Read Chapter 135: The Bull Boss Who Buys Scalper Tickets | The Rise of Rebirth | The Rise of Rebirth

The days are getting colder day by day, and some people have changed into thick cotton-padded clothes on the streets of Tiandu.

The inside of Splendid Star is still in full swing, and Su Pingnan spent a lot of money on the equipment from Xingtiao Guolan in the final debugging and installation.

The Tiandu event named Splendid Star is only two days away from its start.

Lu Yuan has returned from Xiangjiang, and a large number of personnel have been selected and reassigned to Splendid Security Company.

He is very busy, and the safety work of this party is a demonstration of his achievements in these days.

When I came back this time, Lu Yuan also went to ask Su Pingnan for instructions. He planned to go to several Sanda schools in Tiandu to select more than ten female students, and planned to focus on training them.

He opened his eyes and said to Su Pingnan: “If you want to be the leading private security company in Xia, then female bodyguards are essential.”

Su Pingnan nodded, “Tell me the truth”

Lu Yuan talked casually: “First, female bodyguards have a natural gender advantage, people generally don’t notice them, and if there is any unexpected situation, it will be more unexpected.”

“Second, the gender of the employer. Sometimes it is inconvenient for female employers to hire male bodyguards.”

“Thirdly, in many important business occasions, female bodyguards are not very conspicuous.”

Su Pingnan laughed, “You learned well, choose well.”

In the past few days, passengers traveling to and from Tiandu have found that Tiandu Airport has inexplicably many young people holding signs to pick up the station.

When I asked about it, I found out that the sky is actuallyTo hold a large-scale party, these are the fans who pick up the station.

Boss Niu feels like he has reached the peak of his life these days.

Su Pingnan gave him 400 tickets. Niu Guangfa has done nothing these days. He just treats guests to dinner every day. , hold a party, and when you have time, I will join you.”

Then there will always be someone who will answer in a very interesting and interesting way: “Mr. Niu has developed to Tiannan, and he has invited those stars.”

Niu Guangfa would make a memoir: “It’s too much, I think about it.

You’ve seen that… Tianruoyouqing is not right, the male protagonist in it has him.”

Then Barabara said a lot of names and looked at the other party with satisfaction, “pop”

The clerk took the ticket and said with pride, “What’s the star, what’s the matter.”

Four hundred tickets were given away by him in just three days, and then Boss Niu was dumbfounded.

He has a very wide range of relationships, and there is no relative who likes celebrities in his family, so the phone calls follow one after another.

“Okay, no problem.”

Niu Guangfa hung up the phone and counted with his fingers, good guy, 17 front-row tickets were promised by him. At this time, he was not in a hurry, and he called Su Pingnan leisurely.


Su Pingnan’s hard words on the phone were immediate.

It made the big boss Niu panic.

“It’s really gone.”

Su Pingnan smiled wryly, now there is only one day left until the party, front ticket.

The head can be cut off and the blood can be shed, and the face cannot be lost. As soon as the cow gritted his teeth, he would buy a scalper ticket, and I would not believe that it could not be done.

The direct consequence of the matter is that the price of 800 yuan a piece was directly obtained by Boss Niu for 300 yuan.

A party that has not yet started, not only brought the Jinxiu Group to a higher level, but also brought fire to the Tiannan Jinxiu Guangfa Mining Football Team, which had not played a game yet.

“Tiannan Splendid Guangfa Mining Football Team,”

Well, there’s nothing wrong with the name being so long.

With one star after another staying in Jinxiu Villa, the strange man Zhang Tong’s repressed movie dream awakened again.

He didn’t go there these days, he stayed at Jinxiu Villa.

After a few days, he really got along well with these celebrities. These people also left him business cards and personal phone calls, and even talked about a lot of things in the film and television industry in detail.

As for why he treats Zhang Tong so well, it really has nothing to do with Su Pingnan, it’s all about Zhang Tong’s own scary name.

Zhang Tong’s meeting with these people is very characteristic. First, he showed the newspapers he collected to the other party, and then he looked melancholy, “Huazi, don’t you have a good relationship with the media? Go back and tell them to stop writing.”

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky.

Zhang Tong has dealt with all these people so bluntly.

Xia Guoqi people’s words are fixed, and this incident caused a sensation, and a person from Hong Kong would not be ignorant.

Most of these stars in Gangcheng are superstitious, so they are also willing to make friends with Zhang Tong.

After chatting for a few days, Zhang Tong found Su Pingnan with a thick notebook.

“Boss, look at this.”

Zhang Tong obviously worked hard, and the notebook is full of memories.

“Just say whatever you want.”

Su Pingnan flipped through a few pages and threw them aside. The words were too hard to read.

“Brother Nan, look at how many people there are in Gangcheng, they can earn 5 million, 8 or even 0 million at the box office. Now that we have many people in Xiaguo, let’s continue making movies.”

Zhang Tong said.

Su Pingnan is also thinking about whether it will take 200 years for movies to make money in later generations.

He owns too many king bombs, and now the splendid soldiers are strong and strong, and he is confident that he will make a lot of money in the real estate and industry in the future.

Zhang Tongyu determines the universe.

“Boss, I think we should do it, otherwise I think we will be in bad luck.”

Su Pingnan is rarely frightened. He has been a human being in two lifetimes. He has never seen any bloody storms. This is the first time someone used a sentence to make his heart beat a little faster.

“Down: What bad luck tell me how you feel.”

Su Pingnan became serious, his tone became very cold, and the fierce aura of the whole person involuntarily exuded.

Zhang Tong was frightened, and his tone was stumbling, “Boss, I’m talking nonsense. I’m used to pretending to be a magician in front of those stars every day these days.”


Zhang Tong immediately.

With an expression of amnesty on his face, when he ran to the door to open the door, Su Pingnan’s light words came, “If you don’t do it, do it well.”

Su Pingnan still decided to make a movie, even though he was reluctant to admit that Zhang Tong’s crow mouth made him make this decision.

Different from what Zhang Tong thinks, Su Pingnan will study Wanda in the future, and he wants to be an urban urban complex.”Splendid Plaza”

Su Pingnan has this confidence, and the current profit of Jinxiu Group’s health care products is amazing, which is enough to support his first round of expansion.

With the same happy expression on his face, he had no idea that because of his words, the giant Jinxiu Group started a new round of national expansion.

At 6:30:6:3 in the evening, it was crowded outside the Jinxiu Stadium.

The big electronic screen outside the stadium wrote the words to celebrate the second anniversary of the establishment of Jinxiu Group.

The much-anticipated Tiannan feast is finally about to begin.

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