Eli Torredo. August 1st? Chinese? Internet? W? W㈧W ?. ㈧ 八 ㈧1? Z? W㈠. ? COM

Unavoidably, he officially entered this story. I can't continue to simply explain what he has done at the end of a certain segment, or willfully avoid the process he leads.

Do you know why I have always deliberately brushed my sense of presence lately? In this first-person story where ‘I’ should not appear, my subjective sophistry is something that I do n’t want to narrate. Because, my head grows out, I am not bald. My name is Madison to avoid misunderstanding.

Everybody remember my head, it will change color because of the future change.

Everyone knows that if you wear a hat for a long time, your newborn head will be curled like x hair on your scalp. Disgusting, right? But this is the fact, I wear a x hair, colorful x hair every day.

Yes, the facts also prove that my head does not only change in black, gray, and white, but I give the three primary colors to an art master ... No, I need a more destructive description. , He can give you all the colors "created". I will wear a hat all my life.

A little excuse for myself.

I misjudged something, and my head of x hair began to show this colorful reason. I thought it was my friend Ms. West, and the story I told Wes changed, changed the future of Kate, James, Allen, Emphasis, Grande, Zach.

I thought that for the sake of my own selfish desires and the interests of the mill, I let the stories written by my friends blasphemy something, and then retribution began to punish myself.

But I was wrong. I'm too self-righteous, I haven't changed anything--

Hum, facing reality, will Kate's James relationship be good? impossible! How can the relationship between deception and alcohol have a good ending! So I took advantage of my magical friend a bit and wrote a story that affected Kate ’s life, but it only accelerated the process of the problem that must be exploding, and it did n’t hurt.

Should I feel guilty about Allen's experience? No, he deserves it. He is a malicious competitor, he is a murderer, he is a bully who will never be satisfied. He is not a good person. Now that I am wearing X Mao every day, I have the right to express my disappointment in human nature. I have the right to say this sentence-the more miserable he is, the happier I am. Tragedy.

Finally, have I changed Grande's future? I once thought I changed. So I carried my apologies to Grande after my work report on a certain day.

But I understand now, I don't. Allen pointed his gun at Zac. Oh, is this a change? It's as if Zac's forged death will not happen! This is destined! Just sooner or later! Was there a difference between Zac and Eli Torredo when they were face to face, and when Eli did n’t come to Patton? No.

When Zac fakes his own death, all things that should be born-such as Zac's confusion about his origins, entanglement with Zagger, and manipulation of the 8-member group of the Vampire of the Feast will last a lifetime.

I didn't change anything. This is not the reason why I have a colorful X hair.

what is that.

What makes the future change makes me colorful.

It was Eli Toledo, the time when all the people in the Southern District washed and slept, appeared in front of me.

I can't avoid him in this story. Here is the fact that if you want to occupy a fixed role in a story, stand in front of the storyteller. Give him a smile.

Not a smile--

"Ahahaha!" Eli Torredo bent over with a smile. "I thought my personal style was already non-mainstream!" His slightly cool fingers began to play with Madison's x hair. "What are you?" Style? Ha! Rainbow of leaven? Haha ... "

Madison didn't react as soon as possible. The stiff body controlled by fear was looking at the person in front of him.

Madison can do something, such as holding the typewriter in front of him and hitting Eli's head, and then the other party escapes when he is forced ... Forget it, it is still stiff and can live a little longer.

Ah, typewriter. This is Madison's study, very small. Remember, in the mill, Madison ’s personal apartment, his home, is not big but there should be everything, such as a door to prevent strangers from entering. But apparently his house didn't keep its duty. Now the creature in this small study is not only the owner of the family, but also a vampire who laughs at the owner, and James.

James showed a completely opposite reaction to Eli, a little surprised, staring at Madison's curling head, "Madison! What's wrong with your head!"

The stiffness began to fade, and the fear began to disappear. This is probably the only time when James has brought a sense of security to others-'Be careful when the sun leaves this world, don't let the Demon Torrido find you'. Under such a large environment, James It's the glittering mascot. Isn't it, to imitate Zac's Eli, at least, he won't do ‘wrong’ behavior in front of James ... Maybe the illegal invasion is not counted as ‘wrong’.

Madison stood up, still a little staggered, but somehow stabilized by the support of the desk, and walked to the coat rack at the door. Just when Madison thought he could let his scalp breathe air in his house, he put the hat back on again. "It's nothing." He didn't want to bother James's answer.

It was Eli who raised his eyebrows and fully showed his black eyeliner. "Hat? So you don't like your type? Why? Didn't you dye it like this yourself?"

Maddison did not want to answer this question, the answer was James. eventful.

"Madison's head will change color due to future changes. But I have never seen this color." James frowned.

"Future change?" Eli reached out and pinched Madison's brim, taking off all social etiquettes, staring at the x-hair seriously, "Well. Interesting." Bring it back again, and his eyes fell on the typewriter , Flipped, to yourself, "What are you writing?" A meaningless question, because Eli began reading the text on the paper, "'West is avoiding Madison, she seems to be a little unable to the fact that' story becomes reality ' Adapt, Madison doesn't know how to ... '"

The typewriter was snatched back by Madison, and quickly removed the unfinished paper, torn it away.

Eli froze for a moment, then bent his mouth, "Oh ~ you are really an interesting guy ~ Are you writing your own story? Refer to yourself in the third person?"

The person who answered Eli was still James. Still troublesome.

"No, he's writing Zac's story." With a little irritability, "he also wrote the story of Barton's interracial in a magazine ..."

"" Urban Legend "." Eli actually knew the magazine. "Messy Riley's ... Oh, it should be Mrs. Bisharp's magazine, right." The body leaned towards Madison, "I've always planned to visit Charming, it ’s just right, you can help me recommend it ~ "This is not a request, the tone is wrong, and the topic changes quickly," You are writing Zac's story, are there any manuscripts? "This is a request," Give me "" Uh, sorry, neither.

"I didn't!" The answer was instinct.

"Liar ~ Haha ~" Eli walked around the desk with a smile, and easily pushed away Madison who was trying to lie on the table, and began to flip the drawer under the desk.

Um ... how many words are in this book?

The smile began to stiffen, Eli's eyes widened, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the manuscripts that filled the entire row of drawers. Turned back and looked at Madison, "You said no manuscripts were stored? What is this, toilet paper?"

What can Madison respond to?

Randomly took one, Eli did not read the voice. After looking at it for a while, James looked away, frowned, and said, "You used to curse Zack for being a bug attached to human society."

Interesting, James actually froze for a moment, staring at Madison strangely, "You wrote this ?! How do you know about this ?! You are no longer there! This is ..."

"It was born in Walter's old house (Exton, Southern District)." Eli took over, and the unexpected minor deviation, "I am very interested in Walter's ability, reminding me to have time to" visit "Walter, whatever Fragrance, Maggie? "Waving his hand, he pulled out another one.

Can Madison resist, oh, take it seriously.

Still, Eli didn't read the voice, but his brows became tighter and tighter, still glancing at James, "Zack asked the angel for feathers for you?" The incomprehensible place is, "For you? Huh." Shaking his head, what this means, means that Elira stayed with James for a completely different reason than Zac, right. Zac was attracted to a certain trait of James, Eli, but only James had the option. Isn't it imitating Zac? Eli can only choose James.

Not surprisingly, James did n’t question how Maddison knew these things this time. It did n’t make sense, did n’t he? Maddison had feet and mouth and could go to Grande to ask.

"Huh!" Gloomy, "I'll update you! Camille's feathers have been recovered by Sissi! She thinks I don't deserve the mark of an angel!"

Madison didn't respond, but the muscles of his cheeks were twitching constantly, his whole body returned to the original tightness, staring closely at Eli's movements, fear? Probably, everyone will understand, read on.

Eli pulled out a manuscript again and chuckled sarcastically, "Do you want to return the feathers of angels, James? Huh, wait, wait for me to get Zuck in Barton enough in everyone's mind After status, remind me to help you. "Look, James said to Eli, just an option without extra options.

New manuscript paper, new content. What seemed to be interesting, Eli smiled, "Hehehe, he actually did this kind of thing ~" Leaning on James, "What happened later? After he was handcuffed to the police station." The only time James arrested Zac, remember.

James used an irritated face and was about to answer.

"Don't tell me ~" Eli's smiling face turned from James to Madison, notifying him of the next move, not asking for permission. He moved out all of Madison's manuscripts, put it on the desk, and pushed it away completely Madison, still stiff in his chair, sat down on his own, "I see it ~ it should be a pleasant experience ~"

James gloomyly watched Eli start looking for the first chapter of the story, "We are here to work! We still have cases to break!"


Forget it, it seems that James in the mayor's office has the ability to resist the mayor and Eli at the same time asking why he will go there.

The priority of Eli ’s incident was quite reasonable. First go to Darcy to presume that he was officially involved in the police case, to intervene in the strategic plan of the Magic Banquet in Barton-to help James accumulate a reputation, right ~ Then, and James Come to the Mill and come to Madison to get more information about the case.

"Oh." Eli seemed to be reminded and shook his hand at Madison. "From the beginning, how did your employees appear dead, and then how did you intervene in the police. Um ..." The sight was completely on the manuscript, "Detail Be specific, I ’m doing this kind of thing for the first time, be patient, I do n’t have the Zack kind, um, 'gift' ... "Shut up, and fiddled with a number of consecutive manuscript papers that were only half written , "What is this? Why didn't you finish it?"

Uh, I don't need to look at James' somber face, I know Eli's mind is not solving the case at this time. Zac's story is more important.

Eli raised his eyebrows, still turning these unfinished manuscripts, "This is the Smith family control plan discussed by Fiona and Eve Rimer ..." Another one, "This one is for Boque Quinn to become Grande's neighbor ..." Another one, "This is Mrs. Quinn and, huh, Nate's father, love ..." Shrugging-Nate is Eli Fans, now they do n’t go out during the day and disappear at night, not much to mention, little character, another one, "This is, ha, you and me, James."

Eli glanced at Madison with a smile, "Oh, I see, this is something that is happening, right, Button is not big, but not small ~" He smiled and shook his head, returning to these manuscripts to complete the story, "You must feel sorry for Barton, there are still a lot of things happening, and your protagonist is no longer here ..."

At this moment, two things happened at the same time.

One thing is that Madison, whose facial muscles finally can't bear the load and is paralyzed again.

In another, Eli picked up another piece of paper, and all the expressions on his face disappeared, "What is this, only one sentence, Zac's return." Only the title, even the outline, no, not the outline, it was Madison There are no draft notes that record the progress of the event.

Eli ’s gaze passed the red James, who turned red, and looked at Madison, who was paralyzed. He was quiet for three seconds. "What does this mean, your protagonist is dead, you have to start making up your own protagonist. What. "

Let us return to the original topic, Eli, is the reason that made me bear a colorful X hair. The answer appears here.

In his study, Madison had not yet put on a hat, letting his scalp breathe, in front of the unfinished manuscript, Ms. West was avoiding him.

Madison blinked and began to act—

Pulled open the drawer, moved out all of his manuscripts, and without a moment hesitantly began to stuff into the shredder.

Accident? Don't, Madison is already getting used to this kind of magical episode, I can tell everyone responsibly, it's very convenient. This gives me an opportunity that no one can expect, to change some irreparable errors in the future. Just like now.

The only flaw is that this kind of episode was born a little bit before the error. It did n’t give Maddison much room. There was only one chance. I could catch it or miss it forever. There is really no guarantee.

Just after Maddison hurriedly tucked into the shredder a draft of the event that is now live ...

"Ahahaha! I thought my personal style was already non-mainstream!" Eli smiled and bent, slightly cool fingers fiddled with colorful X hair, "You are like a rainbow of fermented yeast ~ you look A little nervous ~ What are you doing? "

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