The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 3: Telephone and return

Zac threw the newspaper on his desk, sat down, and hesitated back and forth on the phone—Zac wanted to call Mayor Anthony. ??? August 1 Chinese? W? W? W ?. ㈠8㈠1㈠Z? W. COM

Blake has been away for a long time, and the news of Mayor Newton has not come to light, and Zack is worried.

It's not that Zack is worried about Newton. Zack is worried about Button. We all know that the reason why Blake left Barton and went to Massa House to review the candidate for Mayor of Newton is because Barton needs his own voice to control the neighbors of Barton, and he cannot let the feast or pure human politics dominate. this matter.

Now that Eli has left Patton on the bright side, he has been recalled to the feast. If the plan goes smoothly, Eli ’s ‘lifting a small wave’ will inevitably affect the finalization of the mayor of Newton. Zac is worried about this.

But it seems that Button's newspaper is too, too 'selfish'. I don't care about my neighbors living in the depths of the water. The entire newspaper would rather vigorously tout Qwest's new city in the North District rather than give a little information about Newton.

the phone is ringing.

Zac picked up quickly, after all, his hand was on the side, "Grand Funeral Home."

"It's me." It's Oz Kozil, "Lessenbrah called and said Eli had been sentenced and Patton could give Papa a random green light for the descendants of Eli at midnight."

"Well." Zack didn't care much. Because this is so ridiculous. Execution, huh, Eli is still alive and well, not in the Western Demon Banquet, not in Patton, in ... the Republic.

Let us unfold the current situation a little bit.

"Lesembra asked for a way to eliminate the breath of Bruch's blood. He said that the" Magic Toledo "inside the Demon Banquet had been cleaned up, and he didn't want everyone in the West to still smell the secret alliance vampire. "

The Demon Banquet said that he had cleaned the Demon Torrido, so let them say that. Think about it, Louise has told Eli Toledo how his racial talent should be targeted, and before Louise told Eli, Zac had already told the magic banquet the same way, right.

"Why look for me." Zac turned his head to the air, "Go find Rimmer."

"He tried it, but apparently Eve's attitude towards Hamilton didn't change much. At the last Bisharp wedding ..." Remember this, "Hamilton was able to exchange this breakthrough magic feast Toledo with rewards The method of perceptual blocking, Eve is not prepared to hand over the method of elimination before the reward is redeemed. "

Zac was a little interested in this topic, "I never asked, what promise did Hamilton give to Eve?"

"To the Smith family's industry, open a complete sales channel in the west."

"Building materials, still ~" Zac raised an eyebrow, "'medicine.'"

"Together." Oz answered simply, "including" Valmina ", which is still in the experimental o711. Eve asked the west to participate in the experiment with o711."

Zac laughed, "Then I guess the Feast is best to honor the rewards they promised." Shouldn't it? The 'Bruch' smell method provided by Eve helped the Feast to clean up the Feast Torrido, What a credit! This reward should be given well!

The receiver was quiet for a while, sighing, "Hey. Zac, why don't you say something cold, we don't know what happened to the magic banquet, uh, it's very likely that none of them, Toledo, could execute . Now it ’s already sympathetic to tell us to lie to us here for the sake of the face. Do n’t embarrass them anymore. "

"Aren't you sympathetic. Ha ha." Zac smiled holding the receiver, "I thought this was our purpose, and it made the Feast painful. I've covered up your false 'Ye Gong memory', don't tell it or it's right You have an influence. "When he said this, Zac turned around and looked out of the window. Another person who had been covered up with false memories, Nuo, had already driven away. Shaking his head, helpless.

There was still a sigh over the receiver, "I just feel that things are going a little too smoothly. Things would have easily gone in completely opposite directions ..."

Self-doubt was never a good sign, so Zac interrupted, "Impossible. There is no way to go in the opposite direction. We have done all the things we should do in Barton. We have Eli Torredo enchanted. The feast name conquered the Barton alien, and the established feast of the Baton alien dominance; we redefine the relationship of the upper class of Barton, and gave them Yuri, Smith, Falcon, Bi Sharp at the end of Liszt ... ; We opened the barriers of the once Feast and the Secret Alliance, and gave them Mokawi; We revealed the future direction of the Feast, and told them that Zmithi will become the burden of the Feast of the Feast; We dragged Papa to midnight, giving In order to reduce the threat, the opportunity to personally handle Eli Torredo. "This is not a matter of fact, it is a fact." Even, the way to deal with Torrido is all provided by us and provided by me. And my only requirement is that the magic feast kills Eli Torredo for me. This is because of the magic feast. The ultimate threat to me, the magic feast, must complete this simple task. "

The double-sided infernal path has been expressed by Zac. If we can't keep up, we are all kind-hearted people.

Oz on the other side of the earpiece was quiet for a while, "You are right, the Demon Banquet can only lie. Huh." A little cold, a little helpless smile, "Lessenbra probably never knows how much he has committed. error."

"Oh, no, he will know, in the end, but, by then, he was unable to do anything." Zac's mood is better, counting his great achievements, there is this effect of improving mood, everyone You can try, "You can reply to Rosenbull, Bruch's smell does not disappear, it is not necessarily a bad thing, just give Zmiti a chance to explode. Don't worry, the reward for Eve can be slowly realized."

"OK." The receiver adjusted his emotions and agreed, but the phone call was destined not to end so soon. "I still have a question. Why did Eli let you go to republic, and get you to get the body to republic?" Any contact? "

Zack asked back, "Aren't you Zagel? He should understand what I think."

"Uh." Accidentally helpless, "He now ..." I don't know why I left the receiver, and came back after a moment, giving up the tone, "He is now er ... naked-body running around at home And, disturb everything that can move, talk to everything that can talk, and eat everything that can be eaten. "There must be a strong ending," Fuck all things that can be fucked. "

Zac blinked at the receiver, "Why?"

"'Because I can'," he said. "Giving up.

Zac raised an eyebrow. "At least he doesn't want to die."

"Well, at least, I don't want to die." What is the ultimate manifestation of overkill, that is. Give up, sigh, and return to the question, "So I ask you."

"Then answer the following topic, what can prevent the Demon Banquet from entering Barton."

There was silence for a while, thinking, "Nothing can stop it."

"The answer is wrong, the secret alliance can. The secret alliance has blocked the feast for four centuries in the west."

"None of the hidden alliances are in the Federation."

"Yes, but they are republican."

"What are you signaling?"

"Barton ’s future has been fixed, and overseas trade will be the foundation of this city."

"Yes, this is the plan of the Feast. So James Lance was sent ..." Oz seemed to understand a little. "Do you want to say that Barton will not be the end of the Feast? Use Barton to start exhibiting in other countries? "

"This is reasonable, isn't it? The hidden alliance has disappeared in the Federation, there is no longer any opponent in the Feast here, half of the Federation is already in the pocket of the Feast, and the other half is in the witchcraft faith. Unless the time goes backward once , Give the feast a chance to genocide. In the other half, there is no chance for the feast to be recovered. Can you understand. "

Can you understand?

Oz in the earpiece exhaled slightly, "I understand, I won't say that the era of republic is going backwards, but the truth is that the republic's belief system is in the process of renunciation and collapse, and they are denying any faith, whether it is themselves It ’s foreign, and it ’s a mess. "

Zach smiled, "I don't think you and I, all of us, have experience with this kind of thing. After all, the history we have experienced, there is still no era like the Republic, such a decisive denial of faith ..."

Zac was interrupted for a moment, not knowing when the ink drifted in, "It is culture, the culture of dross, the superstition of the old times. This is what our people now define us. It needs to be eliminated, this is a revolution, They think so. "

Zac didn't answer, but he didn't know how to comment. Because Zac had an inexplicable idea, he expressed it when he first heard the state of the Republic, “I do n’t believe in ghosts and gods, I only believe in man ’s own country, which is good”, but he is alien and has a little worry . You can try to experience it.

Continue to speak to the receiver, "No one of us can predict the future direction of the Republic, but, as far as the present chaos is concerned, it is worth trying to insert various beliefs to see who can stay. At least the secret The league is trying. "

"Trade is a wise way to intervene." Oz on the other side of the earpiece seems to agree with the practice of the magic feast, "at least in a human way, covering up the essential purpose."

"Yes, James will be the door of the Demon's future on the bright side, the door to republic, humanity." Zac waved his hand and motioned for Mo to go out, he didn't want to be disturbed, but Mo was not too obedient and remained small After a while, to perform her new job, "I just came to inform you that Spella is coming."-The phantom Danny leaves Grande more and more frequently, alerting the work around Grande, just When it came to the republican ghost, the soul was alien.

Zac said he knew it, and then explained to the receiver, "Look at O'Neill, don't let him run around."

Naturally, Zach has returned to Grande, and these guys have naturally returned. Remember that O'Neill didn't want to touch Spella.

"He is gone." Mo lost a sentence and left.

Silently pouted and returned to the phone, "With James this door, there will be magic banquet vampires that come in and out of this door. We don't want this kind of thing to be right, double-sided spy mind reader Kozil? "

Oz smiled dryly, "Yes, I don't want it. And Eli and the corpse with your appearance can stop the Demon Vampire from coming?"

"Yes." Zac is very sure. "Ele took Madison's manuscript to republic. He will make sure that the hidden alliance of the republic knows that there is a betrayal of you at the Feast of Barton in Barton. I may There is no good comment, but as the current leader of the hidden alliance, I do not need to insult his IQ. He will know what he needs to do to prevent the magic banquet from going to the Republic. "

Silent for a while, "Well, at least you are not leading the war." Oz was persuaded, "So, what about that corpse? Do you have any plans." Before Zac spoke, he was speechless, "Don't be here Use 'I said I don't need to know' to hit me. I want to know. "

"Oh, then you will be disappointed." Zach smiled, "I just want to see the secret alliance companions of Zeng, once again see my handsome face, remind them of what they missed ~"

be quiet.

"Are you serious?"

"very much."

"Uh, you expect me to believe that this is just your personal taste? It has nothing to do with the fact that it is the collectible made by Rosenbull, and the fact that it was killed by Colt?"

"Oh ~ Oz ~ what can it matter, if you don't believe it, you can ask Zager, he will tell you, we are such a bad guy."

"Forget it." He gave up again. "There is one more thing. Hamilton called and said something about them at the Allen funeral home ..."

Interrupted and injured, "We are not far away, why didn't he come to Grande and tell me?"

Oz cooperated this time, "Guess what, you are right! He can report to you himself. Then, it's all right."

"Okay. Goodbye." Zac said goodbye with a smile, and looked sideways out of the window. Spella's car was parked in the backyard. John was sitting on the co-pilot, but he didn't seem to get off. meaning.

Putting down the phone, Zac was ready to wait for Silbera to come up.

Things didn't work out. After waiting for half a minute, Zac stood up helplessly, looked out of the window, and left his office with his mouth ——

Spella had no intention of entering Grande, but walked directly to the living area in the backyard. Lyon at the door could not stop the wizard, and Spira walked straight to Sam's house.

"Don't be so naive." Zac chased very quickly, and was already behind Siberia, and Siberia was stuffing Sam's witchcraft material into the pocket behind the shawl. "You used to be angry Mu steals your things, but is doing the same thing now, really? Spella? "

"I didn't steal Sam's things." Saying, plugging, mocking, "Don't you know, you wizard vampire, hum, look carefully, these materials are not your dear wizard. Long point Brain, Zac, he has only been back for a few days, where did he come to cultivate these materials. "

Zac raised an eyebrow. Although he did n’t think it was a mistake to habitually ignore his wizards, Sibella seemed to make sense. It was only a few days after Sam returned. Where did he get this house full of witchcraft? Technical materials?


Zac pursed his lips, "Sorry, just take it back, just don't call the police." Of course, Zac thought that Sam had stolen Spella's material again.

"Why should I call the police." Spella smiled, feeling the smile. "He didn't steal it from me ..."

Grande has neighbors, remember?

"The Pooch's house next to you. When I passed by, there were a few materials that interest me, and I was wondering if you would have them here." The laughing man called a happy, "I'm not disappointed ~"

Everyone is back.

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