with the flesh, and it is easy to be overwhelmed by the tide of zombies.

What’s more, some people’s talents themselves are not good at fighting.

What about the third-level transcendent beings, the

corpse tide is coming, don’t you have to flee Donghu City like them?”

Wang Gangjian said solemnly.

“Yes. The three responded in a deep voice.

A day later.

Five buses, a large truck, and four cars were ready outside the Black Front Security Company.

The company has been emptied.

All kinds of important materials, grain, oil, rice and noodles, etc., were placed on the car.

All members boarded the bus in an orderly manner under Tang Jinchuan’s arrangement.

With Wang Gangjian’s order, the convoy set off all the way north!

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