The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 415: Rather kill by mistake, don't let go!

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Jian Xubai heard a moment of contemplation, but shook his head: "Grandfather may leave something to his third brother fortunately, after he and Erbo's death, continue to count us. But it is not necessarily what they do to warm Princess Fei Yes-I grew up because of my grandmother's grandmother, so that I can still easily enter and leave the palace when I am older. "

"But even so, it was convenient for me to just go to my grandmother's grandmother, but I have never been involved elsewhere in the harem."

"Not to mention that Erbo and Sange are not always close to the royal family. When Sange was young, he didn't enter the palace very much except for the New Year's banquet. When he grew up, it was necessary and he didn't even step on the palace door!"

"So how can the two of them get in touch with Princess Nuan?"

"But don't forget that Princess Nuan was consecrated by Ji Guogong into the palace." Jian Liyi calmly said, "Although Jian Yiyou had been with the Princess Changxing Chang last year, he was the granddaughter of the Su family. ——He does not always interact with the palace. The problem is that Changxing Chang princess is the first emperor's concubine. Even after falling, he visits the palace from time to time. How do you know that they have not passed the message through Changxing Chang princess? Collusion? "

He paused, and said, "Even Jane Yi still favors the servant sister Shen, neglecting the first wife and the princess, so that Queen Mother Su and the long princess can't stand it, asking the empress queen and the princess of the kingdom of Jin to let them go. Maybe so What a bitter scheme? The purpose is to cover up this conspiracy today! "

Jian Lixi sighed, "Mr. Su came from Fufengtang and was respected by her emperor. When she was in charge of the Sixth Palace, she took care of the palace princes. How much benefit did she get! In such a main palace, even in the half year before the emperor's collapse, due to the failure of his own son to seize the reserve, he was tired of the housework, but for many years the business has been held there. Under her eyes was King Qing? "

He means something, "Axu, you should never underestimate the power of the Wangs! Especially the famous family like Su family, which inherited several dynasties! Because you don't know how many backhands they left in their heyday, let alone know How much adversity and humiliation their ancestors experienced in the slump! "

Jian Xu's white faces were dignified. Although the father and son had a relationship with Jinxiu Tang, they were not named Duanmu in the end, so their understanding of valve reading was naturally limited.

Since Jian Liyi was raised by his aunt, Mrs. Duanmu, all the biological sons of Mrs. Duanmu died, and the nephew was regarded as her own son. It was cultivated in accordance with the example of Jinxiutang in the memory. The understanding of the six valves in the country, even though Jian Lizhen is not as good as the children of the Su family, is definitely above Jian Xubai.

At this moment, it is impossible for Vanity to ignore his warning.

"If the people behind this time have something to do with the Su family, their purpose is nothing more than usurping." Jian Xu thought for a moment and slowly spoke, "But why are you coming towards me?"

It is not that he is arrogant, but in fact he is in the line of Duan emperor. Although his status is noble and his status is important, he is definitely not second to none.

Wen You Gu Shaowu and He Wenqiong, these two are the arms of Emperor Xian Jia's personal choice for Duan Huadi, and they are also the real names of Duan Hua.

The most significant role of Jian Xubai for Duanhua Emperor is because of his identity: the eldest son of the eldest princess of Jin Dynasty, raised by the Empress Dowager himself, and won the support of the elders of the royal family for Duanhua emperor.

——After all, he is too young, he has a short career life, and he has a high starting point. How can he compare himself with Gu Shao and He Wenqiong who are both grandpas?

So if anyone wants to usurp, why shouldn't he be attacked-because his downfall has no effect on Duan Huadi, but the influence is absolutely not as great as Gu Shao and He Wenqiong after the incident.

Of course, Jian Liyu mentioned Jian Pingyu and Jian Likang. These two, as well as Jian Yiyu who is still alive, do have reasons to point their finger at him.


Jian Xu simply groaned, "Did the second room know that Gu Shao and Xue Pei's credentials came from the Su family, which in turn caught the Su family's handle and forced the Su family to help them set up this trap?"

When the Su family sent the voucher to Jian Yiyu's study, the entire process was seen by Mrs. Duanmu and the people from Jianliyu.

Later, Mrs. Duanmu also relied on this matter. She persuaded and half-pressed Queen Mother Su to come forward, and said that she would move Emperor Duanhua to inherit Jian Xubai to the third room—this matter was told before Jian Xubai. .

At this moment, I ca n’t help but think, “Grandfather is always well-intentioned. Even if he lost to Gu Shao this time, because the second room returned with us, how can the grandfather not question everything about the second emperor? Maybe he can infer the truth from it, and then stay behind. For third brother? "

"If this is the case, then if you want to return to the imperial capital, on the way you will face not only the plot of the second house, but also the target of the Su family." Jian Liying turned around in the house and stopped the trail. "The second house is no longer scary, but Su Dai's 'Dai Feng' must be guarded!"

"The Su family may not dare to let 'Dai Feng' go all out!" Jian Xu shook his head in vain. "Dad, you think, no matter if the Su family is in public or private, there is no reason to eradicate me now! And how can they do their best? The current situation of the Su family is not good. They dare not attract the attention of the court, do they? "

After a pause, "I'm more worried about Gu Shao!"

"Gu Shao, you don't have to worry!" But Jian Liyun shook his head. "Your grandfather is dead, not to mention that your second uncle is dead, even if he is still alive, giving him ten or eight copies of Gu Shao's handle is just a lifeline. That's it! Your grandfather hadn't been confused before he died, and he would definitely explain that the second room should never invite Gu Shao again-so the second room was crazy and thought of using Gu Shao! "

This is not to say that Su's ingenuity was thrown 18 streets by Gu Shao, mainly because the current situation of the two parties is different: the former is the loser of the reserve, and has a blood relationship with King Su, it is impossible to wash the conversion. The camp or whatever, so unless King Su ascends to the throne, there will be only two endings: either die in suspicion or erupt in suspicion.

In this case, of course, the Su family must not be a bit windy. Otherwise, after Lu Yicheng revealed in the blood book that Su Shaoge and Song Yixiao had a head and tail, Queen Mother Su would not adopt such a fierce way to confuse her nephew—this is not only the queen mother, Just to protect his nephew, he was also afraid that Emperor Duanhua would use this as an excuse to strike the entire Su family!

However, Gu Shao, the mainstay of the victory camp for the reserve, also became the prince's teacher, and was naturally sheltered by the queen, the descendants, and the prince. Although he was a ported emperor's relative, he had no holy favors and means. The second house of Jian ’s family wants to threaten him with a handle. Is n’t this what is trying to kill?

"Dad said it." Jian Xubai thought about it, exhaling, "No matter what, I'd better go back to the emperor as soon as possible-otherwise, once your Majesty is convinced, our family will be bad!"

Going back may fall into the traps carefully prepared by the people behind the scenes, but if you do n’t go back, you can only sit back and wait.

Of course, Jian Xubai chose to go back, at least there is a chance to return-not to mention that even if he has left the imperial capital for more than half a year, there is no arrangement in the imperial capital.

Others don't say, Yuan Xuepei never left Emperor Capital!

"Then discuss it with the child of Shanyang!" Jian Liyun nodded. "At this moment, there is only a reason for visiting the elders to visit the elders, so it must be a hurry, but it is inconvenient to bring them."

"I didn't plan to bring them," Jian Xubai said firstly. "It's a big deal, just in case ... they all depend on their father!"

Jane Li sighed: "Do you still need to say that? You should write a letter-I will arrange for you to go!"

After sending Jian Xubai to the backyard, Jan Liyuan's original calm and gentle expression suddenly cooled down!

He called into a humble old servant at the door: "What's wrong?"

"If you return to the master, Jian Yi still keeps on the grave for only a few days after moving his family to Liaozhou City, and he often disappears." The old servant whispered, "But he is very alert, Liao This place is not like Emperor Capital or Jiangnan. The terrain is very flat, especially when it was cold and snowy before. He chose a clear field when he talked to people, and walked around-although our people are good When he got to the location, he ambushed in the snow in advance, and he could only overhear a few words, and almost stepped on him! "

After a pause, the old servant said, "But now the climate is getting warmer, and it is happening in the wild. He doesn't want to use this method to avoid people's eyes. Besides, we can hardly overhear his specific conversation with those people. Process, but can keep up with those people to understand the details. From the current point of view, he ... "

"There's no time!" Jian Liying interrupted him when he heard this, calmly, "My son is now involved in the big trouble. This is the biggest suspect of Jane Yi-I have no time to keep guarding he!"

The old servant bowed, "What does master mean?"

"For my child's safety." Jian Li stared at the newly drawn green shoots outside the window, paused, and spit words like ice, "Ning wrong kill, don't let go!"

The old servant didn't care about Jane's life, he hesitated: "But where is Her Royal Highness Princess Jin?

"I will confess to Her Majesty the Princess!" Jian Liyun looked down, showing the coldness, which was a sign that he had lost his interest. "Just do it!"

The old servant heard the words, no longer hesitated, and bowed, "Yes!"

After a pause, he asked, "Jian Yi still has a son. Although young, there is a way to cut the grass to remove the root ..."

"... Seeing that Qingyue is still young, the child will not move." Jian Liyun thought for a moment, "Shen is a smart person, she should know how to teach that child in the future!"

If Shen Qimo doesn't know, he doesn't matter. The second house father and son are dead. Is it difficult to die another grandchild?

All in all, no matter how **** his hands are or what he is referring to, he must protect the Jane White Family!

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