
The Linjiang Army was temporarily stationed in camp.

This camp is next to the Black Front Security Company.

But compared to the small buildings of the security company next to it, the scale of the temporary camp is obviously much larger.

And everywhere there is the competence and strength of the regular army.

At this time, in the middle of the camp, in the small building.

Seven people gathered at a round table and were discussing.

Of these seven people, three were dressed in the uniforms of the Linjiang Army and sat in the upper seats.

The first one, a majestic and burly, bald man.

On the left hand side is a slim woman.

On his right hand is a thin man.

They were the three commanders of the Linjiang Army, named Xiong Xing, Lin Qiao, and Li Tiemu.

The other four were dressed in civilian clothes and sat on either side.

These four people are the four transcendent beings of the Black Wind Security Company.

The inch-headed man is Wang Jiangang.

Thin middle-aged, is Wang Jiangang’s cousin Wang Yong.

Fat and fat, named Tang Jinchuan.

One-armed middle-aged is Song Dayi.

“…… I still believe that with the number of our personnel, we cannot intercept the double-headed python from entering the lower reaches of the Longjiang River, and we must ask the headquarters for help.

Li Tiemu said seriously.

“Don’t forget, that double-headed python broke through the blockade of the five of us and more than three hundred Linjiang soldiers!”

Lin Qiao immediately shook his head, “That two-headed python was already hit hard when it broke through the blockade, and some time ago it fought with unknown extraordinary creatures, and it was injured again, and now it must be nesting in East Lake to recuperate.

“When the support from the headquarters comes, its injuries will be healed long ago!”

“I think without further ado, we must arrange as soon as possible to intercept the double-headed python, and we must not let it enter the lower reaches of the Longjiang River.”

“It’s not our territory.”

Xiong Xing rubbed his temples and looked at the four black fronts who rarely spoke.

He asked, “This Donghu City is your territory, Wang Jiangang, what do you think?”

Wang Jiangang smiled awkwardly, “What can I think, everything is at your disposal.” ”

He is just a veteran who has returned to the field, if it were not for the recruitment of the Linjiang Army, coupled with his talent awakened by chance, how could he have formed the Black Feng Security Company and occupied the territory of Donghu City.

He still understands this with his eyesight.

Wang Jiangang didn’t speak, but Tang Jinchuan did.

“I suggest that the three of you go and invite the immortal cultivator who lives in the Haotai Hotel.”

“With his shot, let alone intercept the double-headed python, even if it is not difficult to kill the double-headed python!”

After he said this, Xiong Xing, Lin Qiao, and Li Tiemu all frowned.

Wang Jiangang and Wang Yong secretly shouted badly.

After the three of Linjiang Army entered Donghu City, they were ordered to go to the Haotai Hotel early in the morning, hoping to contact the mysterious immortal cultivator.

However, no matter how much the shouts were, there was not the slightest sound in the hotel.

If you break in, it is like walking into the fog, walking dizzy, and two or three hours later you come out and find that you are still in place.

Obviously, this mysterious immortal cultivator did not intend to meet them.

They are the commanders of the Linjiang Army, the backbone members of the most powerful force in the entire Linjiang Province.

How can you stick your own hot face against the cold ass of others again and again.

Xiong Xing said lightly, “That person doesn’t want to see us, don’t bring up this matter again.” Tang

Jinchuan wanted to say more.

but was pulled by Song Dayi.

He had to sit down.

Tang Jinchuan had personally seen the divine power of immortal cultivators.

Such a powerful spider mother was easily killed by that immortal cultivator.

From then on, he knew that the strength of that immortal cultivator was by no means comparable to those of them who were extraordinary.

I’m afraid that even Ye Nantian, the general of the Linjiang Army, who had been promoted to a fourth-level transcendent in the past few months, was probably not that person’s opponent.

Unfortunately, these three leaders thought highly of themselves and only went to the Haotai Hotel twice, and then stopped going.

It seems that I think that is too much to lower my stature.

It’s really sad.

Tang Jinchuan couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

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A moment later, Xiong Xing decided to decide.

“…… Then it was decided, and immediately laid obstacles where Longjiang entered Hanhai Province.

“Within a week, we must kill this two-headed python that is in trouble with Linjiang Province!”

Everyone responded in a deep voice, “Yes!” ”

To the south of Linjiang Province is Hanhae Province.

The Longjiang River flows through Linjiang Province and enters Hanhai Province.

The ruling force in Hanhai Province is the “Boat Gang”.

Those guys and the Linjiang Army are not very good to deal with.

There is only basic trade between the two sides.

Once the two-headed python escaped into Hanhai Province, no matter what the Linjiang Army did, there was nothing to do.

After all, that’s already people’s territory.

Who doesn’t want the spiritual energy crystallization in the body of an extraordinary creature like a double-headed python?

At that time, there will be endless troubles.



Chu Xuan harnessed the Tiangang flying sword and soared into the sky.

When overlooking the earth.

A convoy was spotted heading south along the Longjiang River.

Finally, at the place where Longjiang entered Hanhai Province, various obstacles were placed.

Those solid wire meshes are full of barbs.

Any fish that passes, they get stabbed.

These instruments are very professional.

Obviously, only the Linjiang Army with industrial capabilities can produce it.

Chu Xuan looked down with interest.

It seems that the Linjiang Army is preparing to intercept the two-headed python.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to see if this double-headed python was qualified to serve as the main soul of the formation.

If he is not qualified, he does not need to waste time, and everything can be solved by these soldiers of the Linjiang Army.

At this time, a dull explosion sounded from East Lake.

Apparently, a group of soldiers of the Linjiang Army were attacking.

“It seems that the place where it is hiding to recuperate has long been discovered by the Linjiang Army.”

Chu Xuan smiled faintly.

Around East Lake, fierce fights immediately appeared.

The huge snake’s tail jerked away.

Every blow will make a huge wave.

Trees on the shore will also be pumped away.

Many Linjiang sergeants, even first-class transcendents, could not withstand the powerful blow of the snake’s tail.

It was smashed into mashed meat on the spot.

Chu Xuan watched their battle with interest.

The battle between the transcendent and the transcendent is very different from the battle between the monks.

The cultivation system and battle system of the cultivators have been passed down for an unknown number of years.

It has long been ripe.

But Aquamarine’s psionic energy explosion has only been more than five years ago.

For the transcendents, everything has to be groped from scratch.

So the way they fight is very weird.

One moment uses the spiritual energy in the body, and the other time it attacks through small kinetic weapons such as guns.

Chu Xuan looked at it and always felt like a child fighting.

Entering the foundation building period, he has long been afraid of ordinary guns.

Unless it’s a missile or even a more advanced atomic bomb, modern thermal weapons can’t hurt him in the slightest.

“Huh? It hurts?

At this time, Chu Xuan noticed that the two-headed python screamed in pain a few times, and a fierce son got into deep water.

Judging from the splash, it is obvious that it has entered the Longjiang River and is swimming rapidly downstream.

“I haven’t seen anything peculiar yet, let’s take a look.”

Chu Xuan shook his head.

This little python is probably going to disappoint him.

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