Biquge, the latest chapter of stepdaughter Ronghua!

He left the Qingxi Palace and reached the Xuanming Palace where Emperor Duanhua lived.

Just entered, but saw the queen was also there, the queen was very glad to see him: "A Xu is here? Exactly, come here to help me!"

"What are these?" Jane bowed in vain, and walked up to Dan Ying from the side, looking at the thick stack of rice paper on the royal case, wondering, "Are there still portraits?"

He glanced casually, seeing that the portraits were of young and upright men, and after a few thoughts, he suddenly counted, "But for the two long princesses?"

"Yushan's bridle has been set for a long time. Only next month we will show filial piety, and that is the way to cross the bright road." Queen Wei showed him a portrait in her hand and said, "The problem is Changxing-the previous name He ’s confusing, you also know. Now that the period of filial piety is imminent, we ca n’t delay Changxing ’s youth because of that surname He! Now, in the past two days, I have secretly searched for some suitable candidates to be horsemen. You are negotiating with Your Majesty! Are you here to help you out? "

Jian Xubai looked at the candidate recommended by the queen at the moment. The specific situation is marked in lower case below the picture. It is the fourth son of He Wenqiong, the book of the Ministry of War, called He Qian. He is nineteen years old. He has an honorable name. The marked person mentioned his ranking when he passed the examination, thinking that he still has the hope of a junior scholar.

As for the appearance, this He Qian is worse than the previous He Zheng with the same surname. Although he can be sent to the royal desk, it is definitely not ugly, but in addition to his fair skin and good facial features, the rest is lacking. He Qian is not as good as his origins, but he can be called "handsome and upright" in terms of appearance.

But in order to regret marriage, He Zheng ruined a good little white face, and not to mention that Princess Changxing never had the tendency to not marry He Zheng, even if it was, the royal family could not afford to lose that face. The princess of Jinzhiyuye shoved him.

"His Majesty and her mother personally looked at each other, which is naturally good." When Jian Xubai saw the Queen Wei recommending He Qian, she knew that this time to choose the prince for Changxing Chang Princess, and the rush was to break the rumors, so I specifically selected Conglong After all, the son of He Wenqiong, who has followed Duan Huadi's qualifications and his current position in the court, has to give him some face even if he wants to turn over his old account.

Since the sister-in-law was promised to the old minister's sister-in-law, the emperor had no intention to kill Princess Changxing Chang.

Jane Xubai was because Princess Changxing had troubled to descend to him. In this cousin's wedding, he consciously shouldn't talk about it. This will reflect on He Qian's life. In the impression, he is not a bitch. His character is still If possible, return the portrait to the Empress Wei, perfunctoryly said, "The minister is only the cousin of His Royal Highness Princess, His Royal Highness, how can there be a place for him to speak?"

"Isn't it in Chaotang, what do you say so out of sight?" Queen Wei smiled and said something to him, guessing that he had something to do with it. After all, she didn't ask any more, put away the portrait, and went back to Weiyang Palace for an excuse. Already.

After the queen left, the emperor Duanhua retired from the palace and said, "I also belong to He Qianshang Changxing. Ah Xu, do you think they will agree with the grandmother and the mother?"

"The minister hasn't seen the emperor's aunt for some days, but he can't accept the idea of ​​the emperor's aunt." Jian Xubai thought for a while and thought, "As for the emperor's grandmother-Chen thought that as long as the emperor's aunt and Her Royal Highness Changxing agreed, the grandmother should Will promise. "

Equal to not saying.

However, Emperor Duanhua did not have to give him an opinion. He nodded after hearing the words and said nothing about it. He was concerned: "You just came from the emperor's grandmother? How is it? Can you talk about my aunt's affairs? "" But she didn't say anything. "Jian Xubai roughly talked about her grandchildren's conversation, saying," The minister's rare grandmother smiled at the emperor, and he didn't dare to mention his aunt. "

Emperor Duanhua pondered: "Is the emperor's grandmother finally smiling a little? It's really not easy ... So, her old man finally cheered up?"

The emperor thought for a while, and Fang remembered to ask, "Yes, you asked to enter the palace today, but is there something wrong?"

"There is nothing important, that is, two days before Chao Ping remembered that he was chasing Chen to have a pet to play with. Chen thought for a few days and decided to raise a civet cat for her." Because the prince was fighting with King Shu The queen of Wei had issued a password. If Jian Xubai asked the matter directly, she would tell the queen that Xie Yiren did not listen to the queen's order.

So Jian Xubai made another excuse and said, "The people all made a nest of raccoon cats all at once, and the minister thought that King Shu and His Royal Highness may also like it at this age, and His Royal Highness, two Princesses. Can you give them to all four of your Highnesses? "

The emperor heard the words and looked at him suspiciously for a while before he said: "The prince is in charge of the community, and he should focus on his studies. If he raises a civet cat in the East Palace, I am afraid he will be distracted! As for the raccoon cat, let the queen keep it for him! So the prince can go to Weiyang Palace to ask for Anshi, and you can see it. As for Donghai and Yukang, it's good to keep them! "

"Where is His Royal Highness Shu?" Jian Xu asked in vain.

"Fifth brother ..." The emperor groaned for a while, squinting, "Axu, do you know something? Otherwise, why do you suddenly think of sending a raccoon cat to the palace?"

Jane smiled in vain, and said, "Xie Biao's tone is very tight. Although the court wife and her chatter did not talk correctly, they couldn't ask any questions-the court wife was unknown, so she was worried and went back to the house. After talking about this, the minister was also reassured that he only entered the palace today to inquire. If the minister should not know about this, he would also like to forgive His Majesty! "

Emperor Duanhua frowned, thinking for a moment, and said, "It's nothing to tell you! It's just a fight with children!"

He said after a while, mentioning that when Tai Fei Xu said "If the Emperor is still there", although Queen Wei had comforted him repeatedly, he still couldn't help complaining to Jian Xubai. The aunts who live in the imperial city, do n’t talk to An An every day to see you. It ’s a matter of following the rules, ca n’t you be indifferent, is n’t Xu Huifei saying that it ’s like mother and son!

"Why does Her Majesty have a general understanding with a woman in the deep palace?" Jian Xubai advised, "What's more, Mrs. Xu is not right. Her Royal Highness is a human being, does Her Majesty still not know? If His Royal Highness is here, His Royal Highness Shu will be injured. , It is bound to escape punishment! "

——What are you angry at for this matter? Who doesn't know that when Emperor Xian Jia was the most favored you was the eldest son, and Tai Hui Xu misses the emperor again, and this fact cannot be changed: Even if King Shu was the younger son of Emperor Xian Jia at the time, he could not talk to Duanhua Emperor on the weight of pets ratio!

After repeated enlightenment by Emperor Duanhua, the resentment is not so great now, Wen Yan sighed: "I just think that I treat others with fists, but ..."

He didn't say the next words, just sighed and shook his head: In fact, what the emperor really wanted to say was not the Empress Dowager, but the Empress Dowager.

Jian Xubai understood in her heart, but pretended not to know, and only said: "His Majesty is magnanimous, and when Tai Huihui wakes up, she must be consciously ashamed."

"I worry about the emperor's grandmother these days. Although I have heard about it before, I haven't had time to deal with it." Emperor Duanhua pinched his eyebrows and said, "It's the queen who puts forward a suggestion that it is not necessary to be here. Fighting for the children on the bones will not disturb the tranquility of the grandmother and other elders, and it will also ruin the joy of the Mid-Autumn Festival. "

Having said that, he waved his hand, "Since you ask, you will pass the news to Cousin Xu by the way! Lest Xie's family keeps worrying about it, in fact, the queen is right, this is the same thing as Xie's little girl It doesn't matter at all, after all, we Royals didn't teach the children well! "

Simple Xu Bai smiled: "Your Majesty's remarks are heavy. How old are both the King of Shu and His Royal Highness this year? The minister was also very naughty at this age-you can remember when the minister was in the army to go to the army, How many times have you coaxed the minister? Now think about your state of care at that time, the minister feels complacent! "

"You were really naive at that time!" Emperor Duanhua was reminded, thinking about that year, could not help but smile slightly, and sighed, "Fortunately, you are coming back! Otherwise, I don't know what to do?"

Jian Xu said in white: "The minister was really ignorant at that time! You called the grandmother grandmother, the emperor, the emperor, and your majesty, and you broke the heart, let alone the second aunt! I thought I was a good one then. What's the idea, who knows that the loved ones hate their enemies fast! As His Majesty said, thankfully the ministers are still alive and come back, otherwise how can they be treated and loved by your parents for many years? "

"It's all over," Duanhua emperor flashed a complicated look on his face, comforting him, "Now you have grown up, and you have all the children. Look, I'm very happy."

Following the monarchs and the memory of the past, the simple purpose was achieved, and he resigned.

After he left, Emperor Duanhua didn't immediately ask someone to come in to serve, but frowned and remembered the past: he used to have a good relationship with his ancestors and grandchildren, especially in the case of Jian Xubai's trip to Wujing. Both the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother opposed it. After the opposition was fruitless, the offense that Jian Xubai still met in the same time was also jointly defended by the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother.

At that time, how harmonious were our grandparents to work together?

"I don't know if I can use this as an introduction and go to the emperor's grandmother to cry and cry, will it soften her heart?" And Duan Huadi now recalls these experiences, naturally it is impossible to express all the emotions, but groan, " The grandmother of the Emperor Emperor is now very disgusted with the grandmother, even if she fails ... but she will be punished again! Find a suitable opportunity to try it! "

And when the emperor was planning to coax the queen queen queen, the queen was thinking about the thing she never missed: "Who the **** was going to murder my child with smallpox?"

——When the queen planned to avoid the summer heat this year, she worked with Gu Shao and found out from the inside and out to report her hatred!

She even identified the suspect, Wang Liang.

Who knew this idea before it was finalized, and the news of Jane's death passed?

The Empress naturally naturally comforts the Empress Dowager and Princess Jin Guoda!

Finally got over the summer, and the princess and his wife were simply gone!

The news concealed the Empress Dowager for a few days. After finally unable to conceal it, the Empress Dowager has been all the way to the present. The Empress is too busy to appease her. It is too late for the Empress Wei to comfort the Duanhua Emperor. Okay, the East Palace, lest the murderer attack the prince again in the chaos, how can there be time to discuss this with Gu Shao?

Although the queen queen does not mean to stop now, the queen is a little accustomed to the torment of the old lady. The queen can't help but think again: "It ’s time to say hello to Gu Xiang, and ask him to find out. What happened? "

After all, Gu Shao also had a request to find the real murderous mouth.

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