No one wants to stay outdoors in such a ghost weather, at most forced to move from one room to another, such as school to home. Bayi Chinese W≤W≈W =. ≈8 ≠ 1≥Z≥≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

Yes, we talk about students now. It is not the large group of teenagers with complex compositions from Ripter, but from the West Side.

A car that was obviously driving towards Smith Manor stopped on the roadside.

"Before going home." Lydia Smith looked at Eve on the co-pilot's homework-the tangled blood line wrapped around the textbook and notes, was fixed in the space inside the car, and Eve was in such an environment She quickly solved the homework left by the school. After returning home, she was not busy with this kind of thing. Now she just uses all the available time.

Lydia seemed a little dissatisfied because Eve gave her 'I want to tutor Eve for homework, so I have no time to chat with you, brother (Mr. Smith)' reason, but this is not the reason for her parking, " The Falcons are here today. "With a lip," probably still there. "

"Yeah." Eve exclaimed, not responding.

Lydia knew that if she did n’t say the point, Eve would n’t care about the communicative behavior of the West Side, “Brother (Smith) and Mr. Falken have been talking in the office, Fiona ...”

Eve turned her head a little, and the tone was mildly ironic, believing that she was listening, "Falken's house. Huh, I don't understand you Westside, Fiona is the true heir of the Falken family, 'Mr. Falken' hehe, 'Mr. Falken'. "

The meaning to be expressed should be quite obvious-the West Side people talk about things, it should be Smith and Fiona talk about, that Mr. Falken who came to the West Side, what is it.

Lydia frowned, not knowing that it was caused by that point, "Isn't the problem of men and women's inferiority, is it a legacy of your era, you don't understand here now?"

I don't know what work Eve is writing. The book is full of words. Eve's hand holding the pen shook gently, and the coiled blood line turned over the full page. It was in this gap that Eve turned his head to Lidia, "Real rights, never cared about gender." Turned his head, "I don't have my age, I live to the present." , "There are more women in power who know. The king of the former colonizer is the queen, the ancestor of Mokawi, the woman, I am the woman ..." A shrug, "Sibera is a woman, Arthur La is a woman, you are a woman. It ’s useless to complain, you do n’t work hard. "

Lydia pouted, too lazy to argue about this issue, if she could use her own hard work to summarize, she did not need to worry about the ownership of the Smith family industry now, "I won't say this, I want to say Fiona. "The process was accelerated because of impatience." Fiona knows our identity. "

Only a short paragraph was written on the new page. Eve stopped the pen and looked at Lydia, "'Know our identity'? What do you mean?"

"Knowing that you are not my stepdaughter, you are my maker, 'Mother', knowing Flander is not my husband, just, partner. Knowing Rimmer, knowing vampires, knowing that our purpose is Smith, everything."

Eve was quiet for two seconds. "Who told her." The answer was quick. "Don't tell me!" Suddenly, I was irritable. "I think I know who it is!"

Lydia replied anyway, using a deliberately provocative tone-to avenge the rights and women's topic just now, "It's Grand's Torre ..."

Forcibly prevent Lydia from succeeding in interrupting, "I know it is him! Needless to say!"

Lydia knew that her revenge had succeeded, and smiled and turned to her head, "In short, she knows everything, so Mr. Falken is very convenient for her brother. She can talk to us without any worries. Of course, after a little curiosity, basically all of them are seriously discussing the future direction of the West End. "I adjusted the sitting position on the driver's seat, and I was somewhat complacent." Discuss with me ~ "

Naturally still have to be complacent, Lydia ’s rights in the Smith family have not been consolidated yet, have she now admitted that she is the person who represents the future of the Smith family ~ Of course, it is necessary to talk about it-because after returning home, we Everyone knows that it will not be Lydia ’s turn to be complacent, and the person who masters Smith ’s future will be Eve.

Eve seemed to give up his homework temporarily, frowning and thinking about something. The result of thinking started from a nod, "Okay." The corner of his mouth twitched, "Since I know it, I know it, it is a good thing." It seems that it is only an assessment of the current status of the West End people, "Because of Quin With the existence of the wife, the Barton family is still in the right direction at every step, including transferring the shelter in the southern district to Quinn. There is a mayor over the Stone family, and Smith has us. "Looking at Lydia "Fisher's 'stumble' in Massa Port has proven that the Fisher family and the Falken family, without the help of any insider, will only be used by certain, hum, magic feasts. Now, It ’s good to have a Fiona who knows everything. "

Because the topic involved the future of the West End, an important future, Lydia took it seriously and nodded, "I think so too. Fiona seemed to know her position very well, and Fisher finally stopped republican The transportation of the population is because of her. "

Eve raised her eyebrows. "How did she do it?" It seemed to be really curious. "Don't be mistaken. I'm glad that the Westside guys have prepared for so long that the plan to frame Liszt has begun. Ethella's As the first step to close the network, the campaign office opened very smoothly. Haha, but it was just right for Fisher to finally give up the transportation of people. Fiona, how can you convince Fisher? "

"'Friend's advice'." Lydia raised her eyebrows. "Fiona said so ~" The tone was strange, and she smiled, "Oh, what kind of person is Fiona, I will be free again. What do you mean? " Fortunately, a little hint, "You know, in my growing up, I never regarded Fiona as a sister. Once I thought that she just kept a long rogue, the only comfort is that she Rogues are standing by us. "West Side people.

Remember Fiona ’s love for "swinging" sports, the collection of various sticks dedicated to occupying space in the office of the Falken family ~ Now maybe it ’s a good time to defecate, Fischer treats wild animals as decoration, as Where did your favorite habits come from? Well, it's from the psychological compensation when you grew up with a 'rogue' girl and became friends when you became a friend.

Zach said that Fiona is strong. This is the point.

Eve did n’t know if she understood it. She raised her eyebrows and advanced the topic, “Is there anything I should pay attention to.” But it ’s a fact that he will directly communicate with Fiona after returning home. Now the reason for Lydia ’s special parking is very good It is clear that there is something to be notified in advance.

"Fiona wants to support us, support Rimer, but she puts forward one thing, um, I know how to say, she doesn't want us to come to the stage, that is, brother, will still be the facade of Smith, Philip Ona ’s support will go completely in secret. "


"She said that, just as she would prefer to push Mr. Falken to the front, although Miss Falcon's title is missing, many things are unexpectedly convenient. She believes that our identity cannot be in the human world after all. Keep it for too long ... "

Was interrupted, "Does she really understand Rymer? My identity will never expire as long as we want." It is said that Rymer can increase his age like humans over time, that is to say, after a hundred years, Lydia and Eve may not exist, but 'little Lydia' and 'little Eve' will always be there.

"It's just understanding, that's what I said." Lydia's position seems a little vague, and I don't know who to help. "She said that since we can exist forever, staying in the dark is the way to maximize the effect Once it becomes the bright side, some things will have resistance. In the direction of Smith's development, Smith is changing the dark side a little bit, and our purpose is actually the opposite. And we must consider Kepler's future, She is us, er, well, my dear niece, and I ca n’t think of her as a consumable that is just attached to our ever-operating Smith family. "

Eve frowned and said something like, "If you want, I don't mind accepting Kepler. Anyway, there is no precedent for talent. I have already opened it." Uh, what this means is to change Kepler Cheng Rui Moer? ? Wait a minute, no, what this means is that Tudia Lydia is not a descendant who meets Rimer's standards! First of all!

Lydia reacted quickly, rolled her eyes and waved her hand, "What about my brother? Maybe I rarely show, but I love him, he is my brother. Do you want to turn him into Rimmer, too? , This is simple, a brief inheritance consciousness, Smith is already our Rimmer. "

"No." Simply refused, "Your brother cannot be Rimmer." Why? "He has become accustomed to living as the head of Smith. My purpose is to control Smith by myself. It is awkward that Smith is snatched from him, instead of giving him something that was originally his, more" legal "to him." So, This is a matter of principle.

Lydia glanced sideways at Eve, without saying anything, only raised her hand, the point of view has been proved-once Rimmer actually masters Smith, the humans in Smith are just consumables, still the kind Consumables of no value. At least when Lydia's identity is still alive, Lydia herself will have difficulty accepting such results.

Eve frowned and sighed, "Okay, I get it, let me think about it." No promises first, "I'm still going to talk to this Fiona and hear her plan to make a decision."

"That's what I asked for." Lydia received a reply from her petition, nodded, and moved the car again.

The departure did not last long. "Wait." Eve finally returned to the workbook and reached out to Lydia, holding it down. "Someone over there ..." looked sideways. Somewhere in the quarantine forest used to isolate various estates and provide ** protection for these people in the West End.

Lydia ’s obedient subtraction, "Who? I did n’t feel anything?" Whenever, he was proving that he was really not a qualified three-generation Rimmer, hey ...

Eve pursed her lips, "Go ahead and let me see."

‘I’ is just a red blood line floating in the gap of an open window.

The bloodline twisted on the car window for a while, and the lines were twisted and connected to each other. Hey, a butterfly.

A butterfly in the wind just flapped its wings twice and moved a little in that direction, and was shot back to the rear window by the wind that could blow off the face.

Lydia and Eve looked back at the butterfly twitching in the car window.

"Seriously, you can't make anything else ..." Lydia didn't finish.

"I like butterflies!" Interrupted forcefully. Eve stopped watching and concentrated on her homework.

As for the butterfly, crawling **** the pavement, rushing in the cold wind, crossing the road, a little bit, heading in the direction of the isolation forest.

Climb slowly, anyway, anxiously waiting, not what we like.

Yes, someone is waiting for Eve. Hamilton Rosembra.

He looked at the distant car with a twisted face, Rimmer! What the **** Rimer! Perceiving my presence, Yuan drove past without stopping the car ... Wait, what is that? butterfly?

I don't know how long it took, but the butterfly finally entered the woods. In general, the wind became smaller, but the turbulent airflow still made the re-takeoff butterfly wobbly, and a little bit of it must be close to Hamilton who showed respect in the other party's field of vision.

The tribute comes from the suppression of vampire blood. So, must.

"You feel like, uh, Zmich?" Butterfly said something wrong. It ’s not Eve intentionally, it ’s her—

"No!" The head was gloomy, "I'm Le Sembra!"

"Oh, **** guys, sorry." There is no sincerity. "I am not familiar with you."

"You Rimmel is not familiar with anyone!" Still lowering his head, he must adjust his expression before he can raise his head, can he?

"That's the truth. Then, what are you doing?" Butterfly is very straightforward, because there is no effort to ask this guy, homework is the top priority, and then have the distraction to think about how to talk to Fiona about Smith's future. This is not familiar. Rosembra, who has no reason to ignore him!

"I think we should meet formally once, Rimer ..."

Before I finished, I was interrupted by the butterfly. "Yeah, let's do it next time." Nothing special. When I entered the Smith Manor, I was seeing Falken's car leaving. Who knows that I will have the opportunity to meet Fio next time. When can Na meet, "I have something to do now."

The butterfly dispersed directly.

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