Chapter 381: Take Me One | The Rise of Rebirth | The Rise of Rebirth Chapter Read


The first words Su Pingnan said after getting off the bus and Tian Hai.

Tian Hai heard the words immediately.

He laughed loudly, “If there is President Su’s words, everything is worth it, but it seems too outrageous to call him President Su, so he will be called Brother Su.”

Tian Hai seems to be very familiar, and his words are full of human feelings and skill, and his words are just right. He wears fancy clothes, but he is very old-fashioned.

After a few greetings, Tian Hai formally introduced Chen Lan to Su Pingnan, “My woman, Chen Lan.

It is estimated that this life will fall into her hands.”

The woman was full of joy when she heard it, her brows and eyes were full of smiles, and her eyes looking at Su Pingnan were full of gratitude.

Tian Hai attaches so much importance to Su Pingnan, naturally he will not open his mouth in front of the other party, otherwise it will greatly affect the other party’s perception, so it can be said that the woman finally saw the hope and dawn of entering the Tian family.

The box is full of tea fragrance, the fragrance is fragrant, and it is a first-class good tea when you smell it.

It seems that Tian Hai has really put a lot of thought into it, and the things he prepared today are all high-quality goods.

To be able to get to the level of Tian Hai, no matter how confusing his appearance is, he will definitely not be a fool in his bones, he can definitely be called a smart person.

Tian Hai has his own considerations on how to get along with Su Pingnan and how to become friends.

Su Pingnan is tough by nature, and has a smart and ruthless way of handling things. If you want to get the sincere approval of such people, just one word.

Treat each other with sincerity.

The two sides were seated, and Chen Lan had been observing the splendid people including Su Pingnan.

After a short period of observation, the woman came to the conclusion that the people in the Jinxiu Group were strict, more like soldiers than businessmen.

Although Su Pingnan doesn’t talk much, Tian Hai is very talkative. After Tian Hai toasted three glasses of wine, Su Pingnan took the initiative to raise the glass.

“This time, Mr. Tian has been troubled by this matter. Thank you in person, borrow flowers and offer a toast to the Buddha, and then discuss a business with Mr. Tian.”

After raising a glass and drinking, Su Pingnan continued: “From last year to this year, ten out of ten people working in real estate in Hainan died nine out of nine. Those who can make money are all heroes, and Tian finally has one.”

Su Pingnan’s words are sincere.

Southern Province established a special zone in 1988, and the hot money from Juguo poured in. It seems that the profit that did not catch up with the development of the Shenzhen Special Zone will be made up here.

The price of one acre of land has risen from 3,000 yuan to 6 million yuan within five years. The madness can be imagined. In fact, many people already know that the so-called development has become a joke, and real estate has become a game of drumming and passing flowers. But the huge benefits make many people think that they will not be the last stick.

It is very difficult for people who can wake up from crazy profits and get out, and they should be heroes.

Tian Hai smiled wryly and shook his head.

He was still a little greedy about this matter, and the stall was too big. Although it was clear, it was still too late to withdraw, causing most of the profits to go away with the wind.

“I know that Mr. Tian still has some unfinished buildings in his hands. Today, I just took this opportunity to discuss a business with Mr. Tian.”

Su Pingnan smiled. Of course, he knew that Tian Yu didn’t make any money in real estate. Now the whole country is talking about the real estate in Nan Province, and no one dares to use their brains at this time.

Tian Hai raised his head and looked puzzled: “Brother Su, what do you mean?”

Su Pingnan said: “Mr. Tian’s two uncompleted properties on Lantian Road and Longzaiwan’s land were taken over by Jinxiu, at last year’s price.”

Different from others, there are two reasons why Su Pingnan is willing to take action. One is that Hainan’s tourism industry has a bright future, and the high-end hotel business of Jinxiu Group is deployed in Hainan, with good prospects and profits.

Su Pingnan can wait a few more years, and naturally he will spend less and most of the time, but as a man who has always been begging me to be easy and begging others to be difficult, Su Pingnan is choked up by the favor of Tianhai, so he simply entered the field ahead of schedule.

Last year’s price.

As soon as these five words came out, Tian Hai and Chen Lan had very different expressions.

Chen Lan couldn’t hide her joy.

A woman knows the price last year, so those places are simply sky-high. If you sell it at that price, her boyfriend’s net worth can be said to double immediately.

Tian Hai frowned.

He understands what Su Pingnan means, do me a favor and I will pay you back.

Not only did he repay this love, but if at this price, strictly speaking, Tian Hai owed the Jinxiu Group a huge favor.

This is not in line with his original intention, the question is whether it is worth it.

Seeing Tian Hai’s frowning expression in his eyes, Su Pingnan said with a smile: “I won’t lose money in business, and the same is true of Southern Province. It’s nothing more than a steady stream of cash flow, so Mr. Tian doesn’t have to think about it.”

Chen Lan was so anxious in her heart that she lowered her head and pretended to eat vegetables to hide the shock on her face.

She is very smart, knowing that never expressing her opinion on this kind of thing is the wisest choice.

At the same time, she was indeed convinced by Su Pingnan’s arrogance. This man talked about tens of millions like drinking water, and the general demeanor in his gestures was the first time a woman had seen such a man, and a strong thought suddenly appeared in her heart.

“The one from Ah Hai… The drama’s cousin, the crazy guy who keeps shouting about a bad man, what if he is with this man? After all, that… The drama Jing likes to act a little bit, but there’s nothing to say about her appearance and body.”

Just when Chen Lan was thinking about it, Zhou Yao, who came out of the hospital, couldn’t help but sneezed a few times.


The girl’s pretty little faces were wrinkled together, “The chest is fine, but this girl has a cold, bad luck, it must be a mishap today.Unfavorable years, frightened by those lunatics.”

The girl rubbed her itchy nose and muttered in her mouth.

“I can’t do this business.”

Tian Hai thought about it for a few minutes, and unexpectedly refused, “This price is not a friend’s price. Rather than making money, I want to be a friend with Brother Su, a real friend.”

For the first time, Su Pingnan’s calm face showed a surprised expression, and he looked at Tian Hai’s expression seriously, judging Tian Hai’s true thoughts.

Tian Hai raised his cup and said in a very serious tone: “Brother Su is really interested, press: I will give you 50% of the price this year, on one condition, you have to treat me as a friend and bring me one.”

Tian Hai didn’t take a penny off Su Pingnan.

He clearly knows the real price of transactions in Southern Province this year.

The price shouted is a full 50% difference from the actual transaction price.

No more, no less, treat people with sincerity.

In Tian Hai’s opinion, this is the only way to make friends with this powerful person.

Su Pingnan tapped the table with his right hand, and finally nodded in Tian Hai’s expectant eyes: “Deal.”

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