The Reborn Girl’s Path to Glory

Chapter 429: Behind the scenes

Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

Imperial capital.

Jian Xubai was frowning: "Is that true?"

"It has been checked again and again and it is absolutely not wrong." Standing next is Lu Qinghong, the guard at the bottom of the box in his hand. This black-headed archer was able to track torture in addition to archery. I am also very experienced.

So a few days ago, Emperor Duanhua summoned the palace in a simple and vain manner, and euphemistically expressed his hope that he would give him the messenger judged by the investigating institute, and then he changed hands and arranged for Lu Qinghong to do it.

And Lu Qinghong did not live up to his expectations, and in a few days, he settled the matter and reported it-the result of his obituary did not make Jane Vain too surprised, but how did this result end up in the end? Emperor said that he had to consider it.

"Actually why is Grandpa worried?" Lu Qinghong saw him groaning and couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty has just wronged you. This will be the time when I feel guilty to you, how can we doubt you again? Besides, we have not wronged anyone, this It's true. "

Jian Xu said in white: "Uncle Lu said that it was only His Majesty who was guilty of me for a while, but he could not be guilty of me. Moreover, when the second room was now exterminated, if it was reported to His Majesty, if he did not consider the wording properly, it would appear Now that we have a narrow heart, we still have to be in trouble with the second bedroom! "

——Lv Qinghong found out that although the court sentence for Xian Jiadi's diagnosis and treatment did not last long, but he was not childless. Many years ago, when the hospital was sentenced to treat an official, he and the other party The daughter of the widow's widow had a relationship of dew, and gave birth to a son.

The official had only one daughter under his knees, so the father and daughter were very pleased with the birth of the child and thought that they could continue their bloodline. In order to keep the child in their home, they even quietly moved away from the imperial capital.

The court sentenced him to learn about the incident by the time the child was ten years old. At this time, the court sentenced that although he had been married for many years, but he had no children under his knees, he could not help but want to return the child. However, when he was preparing to take a leave of absence and went to retrieve his biological flesh, he was told that his child had fallen into the hands of a group of people. .

The group said very politely, as long as the court was obedient, they promised to treat the child well, otherwise ...

The court ruled that for their only remaining blood, they had to comply with the requirements of this group-but this group did not ask him to do anything except to occasionally ask him about his physical condition. Until recently, the group suddenly found a court order and asked him to take drugs that can show the signs of serious illness. He disclosed to Duanhua Emperor in the name of "no child under his knees, not many days, and can't bear the shame of the emperor". Suspicious of King Qing's blood!

After the court understood that he had done this, he would not only be destroyed by the royal family, but he would certainly die; even his son might not have a life!

However, he hesitated a little, and the group cut off his son's ears and gave it to him. They could not bear the torture of the son, and the court sentence finally yielded!

As for the group of people to be sentenced by the court—Lv Qinghong, after multiple investigations, confirmed that the behind-the-scenes instructions were Jian Pingyu!

Of course, the order not long ago was naturally not given by Jian Pingyu. If you want to know, it must be Jian Yi.

To tell the truth, although Jian Xubai knew that his grandfather had never been an amiable person despite years of official career, he never expected that Jian Pingyu would reach out to Xian Jiadi so early.

In this sense, it is no wonder that Gu Shaoyi suspected that Jian Pingyu was going to pit himself, and he did not hesitate to kill this old opponent-they had fought for many years, knowing the terribleness of each other, and it was rare to completely eliminate each other How could it be missed?

After Jian Pingyu controlled the court judgment for the treatment of Xian Jiadi, apart from occasionally inquiring about the health of Xian Jiadi, he did nothing, which is enough to show his ingenuity: If he does not do this, how can this court judge? Lurking around Xian Jiadi for so many years?

It is estimated that Xian Jiadi had already seen through it, and after all, Jian Pingyu was discovered!

However, Jian Ping was jealous of the imperial emperor, but he was not necessarily jealous of the emperor. This is that Jian Ping yu was not good and was dragged by his children and grandchildren, so Gu Shao seized the opportunity to kill him. It's hard to say what tricks are played here!

Thinking of this, Jian Xubai was a little cold sweating. Once his grandfather gained power, Sanfang may not have a good life!

"Uncle Lu, please pack everything, and I will enter the palace to play your majesty later!" After being settled, Jian Xubai had roughly thought about the wording and instructed.

After a long while, Xuanming Palace and the side hall, Duanhua emperor slammed a few cases and said, "Old man !!!! I knew I shouldn't let him return home safely, but he should be stabbed !!!! ! "

The emperor is the most angry, but it is not because of misunderstanding of his cousin, and that the second house of Jian ’s family has been closed, and no one can vent his anger. His most annoying point is that this time he is tantamount to being played by Jian Pingyu on the palm of his hand. ? !!

This pair of emperors had a little shaky pride, which was a fatal blow!

If it were not for a clear line of mind, Emperor Duanhua now rushed to Liaozhou to open the coffin whip corpse!

"Your Majesty, the most urgent thing is to confirm whether Qing King is the blood of the Emperor!" Jian Xubai knew the emperor's current mood, and quickly shifted the topic. "The reason why we suspect that Qing King is not brother-foot is because of the court judgment! The court decided that it was being used by others, so does the blood of Qing King need to be reconsidered? "

Emperor Duanhua's face was iron and blue, saying: "Before and after Concubine Warm, the men who went into the harem of the palace, in addition to Ah Xu, there were three younger brothers and cousins ​​Xu-then I called them into the palace, The born son took it over and confessed his blood on the spot! "

The emperor was obviously mad, and he was reluctant to consider all aspects, and just wanted to quickly confirm the blood of King Qing: If King Qing was not the blood of Emperor Jia, then the adulterer made a trachea for Duan Huadi; if he was , Then Duanhua Emperor will find another punching bag!

In short, Emperor Duanhua urgently needs to vent!

"Your Majesty, you must not!" Jian Xubai hurriedly advised, "Xuanming Palace, is it possible for a baby to come here at random? His Majesty never let the child come here before, suddenly holding him and calling Liang The king and cousin Xu arrived together, could there be no speculation outside? But where did Huang Yi I become famous ?! "

You've been tossing things that would have been easy to find out for so long, aren't you afraid of damaging the name of your dear? !!

I have endured so many days, how can I make a profit at this time? !!

The Emperor Duanhua heard the meaning of the simple vernacular, and walked around the temple pillar a few times before holding down the anger and cutting his teeth: "Then please take the grandmother's hard work!"

... The Queen Mother and Queen Mother were very surprised when they received the news: "Last time was Ah Xu, why are you even suspicious of Wang Liang and Xier's child now?"

After listening to Yuguo's simple and vacant verdict, it was found that the court was forced by someone. After deliberately deceiving the monarch, the empress queen's face suddenly gloomed!

"Mother-in-law is different from other concubines." The Empress Dowager said coldly, her face froze, "She was a deceased country and was not from my tribe, so even if she was not so beautiful, she would inevitably be excluded after entering the palace ! "

Although the empress queen is not worried about the warm princess fox charming and confusing the master, she will not care too much about her son's sister-in-law. The reason for this is to worry about the king, "If the child is not my son's blood, then Nothing to say! If yes, but tell him how to live with him when he grows up? The child would have no support from other families. In the future, he was suspected by his elder brother and even called three cousins ​​to confess their relatives! How else can I live ?! "

Yuguo heard that he was trying to appease, but the empress and the empress had shaken hands wearily. "It's all about my child's blood, and it should be made clear-I just hope the emperor will not be so confused anymore, the people said What do you believe! "

In the words of the Empress Dowager, it was very obvious that Duanhua Emperor was not upset, and the meaning of being coaxed by the court was very obvious. Yuguo did not dare to answer, and did not dare to spread the word. Come here? "

King Qing's blood is not yet known, and those who knew it did not dare to call his Highness, but he did not dare to speak out. He could only use "that child" instead.

Seeing the Empress Dowager nodding, Yuguo was blessed and went to work.

But after a while, she came back empty-handed, and when she entered the temple, she made the other waiters retreat. Then she knelt down and pleaded guilty: "Slave went to the side hall of Huiyi Palace and told them that you would call the child. They immediately took the child out, but the child was so impressed that he cried at the first sight of her, and she couldn't help coursing when she heard the sound!

Although this is a little troublesome, it can't help, you can use sweat medicine!

The emperor must not be allowed to take a trip for nothing-it is just that Princess Changxing and Princess Yushan are both here today.

In fact, the two long princesses were not very close to the mother-and-child, and since the mother and son were placed under house arrest, they have not taken a half-step in the restraint of their own mothers.

However, in the previous two days, Princess Nuan was almost killed. As her main mother, it is reasonable that Queen Mother Su should also show that in the past few days, she often sent her daughter, Princess Changxing Chang, to the side hall to visit Princess Nuan. .

And the relationship between Princess Changxing and Princess Yushan has been good. She and Mother Nuan are not very familiar with her. She was afraid that it would be boring to go alone, so she invited the Princess Yushan, who lives in the same house together. The Empress Dowager allowed, how dare to tell them inside?

So when seeing King Qing crying to death, one of the two princesses was distressed, and the other thought that the queen queen was only thinking of her grandson. Hurry up and talk to the emperor's grandmother, so that the emperor's grandmother can't wait for anyone to worry! "

In this way, Yuguo was afraid that the two princesses would be suspicious and could only retreat and sue the empress queen.

The Empress Dowager frowned when she heard the words, but after calculating the time, the Duanhua Emperor and his team estimated that there was still time to come, called Yuguo: "Since the child remembers you, then do n’t tell him to see it-go out In addition, he called someone to pick it up, and he must never cry again. "

In order to prevent King Qing from coming to the Qingxi Palace to know that she was deceived, she cried again. The Queen Mother paused and said, "You just picked someone up. Because of the sisters of Changxing, you failed to pick it up, and then sent another person. Then, in case Changxing they haven't left yet, this is not good. So let's say that the family of Ai learned that the child was crying so much that they were worried, and gave him a bowl of soothing soup. After he finished drinking, he fell asleep, then Hugging quietly! "

Yuguo did it according to his words. After a while, the palace man brought Qing King who had fallen asleep.

Not long after King Qing arrived, the people in the outer palace spoke: "His Majesty brought His Royal Highness King Liang and Bo Yizi to meet outside the palace!"

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