The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 419: Bloody confession

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Imperial capital.

After several days and nights of rushing, Jian Xubai finally returned to the capital, which had been away for half a year.

After entering the city, he said goodbye to the special envoy, first went back to the house to clean up and change clothes, and summoned a few important directors, hurriedly asked a few words, and then went to the Royal Palace to visit the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager saw the grandson who was obviously thin because of rushing through the night, but the most important thing now was to let Jian Xubai go to the emperor to defend himself. "The emperor is also very worried about you after you have been away for so long. Now that you have entered the palace, you should also come to see him!"

Jane Xu Baibai first responded, and asked the empress Su and other elders one by one, so they resigned to Xuanming Palace.

In the Xuanming Palace, Emperor Duan Hua had cleared the court in advance and waited for a while.

The young emperor was a little anxious. He did not intend to speak with his cousin, because this matter that concerns the dignity of Emperor Jia, whether it is innocence or innocence, what he said is to his father. insult.

But the Empress Dowager intervened. Although Emperor Duanhua did not fully accept the suggestion of the Emperor's grandmother, she couldn't completely wipe her face-she could only say clearly.

So the emperor's mood is very complicated now: Jane Xubai is innocent, which means that he wronged his cousin who looked at him, and even the rebuttals before the emperor Tai Tai seemed ridiculous, and between the cousins It is difficult not to leave cracks;

If Jane Xubai is not innocent, it means that his revered father and emperor, known as Emperor Mingxian, was actually treated as a green hat by his relatives and relatives.

It also means that Duan Huadi has always misread this cousin!

So that the emperor doesn't know what to expect now?

Being upset, the housekeeper at the door stepped in and said, "Your Majesty, Grand Duke Yan Guoqiu!"

"Xuan!" Emperor Duanhua exhaled and sat upright.

After a moment, the simple white who took the stone robe and took only the bamboo crown and came in: "Wei Chen, see His Majesty!"

Emperor Duanhua waved his hand: "No polite, sit down!"

Jian Xuan thanked En. After the first seat, Duanhua Emperor was silent for a while. He didn't directly talk about the business, but said, "Liaozhou is far away from the Emperor. You have come all the way."

"Your Majesty speaks heavily." Jian Xu said whitely, "After all, the imperial grandmother's phoenix body is important!" Originally, he had passed to the third house of Jian's family. Not counting the son of the eldest princess of the Jin Kingdom, naturally he could no longer be called the empress queen's "mother grandma" However, only in the Qingxi Palace, was he interrupted angrily by the queen queen's queen and told him to continue shouting "the grandmother of the emperor".

The Empress Dowager even said, "Why? Once Ai ’s family has worked hard to support you once, after you have passed away, you will not miss the upbringing of Ai ’s family in the past? Or just look at the grandmother ’s grandmother's old age and physical weakness. Do n’t you mourn your family?”

Speaking of this, Jian Xubaiyuan did not have the idea of ​​being born to this elder. Naturally, she relied on the Empress Dowager-except that she no longer referred to the "Junior Grand Prince Princess Couple" as "daddy and mother", to other people in the royal family. The title is the old one, in order to show that he has not forgotten the care and care of him over the years.

At this moment, Duan Huadi didn't care about him shouting, nodded with no expression, and asked, "How are you in the third room?"

"His Majesty Lai Fuze, everything is fine." Jian Xu groaned, "It's just the third brother's business ..."

When Jian Yi was still the son of the princess of the Jin Dynasty, when Shen Qimo and Jian Chengzhi were involved, even though his whereabouts are still unknown, how can he hide it in Liaozhou? So the emperor already knew the news of the suffering of the Jane Yi family.

But Emperor Duanhua was not in the mood to care for this rusty cousin. He squeezed his eyebrows and finally decided to enter the topic: "Let's go down!"

The palace mermaid retreated, and the tall gate was closed in silence.

Even when the lights were turned on, only the cousins ​​remained in the dimly lit temple.

Emperor Duanhua took a deep breath and said: "A Xu, you should know the emperor's grandmother's excuses to lie on the couch, and call you back?"

"The minister heard that Mother and Son Nuan had been placed under house arrest, and that some people in the DPRK impeached Jian's three bedrooms without being punished. It was a bit of a bold conjecture!" Jian Xubai heard, rising from her seat, bowing her arms, calmly , "Hope Your Majesty Forgiveness!"

"I only ask you one question now: Is it you?" On the back of the hand of Emperor Duanhua, the blue muscles exploded. He stared at the cousin Fengshen Junlang, saying, "A Xu, I'm asking you as a cousin now-hope you don't let me down !!! "

His voice did not fall, Jian Xubai had raised his head, and stared straight at the upper end of the emperor: "No!"

"Can there be evidence?" It is not surprising that Emperor Duanhua would answer this question. Who would be so stupid as to be confessed by such a question? Although Jane's attitude is very frank, but if he really did such a thing, it has been installed under his eyes for so long, how difficult is it to continue to be innocent?

"The easiest way is to confess your relatives with blood," Jian Xubai said calmly. "As for other evidence, Chen has been far away in Liaozhou before, but for a while, he couldn't think of a better way!"

——Since Emperor Duanhua believed that King Qing was not the blood of Emperor Jia, but he has kept his life with Princess Nuan to this day, and has only been placed under house arrest in the name of protection, apparently to confirm King Qing ’s biological father. Note】!

When Jian Xubai and Jian Lizhen discussed the countermeasures before, he had never thought of confessing his blood, and Gein did so. Although he can prove Jian Xubai's innocence, the friendship between him and Duan Huadi will inevitably suffer. Heavy hits-If you use an unmarried couple as a metaphor for the relationship between monarchs and ministers, the fiance suspects that the fiancee is related to others, and asks a few questions in person, even if the argument is over, it is not difficult to recombine.

But if the fiance comes directly to someone and asks to verify whether the fiancee is still a virgin, one can imagine the feelings of both parties!

Therefore, Jian Liying said at the beginning that the best solution was to find the real adulterer of Princess Conan, so that she could not only simplify Jane's vainness, but also not tore her face and make it difficult for each other to step down.

However, the world was unpredictable—Jian Xubai was overtaken by the people from Jianli before arriving at the capital, and informed him of the news of Jane Yi ’s death, and suggested that he change his original plan and immediately prove his innocence to the emperor!

Because Jian Yiyu was discovered after Jian Xubai got up and returned to the imperial capital, and Jian Xubai did not encounter any obstruction along the way. It's hard not to let Jane Lie suspect that the real killing is in the capital, in the imperial palace, and in the DPRK!

So he thinks that at this time, he must pick himself up as soon as possible to avoid falling into the chain of calculations—Jian Xubai certainly believes in the judgment of his uncle.

Emperor Duanhua looked at his cousin with a complex look, and then silently said, "The emperor's grandmother often took the evil seed to her knees to tease. In the recent days, the emperor's grandmother cares about the prince because of the prince's couch, and has not paid attention to it for the time being. There. I have said good-by to the Emperor's grandmother before. The Emperor's grandmother should have sent someone to bring the evil seed to me. "

The two cousins ​​then went to Mingren Palace with the banner of asking the Queen Mother to be safe-after the Queen Mother had become better, she had to give up to the Queen Mother.

However, Queen Mother Su said that she refused to accept anything, but she still lived in Huiyi Palace with her concubine.

The Empress Dowager mentioned it several times, and she didn't say it because her daughter-in-law really didn't want to grab the place where she lived.

The palace people didn't pay much attention when they saw Jian Xubai turning back again.

The Empress Dowager has always loved this grandson, and no one knows it.

In particular, Jian Xubai didn't bring his wife and daughter this time. How could the queen queen mother not keep him for a meal? So I went to see Emperor Duanhua in a simple way, and then returned to Mingren Palace with Duanhua Emperor.

"You're here?" The Empress Dowager saw her grandson and her grandson come in together, and laughed like Qingren hugging Qing Wang. "Look at this child, is it more and more like the emperor?"

Most of the appearances of King Qing passed on the mother-in-law's warm concubine, which was surprisingly beautiful. However, the gradually opening eyebrows did have some shadows of the emperor. This is also one of the reasons that Duan Huadi suspected Jian Xubai, because Jian Xubai really responded to the nephew Xiao Xun's words, and he was longer than him. The son also looks like Xian Jiadi.

"Emperor Grandma, we have something to tell you." Emperor Duanhua looked at King Qing. He used to like this younger brother. Although he was different from his mother, he didn't threaten him, he looked good, and he was older than his son. Still young, why should he be stingy?

But this time, it seems that the King of King is getting more and more disgusted, but too lazy to be as innocent as the Empress Dowager, and said straightforwardly, "It matters."

After hearing the words, the empress queen looked around, and the palace person immediately resigned-only Yu Guo remained, and she asked in a voice: "Mother-in-law, His Royal Highness?"

"What does his child know? Keep it!" The queen mother and mother glanced at her in her arms, playing with Qing King who was playing with her pearls.

After the temple door was closed, the empress queen's face still had a kind smile on her face, and there was no trace in no time.

She put Qing King on the couch: "Yu Guo!"

Yuguo understood the blessing and entered the apse.

After a while, she came out holding the golden pot full of water, and went to the King of Qing first-the queen mother had taken out a silver knife from the dark grid a few times younger, and cut it with her hands in the fingers of Qing Wang. The little child felt pain, grinned, and cried.

But at the moment no one in the temple had the mood to coax him.

Yuguo held the pot with both hands, and under the gaze of Duan Huadi, walked to Jian Xubai: "Grandpa!"

Jian Xu bit the finger without hesitation, dripping blood into the basin-two drops of blood were clear, and after a while, there was still no meaning to blend!

"Axu ..." Emperor Duanhua's face paled gradually, "Oh ..."

He was pondering the wording to be said at this moment. Suddenly two more hands were stretched out from the basin, the blood between his fingers seemed to drip into the water!

After these two drops of blood fell, they quickly melted together!

Emperor Duanhua suddenly looked up, but he saw in the palace that there were two face-dressed women dressed as palace ladies, looking at the age of one, one after the other, after stepping down the blood, immediately stepped back and knelt down.

"This is the meaning of the mourning family!" Yu Guo held up the golden pot, and also kneeled in front of Emperor Duanhua-not far behind her, the empress queen said somewhat sadly, "the blood of Axu and King Qing could not be combined. , But this is true for the mother and daughter of the death row. It can be seen that the basin and the water are fine! "

Emperor Duanhua heard the words, and shouted a bit fiercely: "Grandmother, how can grandchildren not trust you?"

This is his truth. Although Emperor Duanhua believes that the Empress Dowager prefers to be simple and vain, but Emperor Xianjia is the natural flesh and blood of the Empress Dowager-The Empress Dowager and her grandchildren cannot help the grandson to hide his insult His own son's move!

Therefore, the empress and queen mother specially prepared a pair of death row mothers and daughters to shed blood into the basin to prove innocence and Duanhua Emperor was hit hard.

After all, he just suspected his cousin by mistake, and now even his grandmother has expressed distrust in him-can't the mood of Duan Huadi be worse?

"Emperor!" But the Empress Dowager didn't mean to comfort him at all, but looked at him sternly. "The old saying is, do n’t do it, don't stop it! Since you have asked Ah Xu to confess his blood to prove his innocence, then use this The pots and water to be inspected, of course, have to be sure that you have not done anything! Otherwise, you either believe it at the moment, or you are embarrassed to bring up the old face of the mourning family, or you think of the doubt afterwards-this scene Isn't it a waste of time to recognize your relatives ?! "

She glanced back at Jane Xubai, "At that time, instead of dying because of this **** confession of kinship between brothers, it will become more and more centrifugal! Is this a good thing?"

Jian Xubai sighed, knowing that the queen queen mother was actually giving herself a chance to show loyalty, so that the Emperor Duanhua could not end.

It was just that he was about to speak, and there was a sudden footstep outside the palace door!

The Empress Dowager frowned, and raised her chin towards Yuguo: "You go out and ask, but is anyone here?"

Yuguo went to the side door and went outside. After a while, she looked dignified and reported: "Warm Princess Concubine!"

Seeing all but the young King Qing in the temple, everyone frowned, and said, "Simply saved!"

"It's injustice!" Duan Hua emperor's face was overcast, and he stood up and said, "However, if the Princess Conan is not guilty of fear, why should she hang her ?!"

[Note] Everyone knows that blood is not scientific, but in ancient sayings, it seems that by default it is a method of accurately confirming blood relationship.

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