The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Vampire and Alpha

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"So this is what a vampire rally looks like." Benjamin appeared at the door and glanced at the round table inside the house. The first thing I saw was a smiling Zac.

Zac lifted his cup, "How do you feel? Still fit yours, do you imagine?"

"Not quite." Benjamin shrugged his shoulders, casually took off the tooling jacket he had never cleaned, hung a mannequin with a lotus mark on his chest, and walked to the round table. The position facing him has been reserved. The seat, "I imagine, more, well, how to make people feel uncomfortable." For example, on the round table with fresh ingredients in a coma, everyone is holding a bright red cup ...

Everyone can guess who the second vampire spoke to Benjamin.

It's pretty obvious. It ’s an enemy, it ’s hatred, it ’s a reality drawn with blood and life, it ’s the thirteenth clan that suffered the most loss in front of werewolves, Zmish, “I ’m sorry to disappoint you, Alpha. But you should n’t cherish any It is expected that we cannot share with you ... "

Was interrupted, and was Hamilton, "Sit down, Alpha." He glanced at Zmich without saying much, and gestured to the wine bottle in front of Benjamin ... a can, "Torido said you like beer." it is good? Do not! In front of each vampire is Oz Kozil ’s treasured crystal cup, filled with bright red liquid, and in front of Benjamin is an aluminum can made by the factory assembly line! What does this show? !

Benjamin didn't seem to mind, maybe he didn't realize this boring practice at all, and raised his hand and pulled the bottle and filled it with a sip. "Normal temperature?" Complain? "You should let them ice me. I like it to be cooler, Zac." To Zac.

Zac smiled sideways with an apologetic smile, "Sorry." Raised his hand and began to instruct others, "Zmysh, you heard my brother's request, ice cube."

Let's start, let's set the tone and start to divide the position for this rally!

As soon as Hamilton's glaring shot at Zac, Zac's eyes turned away, plain, "or you can do it, Hamilton."

Hamilton lowered his head, gloomy. Because Oz Kozil shamelessly passed this rally, Zac, as Toledo, is the highest-ranked vampire here. I don't think I need to emphasize more, how much do you care about the status of the magic banquet based on the enslavement of aliens?

The three Zmihi looked at each other somberly, and finally could only act together to prepare ice for Benjamin.

"Not bad ~" Benjamin raised his canned beer towards Zac. "It looks like you stayed here well, at least in Grande, but no one listens to you that way ~"

"Of course ~" Zac nodded with a smile, "Grand is home, here, huh, not home." Every sentence makes sense, just like this seems to be just the two Grand brothers talking to each other, but in fact it is just a Take on, "Here, we don't discuss." Shrug, "We don't, respect each other's opinions. We only have orders." Smiled, "Luckily, I sit on the throne."

"Perfect." Benjamin seemed relaxed. "I'm still a little worried about what will happen when I come here. It's a lot easier."

Unexpectedly, it was Revrow who intervened, because Hamilton was still adjusting his emotions in the dark, "You should n’t relax so quickly, Alpha. We do n’t care about your relationship with Torrido, you are a werewolf, you can build Alpha of a complete wolf pack, you are our prestige ... "

"I suggest you care." Zac interrupted, smiling broadly. "Sorry. I order you to care." Zac still had time to wink at Benjamin. "I'm very grateful for your speed, Revelo, I interrupted my return trip today. I could have been chatting with my Alpha brothers at home now, now we can only chat here. Do n’t let me continue to thank you. ”

Based on this, Hamilton still lowered his head, raised his eyes when three Revrow's faces were difficult to see, and kept turning around Zac and Benjamin's faces; and three Zmihis were holding the ice cube bowl at the back of Benjamin. At this time, only Nainad can ease the atmosphere.

Nenad put down the crystal cup in his hand and did n’t look at anyone, as if he was just stating the truth, “Alpha is here, and if it is not the home of Torrido ’s sudden trip today, Alpha will not take the initiative to come here.” , "Proactive, one person, come here. So at least we, as representatives of the Devil's Banquet, should show equal respect."

Zac raised his glass. "It's very pertinent." Intentionally, with compliment, the eyes turned from Naynard to Hamilton. "You should learn."

Hamilton's face continued to be gloomy, and it looked like he needed more time to adjust his emotions.

Benjamin smiled and shook the jar in his hand. "Okay, so I'm here." Zucker glanced, "You owe me once, no, I owe Louise once. It took Louise a long time to persuade Come and serve me, you know my nightlife is now occupied. "

Still the above sentence, every sentence is meaningful, and it is an undertaking to move forward.

Zac revealed the first speechless expression after seeing Benjamin, "Please, don't mention Mokawi. You are in front of me. You don't even need to have a relationship with Lord Mokawi. Don't be in front of these people ..." Zac pleased his mouth, swept across Mokawi's name, swept across the face of constipation, shrugged, "Look."

"Okay, then we should hurry up." Benjamin held his shoulders. "I'm done talking here. I have to go to the nursing home." She didn't hide the whisper. "Last night because she was transformed, she didn't accompany her. She Today, some, well, the demand is strong, you do n’t want her to wait too long. "

Including Zac, constipation began. But this is a good thing. Zac knows what he is, and Benjamin is just cooperating with him. This kind of tacit understanding that other people cannot understand has been cultivated for more than ten years without jealousy.

"Oh, Benjamin, can we focus on the really important things, you are now in a place where you are all vampires, you are not working hard at all." Zach seems really helpless, "Show off you and Mocavi Things that are not helpful to you. "

For a guy who said at the beginning that he did not want Benjamin to continue to mention Mokawi, Zac did not mind continuing to let Benjamin continue on the topic of Mokawi.

"I need help?" Benjamin smiled and used his chin to signal that Zmich behind him would also like a crystal cup. "My brother, the grand owner of the Grande we decided to toss with a coin, sits in this position. Then, Southern District On one of the beds, Mokawi ’s lord is waiting for me. ”Cheap, Benjamin is agitating his chest muscles,“ Oh, what help do I need? ”

Zach ’s eyes were low, and his mouth was smiling. “Okay, so, I guess that ’s it. Unexpected progress, but as the positions of both parties, various chips have already been launched.” Zac looked at Hamilton. Has his emotions been adjusted, "As you can see, Benjamin is my brother, so I am acting as a representative of the Devil's Banquet, and I really cannot maintain the justice I deserve, huh, or what you expect."

Zac, want to give up your theme? Do not--

Zach continued, "Then it is very convenient, my injustice, maybe there is no image of anything, because, Mocavi." Zack shrugged, "So, let me conclude what the consensus is." In the eyes of Benjamin, there was still time to wink, "The discussion on how to deal with Button Alpha is no longer about how to regulate my personal relationship with Alpha, but about our magic feast and how to deal with Lord Mocavi."

"Torido!" Hamilton said. "You don't want to lead the topic to ..."

Interrupted, by Nainard, "Hamilton, listen! He is right, as soon as Alpha comes in, we all know that he will defend Alpha! He has been emphasizing that they are family! Listen! We can't change this!"

Hamilton stared at Naina sombrely, not just interrupted anger.

Nenad was also conscious, and his eyes seemed to avoid Hamilton ’s look at Zmithi, "We can make things very simple, Alpha alone, here, we have ..." Start nodding one by one, swept first After Zac, "8 people." When I finally pointed to Zac, there was a momentary difference in his eyes. It was a bold look, destined to be appreciated by Zac-"8 on 2! Quantity can make up for the quality, we still Will win! "

Everyone's face has changed, as if the situation is turning straight down.

Nenad continued, "But we are still sitting in our place!" The eyes swept all over again, "Miss this opportunity to completely change the rumors that Patton is the city of Alpha!" Oh, don't forget this, at The outside world, at least in the eyes of the aliens in the middle, Barton is also the city of Alpha. To be more precise, the city of Alpha and the wizard-the pre-environment of Spira, the wizard's haven, and the Salem black witch stationed in Newton.

Nenad's eyes finally stopped on Zac. "From the beginning, the city was controlled by a vampire hiding here."

Zac actually shook his quilt, "It's an honor ~ but I still insist that I am only a citizen of this city, this city is the mayor I chose, Anthony's." Zac always insisted on this, no need to care .

Nenad pursed his lips, "It's the same now, our Demon Banquet, in this city, is also a hidden controller!" It is also a fact that the Demon Banquet wants to support Anthony's re-election, isn't it, making a template for James' political career , "No! It's a hidden controller trying to control! We are just a small part of the position that already exists in Button! Fallen angels are more powerful than us! So! We need to listen to him! This is the rhythm he brings, Before our magic feast looked at the city of Barton! It was also because of him that our plan in Barton had a beginning! Otherwise, Lance ’s son (James) still does n’t know where to rot! Now if he says, Torrido said, we need to reach a consensus on something, we should reach it! Because he understands the relationship of this city, all the forces and positions in this city! He knows more than us! many!"

Nenad ’s point of view is coming to an end. “We have only two choices. We either believe in our new member, the judgment of the Lord Toredo, or treat him as an enemy! 8 on 2, now, we What are you going to do, continue to sit here or hurry up? "

No one started, Benjamin shook his head and looked at Nainad with a funny look.

After the silence, Zac tapped the glass, "First, Ninad, thank you, but you are also wrong." With a smile, Benjamin glanced, "Quantity does not make up for quality. Even if I don't participate. Oz There should be my brother in the Patton information given to you, regardless of my opposition, insist on using the Inan Spices. You probably only focused on Alpha ’s ability to control the wolf body, but missed the real focus. "Zac asked Benjamin The coordinated action, "Show me."

Remember, when the spice first arrived in Benjamin's hands, Benjamin had rummaged in front of Zac, some show off knocking on the table-'I am getting stronger, you are still slowly waiting for your eternal life to corrode your soul '. Spices, so Benjamin can control the wolf body, is not the most important thing! The most important thing is that the spooky werewolf has the bandage of the dead soul! Benjamin, getting stronger! (Explained by Maggie's experiment, Zac took the spices for Maggie to study)

Benjamin turned his head, "No." Simply refused, "I'm not a monkey."

"Okay." Zack smiled and glanced at Zmithi, as if he were a good person, guiding what they care about, "If you want to know more details, hehe, you know what you can't know from Spira. , I suggest that you get the news from the Indian woman who collected the 'isolation' potion. "And a little added," You will be glad that today my brother, just let you help him drink wine. "

When all three of Zmithi ’s faces became more ugly, Zac took a sip of wine, “Back to the topic, Mokawi. I know that in an ideal state, Mokawi does n’t exist best, even if I want to Favoring Benjamin, when my current throne is given up, all I can do is follow the order. "Still taking the time to wink at Benjamin," The Order of the Demon Feast. But the current state is no longer ideal, I Brother, my helpless brother, is entangled with Mokawi. So, what are we going to do? "

Zac asked a question that no one wants to answer. Then, continue to ask, "I can be pushed behind by the banquet because of the conflict between my personal preference and the banquet. Put yourself in this situation ~ But, without me, what will the Demon Banquet do next? Do you let Mocavi become an obstacle to your handling of Barton Alpha, or let Mocavi become your handling of Barton? Alpha's help. Which one? "

"What do you want to say?" Whoever asks questions is important, but if anyone is curious, it is Zmithi. Hamilton missed another opportunity to exercise his leadership authority.

"Obviously, isn't it? Mocavi is in Barton. We can't ignore her and let her remain a lord who was left behind by the secret alliance." Zac shook his glass. "What a waste."

As for why Zmiche asked questions, because—

"Do you want us to contain Mokawi ?!" Zmiche, "and then give this Alpha body an extra layer of protection besides your favoritism ?!"

"Oh, you saw it ~" Zac shrugged. "Or, you can just go 8 to 1 here, and then go to the nursing home in the Southern District, facing a lord who can't meet the needs, 8 to 13. "Why is it thirteen? Because that's Mocavi! "With my predictions that I am not optimistic about you, I promise that I will maintain my usual style in Patton, hidden, and do not interfere. You choose."

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