The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 11: The vampire of the Allen family

In the office of Alan ’s Funeral Home, Zach watched Mr. Alan drop his phone expressionlessly. August 1st? Chinese? Wen Wang? W? W? W (i). ? 8? 1? Z㈧W ?. COM

It was a call from his son Chris, and he came back specifically to inform him that he would play outside with his friends today. If he comes back late, do n’t worry.

The phone was not long, and Allen didn't say anything in three words-"Um. Oh. Got it."

The phone call ended, but Zac kept looking at Allen in this way, quiet.

Tell me about the situation in this office. It ’s about the size of Grand ’s office, with a desk, a shelf that I do n’t know if it ’s a facade, or a Zack-like book, and it ’s also as large as Grand ’s to make it easy to condone alcohol abuse. Bottle ... don't pay attention to this and continue to the office.

There is the same long chair table as Grandry, opposite the desk.

Allen naturally sat behind the desk. So, is Zac sitting opposite him? Lord, guest, right, this structure is right.

but not. Zac was sitting at the meeting table, not alone, but also in the group of eight. Alan, here, the owner of Alan ’s Funeral Home, is solitary and excluded, unable to participate in the proceedings of 9 Demon Vampires (including Zac), and can only be the guy behind the desk.

If it were n’t for the ringtone that disturbed the nine people ’s “friendly” exchanges, Zac would n’t look in his direction now.

Can you make up for this subtle scene?

It was so quiet that Allen ’s eyes began to drift unconsciously ...

Zac said, "You don't need to stay here, Allen."

Zac is really okay, saying such things in people's homes. Mr. Allen, let's at least understand this guy's character. Is Allen good? Not at all involved, he is a murderer, a malicious competitor of business, a mean profiteer, a villain with strong jealousy. Eventually led him step by step to the end of Zach's life with a gun in Grande.

Therefore, it should probably be foreseen that he will immediately respond fiercely to Zac's rude words.

but. It must be. Mr. Allen, whom we know, is still human. Now Mr. Allen, no. It is the thing behind the end of life. remember? Eli once said that he turned the murderer who killed Zac into a vampire and wanted him to go through hell. Of course we know that **** is a metaphor, but the **** that Eli can create, we may not imagine. So much so that despite knowing Allen, we probably don't know this Allen vampire after **** in the metaphor.

So, don't be surprised by what you see below.

Allen's fluttering eyes fixed, the corner of the ceiling was flat, "Where am I going. I can't get out, I'll be burnt out when I go out." The sunlight hasn't turned into moonlight, and it's afternoon, "Change another Does it make sense to stay in the room? I still hear what you say. "

Zac nodded, "Fact, but aren't you bored, just listen to us here to find something to do."

Allen continued to look at the ceiling for a while before he stood up and walked out silently.

Zac pouted his eyes and retracted his gaze, glancing at the group of eight. "I don't think I need to be reminded, you all know to watch him, don't let him commit suicide."

Did Allen just say that he could hear no matter where he went? Seems to have said. But Zac doesn't seem to remember, who of you will remind him.

No one answered, only Lu Zmisi Lesenbull nodded seriously.

The inexplicable silence lasted only a moment, and it was Nenad who said, "We understand the truth, but ..."

But none came out, and Zac waved his hand, "Do you really understand? Just now, Hamilton." His eyes squinted at Hamilton, too lazy to withdraw, "Still protesting my decision to arrange you here. "

"I didn't protest!" Hamilton was slightly gloomy for a while, "I'm expressing my own feelings! This is not what you are most advocating, everyone should have their own feelings!" Said and retorted together Now, "Barton's atmosphere! Now maintain the core of the peace of all parties in Barton! Every, every person, everybody, should, have, own, feel!"

This matter is a bit 'wide', and it's not well described on the coverage. But everyone can understand in this way why there are so many crooked things in Barton, the city is still steadily exhibiting, and it is still in a good direction. That is, in this city, everyone who knows their name has their own ideas. And these named guys do n’t think ‘I ’m going to live in a bad city’, so every guy wants ‘good’, so this city is ‘good’.

Zac smiled at the corner of his mouth. He told Hamilton to have his own feelings. It was n’t Zac ’s nerves to make this Lesenbull good, but it was simply reminding him that for the Feast, what was to Patton Ok.

One of them is definitely something else to make Saint Cici live alive. This is why the group of eight is here. It seemed that only Nainard understood, Zac gestured to Nainard, "You explain."

A trace of irritability flashed in Nenad's eyes. His words were not finished. He had real worries to discuss with Zac, but now he had to explain to Hamilton, er, "Hamilton, you can just express your feelings, but Do n’t forget that you are our captain, you are Lesenbulla. ”Nenad was quite able to speak.“ We have missed an opportunity to make the saints change the magic banquet ... ”

Wait a minute, do you want to explain this? Say something. Before we described it from the perspective of Sissi-

When Zac came up with "Cort" to let Papa play a political game with Midnight and the Demon Feast, delaying the time for both sides to deal with Eli Torrido, didn't Sissi come to Grande to complain? She planned to steal Allen ’s plans from Eli to be disrupted by this delay, but she did n’t want to because she was obviously doing her own personal affairs for weakness (she was trying to save a funeral boss for her boyfriend instead of telling all Interracial, including the Demon Banquet, the funeral home of Chris and Alan, is her saint's weakness) and went to the Demon Banquet to directly ask for someone and owe something.

If you look at this matter from the perspective of a magic feast. Simple, Sissy didn't even want to find a magic banquet. Whatever the reason, Sissi didn't find it. Just as the girl saint would rather take Gangaro to the world, start a violent social group, fight against demons all over the world, and be embarrassed all the way to the small place of Patton, unwilling to run and still maintain four centuries The Lord's Devil's Feast seeks help.

Can you understand?

Nenad continued, "We can't miss the opportunity to let the saints, uh, ignore us again."

"So we are here looking at a suicidal vampire?" Hamilton glared at Nainad.

Zac raised an eyebrow, "Abandoned Clan? New noun?"

Nenad consciously passed the opportunity to speak.

Hamilton did n’t know if he was grateful. The irritable explanation, “The descendants of Eli, we used to refer to them as 'Toledo'. In order to brainwash the outside world, we also heard the 'Magic Banquet Toledo' Title. "

Zac nodded, understandably, to replace himself. The real surname of the Eli clan has never been important.

"Now we have real Toledo. Obviously his original title is already a burden, so I changed it."

How could Zac have an opinion and nodded, "It's convenient, abandoning the tribe, speaks loudly."

"You don't have to be proud of anything here ..." Hamilton probably didn't hold back for a while, but he didn't regret it too much. After flashing his irritability, he just pinched off the back words and returned to the topic, "We don't need this kind of meaningless It ’s about how long the love between a boy and a saint, hum, boy and girl can last. If I decide, I wo n’t care about Alan ’s life or death. The last republican passage arranged for Taylor (already left Barton), she is holy The apprentice just posted it. "Hamilton had his own idea-" The facts have proved that as long as the saint really cares about something, she will come over and come to our side! So our focus should be Westerners! Yuri! Fisher! Even ... "Flipped through the documents in front of me, hey, I said before, these nine people are in the process of discussing things, don't make a fuss, remember the morning Oz morning phone call , It is said that Hamilton has something to report, "Quest has recently emerged. Republican trade! It is what we should pay attention to!"

After listening, Zac gave a boring expression, "You think we should pay attention to the trade with the Republic, okay. So how do we do it? To control the Fisher boats to run to the Republic, to control the current is especially The Liszt business circle under the name opens more republican high-end markets, and replaces the purchase list of Qwest City with republican high-quality and low-cost goods? "Zac has already expressed his opinion, so the expression should be more deliberate. More deliberately, taunting is the main theme, "Well, then let ’s do it ... Wait, Hamilton, these things, are n’t these families doing? We, well, what are we going to do?"

Hamilton's face stiffened. Looking at the information in front of me, I feel like an idiot.

Zac shook his head, too lazy to bother, "You can understand as long as you understand, but don't understand. No matter what, don't forget, this is your punishment-did not stop Eli ... Oh no, hehe, the threat of abandonment The punishment of my life. Take it. "

Except for Nainard and Lu, everyone turned their heads so that no malicious expression would be seen by Zac. Can everyone find out that it is more typical than this to get cheaper and sell well?

Lu didn't say anything, his eyes were always on Zac, blindly.

Nenad had something serious, and I did n’t finish it before. "I still have some worries about Alan. What if Papa wants to start with Alan at midnight? What can we do?" This worry is not undesirable, Naina. De had an explanation, "Can we not expect Papa to have any fear of the saints at midnight. The Lord has disappeared, all the angels are trapped in the Republic, and no one knows why, Papa midnight is the reason? We do n’t know! Papa midnight It ’s Barton ’s biggest uncertainty. Now Alan is an abandoned man. We can stop him from committing suicide, but we ca n’t stop Papa from midnight. ”

"I'm glad you asked." Zach smiled. "Actually I have already figured out a solution."

"What is it?"

"Do you want a descendant? Nainard?"

Hamilton, "No!" Then Zmiche and Revro, who joined in 6 continuation-I know, a few guys who don't have a sense of existence, "No!"

"You ..." Zac's face was unexpected, sincerely, I don't know, "What kind of situation needs to be reflected so big?"

Still Hamilton, "We are here to perform tasks! Not to create descendants! This is the principle of asking ..."

"Your mission has failed. Now you are being punished." Zac interrupted quickly, probably knowing Hamilton's meaning, "but I really miss this, um, how to say, rules? The central part of the mission makes descendants. , Huh, speaking, do you know how this rule appeared? "

Because everyone except Lu has bowed his head, Zac replied, "This rule is that during the colonial period, the thirteen clans took advantage of the invasion of new territories to inherit the new power and break the power of the thirteen clans in order to defend each other. Balance, and set up. "

History is always so ... simply.

Zac smiled, "I ca n’t believe that the Feast actually retained this ancient rule ... Oh, no, it should be re-established for Barton, huh, after all, Barton is a new territory for the Feast Right, the new descendants can build everything in the new territory (emphasis, it will be used later) ~ no matter what the original vampire forces here, the balance inside the demon feast must at least be kept. So, ha ha, you, you 8 Individuals, you ca n’t make descendants here, am I right? "

"Yes." Do you dare to believe it, and the answer is Lu, and the dumbfounded responded like this.

Zac was a little speechless, watching Lu nod his head, if he could force Hamilton or Nainard to admit it, forget it, "But as I said, your task is over, I have the right to deal with you. , Let you no longer exist ~ "Laughing," But how can I bear it, so familiar ~ "

"Are we going to thank you!" Vicious, from Hamilton.

"You don't have to use it. It's the right way for you to be useful." Zac looked sideways and was blocked by the wall, but Zac knew that Alan listened silently in that direction, "I can do it myself, but "Zac is a big helpless face," I am now, can not be distracted in the matter of descendants. You all know my situation, Charlie, right, the situation is already very troublesome, now , There's an extra hemp ... "Zac stopped talking and stopped here.

On the meeting table, eyes quickly exchanged in front of Zac. Can't help but, uh, Lu, "Zacree Torredo, do you have any troubles? What can I do!"

Zac began to think that this Lu was a burden, but there was no way to do it now, "I made a new descent, Cyrus, yes, the descendant of Mokawi, Brill, the husband. Don't show that pair I was dead, I knew it was n’t an accident, and I did n’t want it. The thing was born, and I had no choice but to face it. ”Looking at Hamilton, who had begun to avoid Zac ’s sight,“ Do you have any suggestions, do I need to kill this new descent? Make Brielle a widow and then try to appease Mokawi? "

Hamilton had pointed his head at Zac.

Zach shook his head in distress and began to turn to another person, Nenad.

The eyes just met, "Then let me come!" Nenad was a decisive look, seemingly thinking about countless things in an instant, and his eyes briefly forced back Hamilton, "Unless you have a better Way! This is the only way! And only I can! Whether it is to help Torredo or to the saints, only the blood of Cappadocia! "

"You are violating our principle of coming here!" Hamilton said.

Zac has leaned back and gave the stage to the two men. Fortunately, things went on as expected.

"And I am following the attributes of the Cappadocia clan at the magic feast!" The insulted inferior, Naina stared at Hamilton, "No one cares about Cappadocia! Cappadocia is a group of abandoned The vampire collection! Do n’t care, do n’t care! Hamilton, are you willing to take this job, you know this is the only way to prevent Papa from touching the father of the saint ’s little boyfriend at midnight, and you know that this is also the only way to stabilize Mocavi Way! In addition to making Cappadocia unbearable, me! Back to these! Do you have a better idea! "

In this remark, Nenad has a small action, that is, he glanced at two Zmithis, and they are about to replace the most unfavorable Cappadocia in the magic feast and become the lowest class.

Realize what Zac is doing. Yes, he used a simple history to remind Nenad that you want Cappadocia's future, okay, then go ahead and block others' mouths, and then seize the opportunity.

Ha, as for how to block others' mouths, everyone thinks that now Hamilton can dismantle Nenad in front of two Zmihi, Cappadocia will no longer be so unbearable, and the new one will be Zmihi ?

he can not. I have emphasized how many times, Hamilton, will only maintain the status quo.

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