Thirty-six days later.

Chu Xuan looked tired and breathed lightly, but he was bright.

A pitch-black chain was suspended in front of him.

The chains flickered with a faint light, as if you could hear the cry of a wronged soul.

“Finally refined.

He smiled.

The process of refining the soul cord was surprisingly smooth.

It’s all in one go.

He didn’t even feel the slightest bit of difficulty.

As soon as Chu Xuan’s mind moved, he saw that the soul cord flew around on its own.

Electricity shot away in the blink of an eye.

Just listen to the bang.

The walls of the hotel were directly shattered.

His mind moved again, and the soul cord returned to his side, swimming around him like a small snake.

Chu Xuan looked satisfied.

That’s the benefit of the Natal Instrument.

When refining the soul rope, he cut off a part of his divine soul and refined it into it.

If you don’t have such a sense of command, you are sorry for the identity of the Natal Weapon.

Chu Xuan stretched out his hand, and the soul cord was wrapped around his waist, like a belt.

As long as the soul cord is on him, the spiritual power in his body will warm this Essence Weapon every moment.

The grade of the Soul Sorcerer will continue to improve with his realm!”

“The Origin Weapon has been refined, and the next step is to improve the other strengths. ”

Foundation building period spells, worms, these two aspects are the most improved, let’s start with the worms.”

“I don’t know if the blood wire worm egg on my body hatched.”

Chu Xuan looked down at his left forearm.

As early as three months ago, when he first began to arrange the Yin Soul Capture Array, he took advantage of his free time to bury a bloody wire insect egg in his forearm.

Cultivators in the refining period can only raise one blood wire, and if they raise too much, the blood food cannot keep up, but will be eaten back by the blood wire.

Now that Chu Xuan has been promoted to the foundation building period, he can naturally raise a second blood steel wire.

“There’s not much movement yet. Chu

Xuan sensed slightly, did not notice any changes in the worm egg, and suddenly shook his head.

“Then let’s cultivate the Foundation Building Spell first. Chu

Xuan took out the Blood Refining Demon Sutra.

The Blood Refining Demon Sutra is divided into nine layers, corresponding to the first to ninth layers of the foundation building period.

After practicing the first layer, you can learn a lower grade foundation building spell called “Yin Fu Escape”.

When you train to the second layer, you can learn the attack spell “Yin Evil Claw”.

Yin and seclusion are tricks.

Whether it is chasing or fleeing, it is necessary to use the art of escape.

The speed of Yin Fu is not very fast, but it has a special feature, that is, it can consume Yin Fu Qi to accelerate.

If you can always consume Yin Qi to cast the Escape Technique, its speed is not inferior to the Shangpin Foundation Building Period Spell.

The same is true of the Yin Evil Claw, and the consumption of Yin Evil Qi will be more powerful.

For most demon cultivators, Yin Qi is not something that is so easy to obtain.

Those natural yin places have long been supervised by the True Path Sect, and there is no room for them to share the benefits.

But for Chu Xuan, the yin qi was close at hand.

Inside the Yin Soul Capture Array, there is a lot of Yin Qi!”

“I need to refine another vessel specifically to load Yin Qi. ”

When I chase or flee, I can consume Yin Qi to cast Yin Fu, and it is difficult for the cultivators in the early foundation building to compete with me in speed. ”

Using the Yin Qi to cast the Yin Demon Claw can increase its power. Chu

Xuan thought about it, and spent a few more days refining twenty small jade bottles.

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The bottom of these bottles is inscribed with a gathering array, which can gather the yin qi into it.

Don’t look at a small jade bottle that is only the size of a palm, but the yin qi contained in it is enough to support Chu Xuan to escape more than three hundred miles.

Chu Xuan harnessed the Tiangang Flying Sword and flew into the Yin Soul Capture Array.

These twenty small jade bottles were buried by him in various places in the Great Array.

On the other hand, he sat cross-legged in the center of the large array, cultivating the Blood Refining Demon Sutra with the help of the Yin Qi that crisscrossed here.

In such an environment, his speed of cultivation would further increase.

He set himself a small goal and stepped into the second layer of the foundation in one breath!

…… Longjiang City, capital of Linjiang Province.

This huge city is blocked by the Longjiang River and divided in two.

There are many universities in Jiangbei, and there are life science research institutes that no mathematician dreams of.

Gangnam gathers the headquarters of many large companies, and business is very prosperous.

The barracks of the Linjiang Army were stationed in Jiangnan.

After the outbreak of the zombie crisis, the Linjiang Army immediately entered Longjiang City to maintain order.

The Linjiang general Ye Nantian issued a wartime decree, and the three chapters of the law were declared, and Longjiang City was stabilized and gradually became a refuge in the minds of many survivors.

Every day, a large number of survivors come from all over Linjiang Province just to enter the safe paradise of Longjiang City.

Above a tall building.

A stout middle-aged man with his hands on his back looked at the city with thick eyebrows.

His face was covered with vicissitudes, and his sideburns also showed some silver threads.

He is the lord of the Linjiang Army, Ye Nantian.

There were footsteps behind him.

A soldier walked quickly and said respectfully, “General, Chief Zheng of the research institute is here.”

Ye Nantian bowed, “Please.” ”

A moment later.

Ye Nantian and Zheng Baoshan met in the living room.

Ye Nantian smiled, “Why is Professor Zheng here, is the research progressing?” said Zheng

Baoshan excitedly, “Exactly, the third-level spiritual energy core we brought back from Donghu City is very valuable.

“The institute has produced a new batch of psionic potions and has begun experimenting on animals.

“Maybe it can be officially put into production in a year or two.”

“At that time, everyone can be extraordinary!” Ye

Nantian nodded solemnly, “Good thing, this is a great thing!” ”

Professor Zheng knows better than me about scientific research, and I am very relieved that you are solely responsible for this aspect.”

Zheng Baoshan thought for a while, and then said, “One more thing, the immortal cultivator in Donghu City that I told the general last time…”

Ye Nantian smiled dumbly, “Immortal cultivator? In my opinion, he is just an extraordinary person with unique talents.

Professor Zheng thought too much. ”

The population base of the Yanhan Celestial Dynasty is here, and there must be many extraordinary people with unique talents.

Ye Nantian didn’t care much.

Zheng Baoshan said seriously, “General Ye, no matter what, if that immortal cultivator can win over, it will definitely be a big help. You must not push him over to the enemy.

Ye Nantian bowed, “I have my own considerations.

Zheng Baoshan nodded before leaving.

A moment later, another soldier arrived quickly.

“General, a huge underwater creature has been detected in the Longjiang River Basin of our city. ”

The total length is more than thirty meters.

Ye Nantian raised his eyebrows, “How many people

saw it?” the soldier said respectfully, “The underwater creature appeared at night, and only the four soldiers standing guard on both sides of the Longjiang River saw it.

Ye Nantian nodded, “Transfer those four soldiers to the General’s Mansion, keep silent, and not allow anyone to publicize the matter of underwater creatures, and those who violate the order will be immediately detained.” ”

How many commanders are there

in the city?” replied the soldier, “Two commanders escorted convoys to Hanhai Province, three commanders are stationed outside the industry, and five commanders are currently staying in the city.”

Ye Nantian nodded, “Call them over immediately.”


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