
Accidents always come when they happen.

And the more you don’t want it to come, the faster it comes.


A deafening roar suddenly came.

It shocked everyone’s hearts.

Even the villagers whose qi and blood changed were shocked.

Some young children who have not yet condensed the seeds of qi and blood have ruptured eardrums and blood in both ears.

In the entire Xiaohe Village, only four Qi and Blood Two Changers were not greatly affected.

On the other hand, the loss of people, but suddenly it is like beating chicken blood.

More and more bloodthirsty!

More and more furious!

Everyone fixed their eyes.

I was surprised to find that behind the mourning crowd, there was a mourner with an exceptionally large body and a huge mouth in his belly.

It jumped in one leap and easily jumped to the center of the mourning crowd.

Several mourners were easily trampled under its feet and trampled on a sparse spot.

The mourners around them gave way in awe.

Everyone’s faces changed drastically.

Such a mourning has never been seen before!

It looks very strong!

The hunting chief quietly came to the village chief’s side and said in a low voice, “Outer Minister of the abdomen, is this…” The village chief

nodded solemnly, “It’s the three transformations, tell Lao Guo and Mu, get ready.”

“Yes.” The hunter focused his head.

Longbo people cultivate qi and blood, and there are changes such as one, two, and three.

Naturally, there are also bereavements.

And because of the funeral plague, these changes in the loss of people are more exaggerated and more powerful.

Long Bo people’s qi and blood change, and they can condense qi and blood seeds in the body.

The bereaved person will condense the qi and blood core in the body, referred to as the blood nucleus.

Longbo people have two changes in qi and blood, which can condense qi and blood gauze on the body surface.

The bereaved will condense the qi and blood carapace on the surface of the body to resist external attacks.

Among these bereaved people, more than 30 were bereaved.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Qi and Blood Carapace that they can withstand the attacks of a large number of Qi and Blood Crossbow Arrows.

And it’s not like a mourner, who was easily shot in the head and killed on the spot.

Longbo people have three changes in qi and blood, which can transform the stomach and speed up the refining of food.

The mourner directly grew a mouth on the stomach and accelerated the speed of swallowing.

It is precisely because of this that the same is one change, two change, and three changes, and the strength of the Longbo people is always inferior to the loss of people.

This three-change loss is very likely to become the last straw that overwhelms Xiaohe Village!

Bang bang!

The three mourners slammed on the ground and rushed towards the gate of Xiaohe Village.

It’s like a hill.

With every step, the ground shook.

The villagers changed color.

This is definitely a strong enemy they can’t resist!

The village chief shouted, “Listen to my orders!” All throw blood burst charms! The

village chief’s shouts pulled everyone back from their fear.

A man shouted loudly, “We can’t retreat, and behind us is Xiaohe Village!”

A woman roared, “We have no way out, even if we die, we must keep these bereaved people out of the village!” The

village chief yelled, “Throw! ”


More than a hundred stones affixed with blood explosion talismans were thrown out with a bang.


A continuous explosion sounded violently.

The blood qi triggered by the explosion completely enveloped the terrifying-looking three-change mourner, which was unreal.

But the mournful wails that kept coming out of it were real.

Obviously, these hundreds of blood burst talismans caused a lot of damage to the three transformations.

However, to what extent is the damage?

No one has a bottom in their hearts.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the blood mist.

Looking forward to a dull and heavy sound of falling to the ground.

The same is true of the four village chiefs.

Because he knew that the Blood Burst Talisman had almost run out.

If this first three changes are mournful or not dead.

You have to start hand-to-hand combat.

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However, the most desperate thing for the villagers came.

A roar burst out.

The terrifying figure rushed out of the blood mist.

It was like a crazy giant elephant that slammed into the gate of Xiaohe Village.

This three-change mourner was already covered in blood.

Most of the qi and blood carapace in his body was blown apart.

One arm is also missing.

The huge mouth on the stomach was blown to the point that the teeth were shattered and the tongue was broken.

But even so, it is not dead.

Not only did he not die, but he became more and more vicious and crazy!

Just hit it with all his strength, and there was an unbearable creaking sound from the iron-clad gate.

The cracks seem to have become as dense as spider webs.

“Violent blood crossbow, launch it with all your might!”

The village chief roared.

This time, no distinction is made between the first and second batches.

All the villagers, but all those who still have qi and blood in their bodies, have taken up violent blood crossbows and shot arrows with strings!


Sharp arrows are fired continuously.

Most of them only pierced into the three-transformation qi and blood carapace, but could not penetrate deep into their flesh.

Only a small number of Qi and Blood Crossbow arrows shot into the place that the Qi and Blood Carapace failed to protect.

But because of the small number, the damage caused is minimal.

Not only did it fail to effectively kill the three mourners.

On the contrary, it infuriated it even more!

The crowd was desperate.

Seeing the three changes of the dead, he was about to launch a second collision towards the village gate.

Who else can stop it this time?

“Lord Divine Envoy…” The

village chief and the others couldn’t help but think of the divine envoy in the high temple.

At this time of despair, only God can save Xiaohe Village.

Right now.

An invincible aura descended from the sky.

Everyone looked up and was surprised to find that a qi and blood oven appeared out of nothing, as if Mount Tai was pressing the top, pointing directly to the three transformations.

The three transformations also sensed the danger and suddenly raised their heads.

It subconsciously crosses its arms over its head.


The qi and blood oven slammed down.

In just an instant, he smashed the three-change mourners into three-change mourning sauce.

The flesh is glued together with the rock and the earth, and there is no longer a distinction between each other.

The aftermath of the shaking made the remaining large number of mourners unstable to their feet.

The hunter shouted violently, “Dead! It’s dead! ”

Three transformations are dead!”

The villagers cheered and wept with joy.

The village chief was overjoyed, “Kill! Kill all these remaining mourners! ”

Three changes lost people and one death, and the morale of the villagers soared.

Now is a good time to take advantage of the victory.

Most of the villagers had dried up their blood and could not use the bloody crossbow, but with the blessing of morale, they still picked up the previous hunting bow.

As the village chief said.

Kill all these bereaved people, Xiaohe Village can be safe and long-lasting!

At nightfall.

The last one fell down.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people sat down with a bang.

Sweaty and exhausted.

The village chief ordered in a deep voice, “Wood, you take a few who can still move out and take a look.”

“It is necessary to make sure that all the bereaved are dead.”

“Then gather together and burn it all down.”

“After burning, take back the blood nuclei in their bodies.”

Wood nodded, “Yes.” ”

Although this level of mourning is not a precedent for pretending to die.

But it’s always good to be safe.

As for those blood nuclei, they contain powerful qi and blood.

The people of Xiaohe Village can’t use it, but they can take it to Dahe Town to exchange supplies.

It is said that the adults of Trois-Rivières know how to use blood nuclei.

Dahe Town is also collecting these things for the big people at the top.

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