The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 403: Mother Bo is gone?

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

The large houses of Hengshan Palace are full of joy.

This is not surprising. Although Kong Shi got a son when he entered the door, because the second younger mother, Jin Shi, wanted to get a touch of it, and hugged the child to raise him—as a result, I did n’t know that the child had a problem. , Or Jin's unattractive, anyway, it will be gone without term.

After Kong's confinement, Fang knew that she was so angry with Jin's theory. After a serious illness, she remained silent for several years!

I will finally have another son. How can I be unhappy in the big house?

"I'm still in a dream until now!" When the Kong family saw Song Yi laughing, the tears on the corners of his eyes were still dry, and he said straightly, "I thought I would never have any more children for the past two years-I didn't expect to return Can have today! "

Her mother-in-law was also wiping tears, boasting of her suffering, and of course she had to persuade her: "Grandma, don't cry, this is a happy thing! Not to mention tears in confinement."

Song Yixiao comforted her for a while with her babysitter, but Kong reluctantly shed tears and gave a gift to Song Yixiao: "I heard that Dad asked Eight Sisters to follow you to Sangzi? Speaking of us, we are really right brothers I ca n’t live with my eighth sister. After my mother went, we should take care of the eighth sister. I do n’t want to be tired of you for many days! Now you have to take her back and forth. ”

"Where is this, Kong Yizi?" Song Yi smiled softly. "That is also my sister. You are too busy. I just happen to be empty. Who cares if I do n’t take care of her? Besides, you suggested me Picking her up was for her sake, how could I not know Xunzi's hard work? "

Kong's not a lot of her Daoxi here today, so Song Yi laughed and talked to her, so she left and went to Lu Guanyun's yard.

On the way, she thought about it, and went to find her grandma.

Grandma Wushao has fine eyebrows and long eyes, fair skin, and looks honest.

Although she has been in charge of the Hengshan Palace for more than half a year, she met with Song Yixiao, but she was still trembling. When she met, she pleaded guilty and said she did not take good care of Lu Yaner—Song Yixiao managed to explain that she was not He came to plead guilty, but came to see her specifically.

It ’s easy to say that Grandma Five calmed down, but she did n’t know what to look for. In the end, Song Yi laughed and tried to pull her home with her. Seeing this young grandma seemed to be struggling with entertainment, she sighed and had to say goodbye Already.

It's almost noon to see Lu Guanyun again.

She came in the door wearing Qiuyang, but saw a half-opened window in the court where Fang Cao was embarrassed, and the little boy was sitting side by side in a case that was not inconsistent with his body, holding him. This book is being read aloud.

Lu Guanyun apparently noticed that her sister was coming, but she was unmoved—Song Yixiao didn't mean to disturb him, waiting outside the door.

After a while, he finally finished reading a paragraph, then put down the book, jumped off the stool, and ran out happily: "Sister, are you here?"

"Yes!" Since Wei Mengying's death, due to one reason or another, the two older sisters haven't been alone for a long time. Considering Lu Yan'er's situation, Song Yixiao was very afraid to see his brother when he came back. Good change. At this meeting, his spirit remained the same, and he sighed with relief, leaning over to hug him, and laughing, "Hey, here too! Hey, remember your brother?"

"Hey, let my brother hug!" Who wanted Lu Guanyun to make a deft move, avoiding her arm and teasing Lu Yeer from her skirt, and complained a little, "Sister, I'm already in school, you hold me again Me, let others see a joke! "

Song Yixiao was originally frustrated because he didn't let himself be hugged. When he heard the words, he really cried and laughed: "How old are you? We are brothers and sisters, what a joke!"

"Sister don't hold me anyway, anyway!" Lu Guanyun was only seven years old this year, and it was naturally difficult for him to hold four-year-old Lu Yaner, so he put it down without holding it for a while, and regretfully touched his sister's head, righteously. " I'm no longer a three or four year old! "

"!" Song Yi thought for a while, and suddenly came over and hugged him for a while before putting down, humming, "Six or seven years old is also a little child to my sister-you don't want to think that you are more talented than your niece How old are you still pretending to be an adult! "

Seeing Lu Guanyun's flat mouth, Song Yi laughed and coaxed, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Isn't that missing you too much?"

Speaking of this, seeing Lu Yan'er just watching silently, slowing his tone, he squatted down and said, "Hey, this is your seventh brother, have you forgotten it? Come, call your brother."

Although Lu Guanyun and Lu Yier are brothers and sisters of the same father and mother, their blood relationship is closer than that of Song Yixiao, but the siblings spend less time together. This is because Lu Yaner is too young to play with him, and Wei Mengying has high hopes for the only son. He said that he entered school at the age of six. In fact, when he was three, he would teach him something when he was free. .

Since entering school, it has been even more difficult to connect with my sister.

So at this moment, when I saw Lu Yaner looking at herself but not shouting, and didn't realize that there was something wrong, she just smiled and teased her: "You shouted Qige, Qige will give you pastry, okay?"

Song Yi smiled and looked at his sunny smile, and then looked at the silent sister, she really didn't know what it was like—she didn't think her brother was heartless and heartless, but just thought that the brother kept it after losing his biological mother. This feeling of no haze is mostly because after the accident of Wei Mengying, no matter Heng Shan Wang or Bo Mama, he was the most protected.

Inevitably, I feel wronged for my two younger sisters.

"My thoughts are ridiculous, do I have to be happy if my brother is as silent as my sister?" But then she felt guilty: she knew she sympathized more with her sisters, except that the two sisters were really pitiful and ignored, It is also because of sympathy for the same disease.

All the hardships she suffered for two generations were actually because of her daughter.

Suppose that she is the mother and son of Song, not the eldest daughter. Even if Wei Mengying remarries, Mrs. Pang may not be willing to take what she is-so brother and sister, she can't help but think from the standpoint of sisters.

However, if Hengshan Wang and Bo's mother were eccentric again, it could not be said that Lu Guanyun's fault. Song Yixiao had a complicated mood, as if he had a **** on his brother.

She shook her head and shook off her thoughts, watching Lu Guanyun tease Lu Yier, and then stomped a piece of cake from the table for her sister—Liu Yier looked and received it, but did not eat.

"Yuner, what about Mother Bo?" Song Yi smiled as he watched his brother continue to coax his sister. He groaned and said, "Isn't she serving you here today?"

She was thinking that Mother Bo could hide today, could she still hide herself forever?

He didn't want Lu Guanyun but was surprised: "Sister, don't you know? Mother Bo left when she was in Cuihua Mountain."

"Gone?" Song Yi smiled and said, "Where did she go?"

"Listening to Wuyi, she returned to her hometown." Lu Guanyun said, "As for where my mother's hometown is, I don't know what-or my sister to ask Wuyi?"

Speaking of this old servant, he showed nostalgia, "In the past, when I was studying, my mother was waiting for me. Occasionally, my mother would make some special snacks. The locust cake was so delicious! Unfortunately, when my mother left, Tell me that Wuyi said she had something at home, or she definitely wanted to stay and take care of me! "

"Is that it?" Song Yi groaned with a smile, glanced at the bell, and saw that the bell shook her head slightly, indicating that she didn't know the matter, so she said to her brother, "You are here with my son, and my sister is going to ask your five sons- —After all, Bo is the mother of our mother. I do n’t know what happened to her at home, but she just left! ”

Lu Guanyun nodded sensiblely: "Sister, please go, I will take care of my sister."

He also said, "Sister asked me to talk to me?"

"Okay!" Song Yi squeezed his cheek with a smile, and pushed away with annoyance, Fang laughed and got up to leave.

Grandma Wushao returned when she saw her, and this time she did not bring Lu Yaner, thinking that she was here to settle accounts now, and she suddenly expressed panic. Song Yi laughed helplessly and thought: "It is no wonder that Kong Zizi said that she pressed Can't live underneath, this look, is a down-to-earth underling, also think she is bullying? "

With a sigh in his heart, Song Yixiao said directly: "I heard Yuner said that before, my mother, Bo, had something going back at home? But I don't know what happened?"

"That was a coax of Yun'er." Grandma Wushao sighed with relief when she saw her asking, "Actually, Bom's mother is gone!"

"Gone?" Song Yi smiled and said, "What's gone ?!"

"Her son worked at Zhuangzi in the palace, and somehow was misunderstood ..." Granny Five considered the wording before continuing, "The misunderstanding insulted a young daughter-in-law of a Zhuang family. The woman's father and husband are extremely Violent sex. Son, after hearing the news, he started to kill, but while Bo's mother occasionally went to see his son, he blocked his family in the room and set fire, and the family was like this ... "

Song Yixiao was very surprised: "When did this happen? Why haven't you heard of it?"

Mrs. Bo's husband is gone. She has only one son and has married a wife. It is said that she has quite a few children. In total, she has at least seven or eight people, plus Ms. Bo as Wei Mengying's first confidant. It is affordable for a little girl to serve—even if their family seems to be a slave to the superior, so many lives are still happening at the feet of the emperor. How could it be silent, even Song Yi laughed like this? Didn't the mother Bo's relatives hear the wind?

"At that time, the Lu family had just copied the house, and Cuihua Mountain was discussing the matter of the Lu family. No one wanted to care about such a simple case." Granny Wu explained, "And the father thought that the seventh brother was a thin mother watching the long Big, knowing that such bad news will definitely be sad, I told the up and down only to say that Bo's mother has something to go back to her hometown-I didn't tell you there, but I'm afraid you are sad! "

Song Yi smiled and frowned, but didn't answer: How could she be sorry for Bo's death?

In fact, if Bo is not dead, she is still wondering if this old servant will stay before this coming!


Grandma Wushao said that it was indecent that the Zhuang household was destroyed. Is this a coincidence?

I'm afraid it's not just the door, but the door?

She immediately thought of Gu Shao, her eyes could not help but cold.

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