"Are you listening to the radio or watching TV. Bayi Chinese Network W? W? W㈠.81ZW.COM" Zac said the first sentence when he walked into Kozil's apartment.

Oz turned around and was a little surprised. He turned off the radio in his left hand and turned off the TV in his right hand. It was a little helpless. "The next time you come, it still sounds good."

A little interesting fact, Zac has the key to the Kozil family. Zac made trouble, but Oz, whose senses were fully occupied, didn't notice it.

Zac walked to the radio that had just been turned off. "You are listening to Arthur's radio station."

The momentary confusion can be understood, come-

"Yeah." Oz nodded. "He doesn't seem to know the reason why Eli Torredo disappeared suddenly. He is still using radio to spread the news about the meeting point."

"He knows." Zach didn't turn on the radio again, glancing sideways at Oz, "I didn't block you, you can read me."

"No." Oz shook his head. "Your status at the Demon Banquet has been formally established. I need to respect my vampire partner." For good reason.

Zac didn't say much, "He just called the innocent Eli descendants as planned and gave them to Papa at midnight."

Oz raised an eyebrow. "Elie planned this way? Why?"

"Arthur is Eli's contact with Me and I stay in Barton, so I naturally want to keep him." Zac responded casually. "Now the descendants of Eli in Patton don't know that Eli has been dealt with by the so-called 'feast' 'I don't know if Papa wants to collect them at midnight. Instead of letting Papa take away these non-mainstreams one by one in Barton, it is better to tell them where to go to facilitate Papa at midnight.

"Is it convenient for Papa to travel at midnight? Does it make sense." Oz still didn't understand.

"Of course. There is at least the descendants of Eli who gathered Barton on the radio. He will continue to control the radio until the descendants of Eli are processed by Papa at midnight, right?"

Okay, this radio station. The earliest appeared when the inheritor Cliff went to the police station to call the police, and then through the boring fallen angel Jessica, let Zack and Oz know the existence of the radio station.

Then there is the issue of the rally point that Oz said now.

The descendants of Eli are unable to move during the day. You can think about how a group that can move freely only half of the day can transmit information in the other half of the day.

Thanks to human technology, this radio station is the console. It will tell those ghosts to go to Eli descendants who know where to hide during the day and where to go at night.

Finally, explain how to keep this Arthur-the job that Zac did not preside over, forced to become a descendant of Eli, and was brought to the poor man of Barton.

Zac actually made it very clear. Papa can deal with the descendants of Eli who are scattered in all corners of Barton one by one at midnight, but is there a radio station that can let this guy go to a place to wait for death? Do you need exclusion?

Then as long as Papa was a little bit greedy at midnight and this little convenience, Arthur, survived.

At least in the list of lists that Papa handled at midnight, Arthur would come to the end because of the functionality he provided. Anyway, it won't just hang up so quickly.

Zac didn't seem to be prepared to mention this topic, waved his hand, walked to the TV again, and reached out to open it. No surprises, Oz is watching the local news, the picture is the chaotic south and north junction ...

"What do you think?" Oz tilted his head. "Terrorist attack?" An indifferent tone that didn't care much. "Huh, the Republican case hasn't made a little progress, and this kind of evil has happened again. Barton recently It's not quite flat. "Looking back at Zac," Guess what? Artificial? Interracial? "

Zac also tilted his head, "I don't need to guess, I will be there."

Oz blinked, "What are you talking about?"

"I said I was there, in the bus." Zac looked back at Oz. "I should have died in the explosion."

Oz opened his mouth, but did not speak. He carefully watched the picture on the TV and was quiet for a long time. "No, you will not die." Behind the reporter who said something to the camera, it was twisted, bent, and vertical. Piercing the bus body of the broken steel into the air, "This power is not enough to make the vampire deadly."

"Fact." Zach nodded. "But I also want to protect a transforming vampire and a useless wizard."

Oz frowned tightly, "Who?"

"Briel's husband and John."

Everything that needs to be explained has been covered in the discourse. Communicating with smart people is so worry-free. Can be more worry-free-

Oz pursed his lips. "How did you survive?"

"Papa at midnight." Zac raised his hand and tapped his head, indicating clearly, "I don't mind."

"Okay." Oz nodded and began to read. "But this time, whether it's our relationship with the demon feast on the bright side, or ours, you know."

Zac nodded to express his understanding. After all, reading mind is an infringement of **. The relationship between Zac and Oz has been complicated so far, and sincerely does not need to be more complicated.

But when the two men looked at each other, a white flower walked past Zac.

"Yo ~ You're here ~" It's Zager, a completely humanoid Zager, "Did I just hear you say you are going to die?"

Zac looked at Zagar. How do you describe it? Have you ever seen a humanoid model? Those hangers in the mall that have the most ideal shape for human beings-perfect proportions, perfect faces. Zagel retained this property.

So you really ca n’t accurately describe what Zagel looks like, because it looks good? Of course it looks good, that is something created by the common aesthetic value of human beings that attracts you to buy things from him. However, it is strange. You can accept merchants to display products with humanoid models that you clearly know are dummies, but if you really find a real person with the perfect ratio and perfect face as the fake models to display, it will be uncomfortable-

Are businesses all blind? Your consumers, those passers-by, don't have such perfect proportions and faces. Who are you ironizing?

So Zac looked at Zagger like this, "You look ... very good."

"I know ~" Zagar's hand touched the lotus on his chest. "I feel good ~"

He should feel good, something in the middle of his body is still standing. Obviously he was doing some sports and came out to greet Zac temporarily.

Oz glanced away and turned away, "I told you on the phone before." Continue reading. There are too many wonderful things in Zac's mind.

Zac couldn't easily look away. Is it embarrassing? Of course Zac will be embarrassed, but the fact is that Zac cannot be embarrassed. Isn't this what he wanted? Let Zagger stand alive in front of him, now Zagger is alive enough.

Zager began to walk towards Zac, "I'm exploring, huh, 'birth' ~" Without blocking the consciousness of your body, you can roll your eyes-"I feel, freedom ~" Powerless to refute, right?

Zac took a step back so that some part of Zagar would not touch himself. But still struggling with a gratifying face of ‘this is what I hope’ deserved, “I ’m ready for your room in Grande, when will you come to Grande?”

Zagel raised an eyebrow. "Have you discussed with Louise?" You can explore the meaning of Zager's words.

"She has no opinion." Zac is still an idiot on something.

"Oh." Zagar turned around. "Wait a minute, I want to be free for a few more days."

One thing must be clear now, when Zagar has not become a ‘person’, he can casually say that Louise will fall in love with him and create a twisted triangular relationship. Because he knows the black humor in these words, we all understand. But now, he lived in a better form than Zac. Is this whole thing humorous?

For four centuries, Zac ’s wisdom for four centuries is also in Zagel! Zager knew what he could not do!

But Zac didn't realize what he was missing from beginning to end, and now he was staring at the **** as Zager walked, er, 'vivid'. It's not rigid at all. The tissue made of perfect muscles and fat is showing its own as the owner moves ... Omit it.

"Are you, human?" Well, Zach gave him a legitimate reason to look at the same-sex butt.

"I can bleed." Zagar held back, and he responded sideways.

"I know you can bleed." Zac turned away and continued. "At least I judged by my vampire that your blood flow is normal."

"So you know that I am human, but you still ask." Zager didn't mean to turn around again, so he said with his head turned sideways.

"No, I can only confirm that you are living creatures, living creatures." Zach said objectively, "But you want me to think that humans can be transformed from wooden puppets, no."

"If you want to ask me something special." Zagar turned back, "I'm still exploring." With a chuckle, "At the moment, I only have my own physical strength group ~"

Zac has no comments on this response, "Well, continue to explore, if you need help with exploration, you know Grande has your room."

Zagar nodded, walked away, and went on to do the interrupted thing. He is humble, what is physical strength, self-control is the group.

Leave it alone. Zac looked back at Oz, who was already thinking down, and his mind had been read.

"I hope you are thinking about what I am going to say here." The purpose of Zac's coming here is about to be revealed.

Oz frowned at Zac, "You obviously didn't come to me to discuss your disappeared memories. Then, you have made small moves to make the Southern District and the Northern District Police Department compete for the case. Your own thoughts. Then ... "

Zac was satisfied and encouraged Oz to continue.

Oz, "What you need to talk to me about is Brill's husband, New Torrido."

Zac nodded. "I'm a newcomer to the Feast. I don't know the rules of the Feast. But the Secret Alliance prohibits the marriage of vampires from different clans."

"The same is true of the Demon Feast." Oz glanced at Zac, but frowned doubtfully. "I thought this was the general ethics of vampires, didn't it? Do you still share the power of vampires?"

Zac shook his head, "No, the former vampires didn't have this kind of problem, because we hadn't gotten together, different clans, nobles, and different land. The clans who brought the vampires together came in close contact with the Lord It is the assembly of the thirteen clan. "

Zac looked at Oz and was really satisfied. Oz did not spy on other things in his mind before he could have the question now, "loyalty is very important for vampires because of eternal life. So be loyal to the clan , When there is a conflict with loyalty to marriage, immortal vampires have no choice ... "

Vampire ethics, try to understand it, do n’t force it ... it ’s a bit important.

"... only brings tragedy." Zach shook his head. "In the former secret alliance, the lightest punishment was to exchange blood. Both parties to the marriage will be stripped of their original lineage and abandoned to foreigners. what?"

"Worse, execute. Don't give any chance of future conflicts."

Zac sighed sideways, disappointed with himself, "I thought there was still room for turning." Yes. He chose to save Serris temporarily because he thought there was still a gap in the feast. But now it seems ...

"It's not without room ..." Oz seemed to hesitate for a long time-at least when his psychology was like this. Oz looked at Zac, "There is a clan, no matter what vampire's taboo the members inside, the feast is too lazy to manage. Because this clan has been flooded with various punished bottom vampires."

Zac raised an eyebrow, "Cappadocia!"


Forget it so soon! The status ecology of the magic feast! Cappadocia is at the bottom! Nainad told Zac personally, that insulting blood exchange at the magic feast!

But Zac immediately frowned again, "but I'm helping Cappadocia to improve its status."

Oz pursed his lips and shook his head. "Uh, you are not really helping Cappadocia.

Can you understand? Is Zach helping others? No, shhh ~ whisper ~ Zac is doing bad things, doing a split that Toledo is good at ...

Zac felt his chin, "Okay, I know. I will ..." Already turning his head, "Think of something."

"Do what you should do." Oz waved his hand, sighed, and looked back at the TV screen that was still live. "And since this matter has something to do with you, you must report it to the Devil Banquet ... uh, you Where to go? "

"Go back to the South District." Zach has gone out with a smile. "Go to Alan's Funeral Home and report things, you don't have to worry about it. Ha ha, let Hamilton do it. I will talk to him in detail. discussed."

Oz can still say that he can only make up quickly, "Do you need my help to create something distracting on Darcy's side? Drag the attribution progress of the case?"

"No, let James and Coulson quarrel slowly."

what! Forgot to say, where Walt is, Zac saw the picture, the two former partners were noisy at the corner of the picture, now look, still. The tangled character relationship is enough, Oz does not need to do much ~

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