The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 295: The emperor wakes up

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Before the princess acting as the governor left, she did not say whether she would arrange for someone to go to the palace to confirm the condition of Emperor Jia—Queen Su was very disappointed but could not help it.

After all, it was suspected that Emperor Xianjia did not really become a living person since then, mainly the queen himself. This will urge the acting princess to check. How can the acting princess not be suspicious?

"In the end, do you want to recall the warm beauty to Xuanming Palace?" After sending off the acting princess, the Queen Su ordered Fangyu to pass on the princess to speak. Before the Princess Royal had arrived, she seriously thought about the next step: The queen didn't know that Princess Princess had already known that Emperor Xian Jia was pretending to be ill and lead the snake out of the hole, and was thinking about letting this little aunt Be a scapegoat for this rebellion.

Therefore, the queen believed that if the warm beauty was recalled to Xuanming Palace, then even if the acting princess princess designed the prince while he was suffering from Emperor Jia ’s illness, she would be raped by the messenger. As long as she seemed incompetent, she could not do well. The princess of the country can't wait, she will definitely go over herself!

This naturally provokes Emperor Jia's anger-the problem is that the prince has now asked to stay to help the disease, but his own aunt also called a young and beautiful Gongzhen Tete, how could he wash himself when the emperor pursues it in the future clear?

"Forget it!" The queen thought for a moment, and sighed: Nephew Su Shaoge repeatedly told before leaving the palace, no matter what to do next, the priority should never be to arouse Jiadi's disgust!

At the critical moment, he would rather give up pulling back on the acting princess!

After all, under the circumstance that Emperor Xianjia was able to take matters into consideration, their vitality now falls on the emperor's old feelings. If that affection is worn away, what hope is there?

Thinking of this, the queen restrained Baiwei Chenza and adjusted her dress and waited for the princess to come.

After a while, the prince was brought to the queen, and the queen asked the prince's body warmly—the prince was not born to the queen. Naturally, his health condition could not affect the queen ’s mood like Wang Zhao, and the prince was “poisoned” by chance. The queen did not know that the Crown Prince had interjected herself, but only said that the Crown Prince was still pretending to be so, so she cared for a few words, and on the pretext that she was "lacked", implying that the Crown Prince had resigned.

The prince concubine did not leave immediately after the first bliss, but said carefully: "Mother, I heard that the emperor grandmother cared about her father and emperor for two days, and her daughter-in-law wanted to see it. Moreover, the mother-in-law was sick for a few days ... ... "

Seeing what the queen had to say, he said busyly, "Father Emperor is hosted by her mother, and the daughter-in-law can't help, so ..."

"It should be there to go to the mother." Queen Su did not know the concubine's calculations, but she knew that the East Palace was already a stable winner. Even if she was a mother-in-law, she could not blame them for trivial matters, so she didn't wait for the concubine to finish. His head, "As for Princess Cui, although there is a photo of Wang Liang, you can go and see-but your majesty is more important in the end. If you go there, it will not be good for her to wait for three or two days!"

The crown prince said respectfully.

She left the queen and talked to the prince. The prince only said that she was filial, and bowed her head: "I should have gone with it, but I just could n’t bear to walk away just to see the appearance of my father, I could only bother you Walk around and plead guilty to the grandmother and mother-in-law for me! "

In fact, the prince did not want to see these two. First of all, the queen mother has always been very good to him, but since a few months ago, her attitude has changed suddenly for the princess of the country. This has always been a good face and a good face. The Prince was not ready to face this uncle ’s grandmother. Secondly, Concubine Cui, this mother-in-law did n’t hit him once or twice, but she was the mother of the birth. The Prince could n’t handle her. Think upset and feel upset.

So please let the princess come forward on her behalf and stay in the Xuanming Palace under the banner of serving the father. As for whether the Xuanming Palace is safe, the Prince did not intend to go back alive after entering the palace anyway. On the father's side, it is enough to serve the front of the bed and pay a little for the care of your children! "

After the Crown Prince received his approval, she first met the Queen Mother at Mingren Palace, but she failed. She was ordered by Queen Su of Fu. Recently, Fu Chongrong, who has been serving the Queen Mother, told her: "The queen mother has been a royal body these days. Worried, Fangcai Palace and Aunt Yuguo easily persuaded the queen mother to drink a bowl of soothing soup, and it was worthy of being resettled. So this would still not disturb the queen mother-in-law, right? "

"Mr. Fu said that." The purpose of the queen's queen's request to the queen was mainly to meet with Cui. The queen queen did not see her here, and she was happy to save some time. At this moment, she would not insist on seeing her, and asked Fu Chongrong After the queen mother's recent situation, after speaking some scenes, she left.

The journey from Mingren Palace to Xifu Palace was not short. It was already dusk when she arrived at Xifu Palace. Cui Fei was very surprised to see the daughter-in-law coming. "How did you enter the palace?" Now I am proclaiming the disease in the palace, and I have no time to split up, so I send my daughter-in-law to visit the emperor's grandmother and mother-in-law on his behalf. "The Crown Prince respectfully said," Is the unknown mother-in-law better these two days? "

When Cui Fei heard her face changed, she first sent away the palace man, and then pointed at the Crown Prince angrily, "Why are you so confused ?! Xuan Ming Palace was controlled by Su Shi and Dai Guo during this time. For Xiao Er, It ’s not a wolf's den, you can put him into the palace, it will throw him there, and make excuses to run out. Is it because of the death of Xiaoer that he can rely on Zhongling to be a young concubine? Idea ?! "

The princess was suddenly cursed by her mother-in-law, but she was not angry and rejoicing, and secretly said, "In this way, my mother-in-law really does not know that the emperor is most likely pretending to be sick ?!"

Cui Fei is also a daughter-in-law of the Guanjia family. She has been immersed in the palace for many years. Even if she can't talk about the major events, she is not a person who will swear at a serious daughter-in-law. Messed and panicked!

The crown prince lowered her head and covered the sneer of her mouth, pretending to be wronged: "How dare my mother-in-law be a dad? Really, her Royal Highness has to enter the palace, and her daughter-in-law cannot stop her. She can only ask her to bring her daughter-in-law together! And the emperor The grandmother and mother-in-law were not very good in the past two days. They knew it from the former harem. Since the daughter-in-law and her highness came to the palace, how can they only care about the emperor and the grandmother and you? People are most needed over there, so your wife-in-law will take a trip to the emperor's grandmother and you! "

Then he took out the parchment and wiped his tears, "As for the daughter-in-law who deliberately threw the next person in the Xuanming Palace, the daughter-in-law is beyond recognition-if the daughter-in-law is greedy for life and fear of death, His Highness repeatedly asks When the daughter-in-law stayed in the East Palace to preside over the whole situation, how could the daughter-in-law insist on coming with His Royal Highness? "

In fact, Cui Fei also knows that she has become irritable in the past two days, but it is also difficult for her to be irritable: Since being humiliated by the hands of the acting princess that year, and since then she has not been fair, her only hope is, After the eldest son ascended the throne, he will calculate this account with the acting head princess and the entire Ji family!

——In fact, Cui Fei's young man entered the palace. He was neither the right concubine nor the owner of the special room, nor did he feel that he could not bear any grievances. But who told her biological eldest son to be Chujun when he was four or five years old?

As the biological mother of Chu Jun, the status of the prince has been so stable these years. Cui Fei had hopes of revenge and snow hate. Naturally, she would not persuade herself to be calm for a while, and would only brew all the humiliation and hatred in the cellar, waiting for the day when the clouds would bloom!

Just after Emperor Xianjia fell ill, Cui Fei thought that when the situation was getting closer and closer to the hope, the situation suddenly changed—the prince might be abolished!

How can this be called Cui Fei? !!

"I don't need you to watch here, you go back to Xuanming Palace to look at Xiaoxiao!" Cui Fei took a deep breath and pressed her frantic, cold voice, "Now there are no outsiders here, and I'm not stumped: The future of our mother-in-law, in the final analysis, you must count on Xiaoer! If you are filial to me, then Xiaoer will have a good time ... "

After saying this, I felt unlucky, struggling to stay along the road, said, "In short, you go back-wait, what is your Majesty now?"

Princess Cui suddenly thought that the princess said that she had gone to Mingren Palace first and then came to herself. That said, their couple has been in the palace for a while, but there is no news from the Palace of Xuanming Palace to the Prince yet. I don't believe that the empress and the acting head princess will be softhearted-so, maybe the emperor can still be saved?

With such a fluke, Cui Fei couldn't help sitting up straight, "Can you see your Majesty with your own eyes?"

"If you return to your mother-in-law, your daughter-in-law will serve the emperor with the Royal Highness." The princess waited for her, and immediately worried, "Father emperor ... he now ..."

It took a while for Ai Ai to wait for a while, and the Crown Prince described "the father is now a living dead, and Xuanming Palace is controlled by his mother and mother", only to hear Cui Fei's eyelids screaming, "This ... this ... how is this good? How is it good ?! "

The princess crowned her eyes and whispered: "His Royal Highness has said so far, and it is good to give the father and mother the best filial piety."

"I heard that Gong Yan is also in Xuanming Palace?" Princess Cui had no doubt at all about the words of Princess Prince. After all, when she personally persuaded her son Xun Jun, the Prince would rather die than agree-only the Prince would accept his fate, Cui Why can't Fei swallow this breath! She thought for a moment, and said, "Is he still there?"

The princess's heart turned and said, "Here it is."

Cui Fei narrowed her eyes and said, "It is said that it was your idea to serve His Majesty in the palace? You did not do it authentically. It is true that Gong Yan grew up in the palace and was especially cordial with His Majesty among the emperors. But you also don't want to think about what the state of Yan Guo is: their couples are young, but they are not living with their elders. Now Mrs. Yan Guo is still pregnant. You think about Xiaoer well, but you are too compassionate. It's up! "

"What the mother-in-law learned was that the daughter-in-law didn't think about it thoroughly." The princess confessed meekly. "Then the daughter-in-law will talk to her mother and A Xu afterwards, and tell him to go back and take pictures of Brother Song?"

"He has been sent to this palace for so many days, and there are no shortage of these two or two nights." Cui Fei said, "Moreover, now the sun is setting, he suddenly went back, and the government of the Yan Kingdom was not prepared at all. Suddenly busy, isn't this something to add to Mrs. Yan Guo? What kind of consideration? "

The princess said apologetically: "The daughter-in-law is really confused-the daughter-in-law will say later, let A Xuming go back again?"

"However, if you go out of the palace, if you leave the palace smoothly, you should also say a good word, so that Mrs. Yan Guo can make preparations in advance." Cui Fei added. Not caught off guard? "

——The emperor can't live any longer!

Otherwise, the situation will only become more and more detrimental to Prince Edward and to Cui Fei!

But even though Qian Fanfei had this decision, she had no choice but to rush the prince to be truly poisoned. At that time, if Emperor Xianjia died, a coma would not know if he could survive and whether he could recover as usual. On what basis? !! Maybe when the Manchu dynasty and military do n’t enlist the prince in front of the spirit to ascend to the throne, he will negotiate and save easily before the spirit!

After all, the count of Jianling's bloodshed was still on the Crown Prince! You really don't need to find another reason to change Chu Jun.

Therefore, Cui Fei sent someone to communicate with the Crown Prince at night, and could only vomit blood!

Now, the prince is able to get up, and Cui Fei naturally has the thought of killing the emperor to let his son take the upper position—but she never expected that after her silly son could get up, the first thing was to enter the declaration regardless of the danger. Gong Jingxiao!

If she would attack the emperor, would the Queen Su who preside over the Xuanming Palace kill the prince? !!

"Fortunately, Xuanming Palace also has a granddaughter Yan, and Xiaoer also has a bell tomb!" Cui Fei thought coldly. "Xiaoer is entering the palace today to serve His Majesty. If Xiao Ma is gone tonight, Xiao The child also followed, can the outsider not doubt? Of course, the queen can use her identity and power to temporarily cover up the news-but later, I will send the news that Yan Guogong will return home the next day. If the son of the State of Yan does not return, how can Madame Yan Guo be suspicious? Although the Song family is not a good birth, her mother-in-law is her sister-in-law! How can it be ignored if you know this? But asking political affairs is not easy to mess with! "

And Song Yixiao's biological mother is Hengshan Wang Jifei!

Although Hengshan King is a neutral faction, he never mixes up for the reserve, and is now guarding his mother's filial piety without asking about world affairs-but he is the royal family!

Nothing else can be said without hesitation. How can the emperor's safety be ignored? !!

King Hengshan is not the prince who was frightened like King Yi. His ancestor was the king who depended on merit rather than blood, and his status in the royal family and Chaotang has always been high!

At that time, there will be him on the court, and the head of the family will be led by the princess of the Jin Dynasty. Queen Su and the acting princess will run the Xuanming Palace like an iron barrel.

By that time, the fact that Emperor Xianjia could not be concealed, if the prince is alive, he will naturally take the throne; if the prince is gone, then there is no doubt that Princess Cui of Gu Shao, and I believe that the courtiers who supported the prince in the past will go all out Investigate the queen and acting king princess' plot to usurp the throne, and spare no effort to support the king of Zhongling County!

Even if Da Rui did not have an example where the emperor's grandchildren crossed the emperor's descendants, how many sons did Jiaditong have?

After King Wei and Zhao were both dragged into the whirlpool of Xun Jun, there was also the King Shu who was the same age as King Zhongling County, and King Liang, another son raised by Cui Fei himself!

Although King Liang does not have a reputation for being smart and capable, compared to the eight-year-old Shu King, the normal minister would propose to establish him-after all, the King of Shu does not have rumors such as talented intelligence, let alone, letting it become a home is about to be When the father's prince does not stand, he wants to set up a prince who is not ten years old and is not a prostitute. How can he not be suspected of bad intentions and want to take advantage of the power of the young master?

What do you think, the emperor's death tonight, the future of Cui Fei will only be brighter!

"Let's do it as you suggested last time!" After sending the princess away-after confirming that the daughter-in-law has safely left the house, Cui Fei summoned the old palace maid with an agreed secret signal, and Shen Shen ordered it.

But no one expected that this night, the genius was dark, and the Xuanming Palace sent a shocking news inside and outside:

The emperor woke up! !! !!

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