A moment later, Wang Gangjian opened his eyes.

The muscles all over his body swelled a lot.

The heart thumps like a giant pump, carrying blood throughout the body.

His arms were more than swollen than before.

The muscles bulge like stones.

There is no doubt that the rushing force in this is enough to break through the iron plate.

Wang Gangjian was extremely happy and said excitedly, “Three-level transcendent!” I’ve become a Level 3 Transcendent!

“Thank you Immortals!”

Chu Xuan glanced at Tang Jinchuan, “You can eat it too.”


Tang Jinchuan no longer hesitated, and immediately ate the third-level spiritual energy core in his hand.

He had a bit of luck.

It was not as violently zombified as Wang Gangjian.

But it was also extremely painful.

It was as if there were many, many imps trying to tear him to pieces.

If it goes on like this, it will not be possible to fully absorb the energy of that spiritual energy core, and it will only be wasted.

Chu Xuan casually broke the place where the spiritual energy was knotted, so that the spiritual energy instantly turned into a trickle and went to where he should go.

After a moment of effort, Tang Jinchuan stood up again, unable to hide the excitement in his heart, “I am a second-level transcendent!” Thank you for the gift!

Chu Xuan said calmly, “Show me your talents.” ”


Wang Gangjian and Tang Jinchuan did not hesitate.

Inspire your talents instantly.

The talents of the two are [Rigid Arm] and [Liposuction].

After the spiritual energy level increased, the talent also became stronger.

After Chu Xuan read it, he thought thoughtfully.

His previous guess was correct.

Spiritual energy is far inferior to Reiki in all aspects, and even less inferior to the spiritual power refined from Reiki.

But in terms of vitality, spiritual energy is comparable to aura.

The current Wang Gangjian is only a third-level transcendent, but his strength is very strong.

Hand-to-hand combat can already kill cultivators at the Qi Refining Layer.

Its vitality is so rich that it can be compared to the cultivators of the third layer of refining qi.

Tang Jinchuan’s talent is more widely used.

Extracting fat condensation into various forms, can be attacked and defended, and has special effects.

“Your current strength is barely enough.”

“Go back, what to do, what not to do, you know in your hearts.”

Chu Xuan said casually.


The two nodded again and again and turned to leave.

I was still excited.

After returning to Hei Feng’s station, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut with a smile.

The few survivors guarding the door looked confused.

Boss Wang and Boss Tang, did they take the wrong medicine?

How to laugh so joyfully.

At this time, Wang Yong had returned by car.

He and Song Dayi saw Wang Gangjian and the two returning, and immediately stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

Wang Yong was apprehensive in his heart, “Brother, the boat gang has also been attacked by the mushroom people, with heavy casualties, and they can’t help us.” ”

You guys go and invite the immortals… How’s it going? Can you move?

Wang Gangjian and Tang Jinchuan laughed so much that the corners of their mouths were about to reach the roots of their ears at this time.

“Hahahaha! You can’t imagine what’s going on. The

two of them then brought everything that happened together in detail.

Wang Yong and Song Dayi were shocked to hear it.

“I lean!”

“The mushroom man retreated?!”

“Have we been adopted by the immortals?!”

“You’re a third-level transcendent?!”

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Wang Yong and Song Dayi glared at each other.

I couldn’t believe what I heard.

“That’s right, we are indeed equivalent to being adopted by immortals.”

“However, the immortals have high requirements for us and cannot slack.”

Wang Gangjian said solemnly.

“The crisis of the mushroom people has been lifted, and at most some sporadic mushroom people roam outside, tell the brothers, don’t worry anymore.”

Tang Jinchuan also laughed.

Wang Yong and Song Dayi wept with joy.

I can’t wait to hug each other and cry.


It’s better than anything else that the crisis is lifted!

“Starting today, our Black Feng has to change its strategy.”

“Our first priority is to investigate intelligence for the immortals, the major forces, extraordinary lives… Any intelligence!

“For this first priority, we need to attract more transcendent people to join and strengthen the strength of Black Feng!”

Wang Gangjian said solemnly.

“Yes, we’ll do it now.”

Wang Yong and the three of them focused their heads.


Black Feng’s actions, Chu Xuan didn’t care very much.

His own strong strength, two third-level spiritual energy cores, and a 100% success rate for promotion were enough to make Wang Gangjian and other transcendent people die for him.

But if Black Front’s people are not enough to complete the task he assigned, or their behavior does not satisfy him.

That’s okay too.

Just change people.

The last thing on this planet is people.

Most of them are capable people who want to act as his agents and gather intelligence for him.

Chu Xuan harnessed the Tiangang Flying Sword and came to the Dementor Regent Formation located in Shuanglong City.

He sat cross-legged in the formation, running the Blood Refining Demon Sutra, absorbing the rich Yin Qi in the formation.

The realm is improving day by day.

A year later, the realm naturally entered the fifth layer of foundation building.

After another two years, he entered the sixth floor of the foundation.

During this period, Hei Feng sent a lot of intelligence many times.

It covers the surrounding forces, large and small, as well as the traces of extraordinary life.

These extraordinary lives, Chu Xuan didn’t need to make his own moves, he only needed to send the three corpses of the little dragon, the little tiger, and the little leopard.

He only needed to sit cross-legged in the large array and cultivate.

Then a steady stream of spiritual energy cores was delivered to him.

Most of the spiritual energy cores in the bodies of extraordinary animals are attributeless.

A small number of them are fish, so they have a spiritual energy core with water attributes.

As for the other properties, they are not at all.

Most of the spiritual energy cores in the body of extraordinary plants are wood attributes.

This was good news for Chu Xuan.

Over the past year, he had obtained nearly twenty wood attribute spiritual energy cores.

Put it into the Hundred Wood Spirit Cultivation Array, and at least twenty wood attribute spirit objects can be created.

Moreover, Chu Xuan had already realized that after he broke through two small realms in one breath, he already had a huge obstacle if he wanted to impact the seventh layer of the foundation.

The difference between the sixth and seventh floors seems to be only one floor, but it is actually a huge gap between the middle and late foundation construction.

Many cultivators with poor spiritual roots are stuck here.

Exhausted life, and failed to score another point.

“With my spiritual root, if I add water milling, I should be able to break through to the seventh layer of the foundation, but it will definitely take longer.”

“Three, four, or even five years, it’s possible.”

“But that’s too long.”

Chu Xuan shook his head.

According to the time flow rate of Cangxuan Heaven and Earth and Ocean Blue Star, about three months have passed in Cangxuan Heaven and Earth.

Now the war between the Tianyin Gate and the Wuzhou Sect should have passed the stage of the meat grinder and reached the end.

I want to enter the late stage of foundation building as soon as possible and enter the market to get a piece of the pie.

“It is necessary to refine an acquired spirit body like the Evil Wood Spirit Body as soon as possible.”

Chu Xuan exhaled his breath to collect the skill, harnessed the Tiangang Flying Sword, and came to the outside of the Hundred Wood Spirit Cultivation Array.

He wanted to see if the wood attribute spirit object had matured.

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