The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 3 Chapter 33: Hypocritical

There is no point in rebellion anymore. Now Zac only has the time to grasp and stay with Benjamin.

Hey, be sincere, no one will take ‘not seen again’ seriously. Does anyone think that Zac will visit after Benjamin moves out of Grand?

There are no analogy examples here, but this is the fact that is determined by the heart-Zac, who has never agreed on the relationship between Benjamin and Mokawi, absolutely will not send any form of blessing to any behavior of the two. !

So, we can only seize this last time.

For the first time, Zac gave a disgusted look at Lyon around him. The reason is that the seat arrangement for the drive to Alan ’s Funeral Home is this-Zac and Lyon are sitting in the back seat, Benjamin drives, Mocavi is the co-driver.

"Pochi Quinn ~" Mokawi opened his mouth as he passed the Pochi family.

Just said a name, the ghost knew what her smile was to express. Anyway, Zac didn't want to take care of it, so he continued to despise Lyon.

Lyon is quite innocent. He didn't even want to ride in a car with these three people. When he was in the employee's living area, he just reminded Mocavi a little as if he was friendly. Evan spoke the same to any outsider. Don't care, don't hurt Grande's employees. Don't want to, this inexplicable and offending woman is entangled in herself.

Mokawi put a smile on his face and turned his head, "Container, do you know the wizard has a technique that can replace the soul ~" Container? Yes, this is what Mocavi calls Lyon. The 'devil' is omitted from the front, "If you don't want to live your life, you can find a wizard to help you change your soul ~ Ha ha, you don't have to live like this Uncomfortable. "

Zac took away his disgusted face and turned into a frown, but still looked at Lyon.

Everyone should be able to understand that Zac ’s disgust is just boring anger. Is n’t frowning at this time not Zac realizing his boredom, but what Zac has always known-Lyon ’s life is not for himself of……

This question has been talked about before, it is a bit heavy, and I wo n’t repeat it now.

Lyon replied, "I know." Actually glanced at Zac, "Sam is very good at this kind of witchcraft." Others remember that Sam once proposed to help Zac put Kate's soul on the sow. Lyon shook his head with self-deprecating self-deprecating, "You may find it ridiculous, but I don't want to let my body contain anything inexplicable."

The ridiculous point about Lyon is probably that he decided to be loyal to the demon ‘Lyon’.

Mokawi turned back with a smile, looking at Benjamin. He didn't speak, just looking at it. Occasionally, he flicked Benjamin's hair, and Benjamin smiled and shook his head to avoid it.

Zach's blood was boiling in the back seat, but all he could do was continue to dislike Lyon.

Innocent disdain is destined not to last long. At the end of the dirt road, about to cross Highway 27, Zach began to adjust his sitting posture.

This is not a sign of expecting something to happen, it is simple, grace, anxiety.

Zac doesn't know if what he has happened while crossing Highway 27 for a few days will repeat. And I do n’t know, it ’s worth Zach ’s irritability, because he does n’t want to think about these things now, he just wants to be good, quiet, undisturbed, and be in a space with Benjamin!

"What's wrong with you." In the rearview mirror, Benjamin passed his peaceful eyes. The habit of a good driver slows down when crossing the road.

Benjamin was paying attention to Zac ’s actions, but Zac could n’t be relieved. “It ’s nothing.” Zac ’s irritability took a layer, because he did n’t know if he wanted to meet his eyes in the rearview mirror more, he was still vigilant. Looking out the window.

The car reached the middle of the road, and Benjamin drew back his peaceful gaze, determined that there was no passing vehicle, and began to accelerate.

After all, it was just an ordinary highway. The car completed the crossing without incident, and nothing happened.

Zac frowned, glancing back at Route 27, which had begun to go away, preparing to turn back and continue to dismiss Lyon. Anyway, there seems to be nothing else to do ...

"Just now a bus wanted to hit us ~" Mokawi spoke again.

Zac felt that all his blood was going to the heart. But he had no chance to speak.

"Oh, is it." Benjamin smiled. "You made it disappear?"

"No, I disappeared as soon as I appeared ~" Mokawi's smiling eyes flashed, just describing the normal expression of interesting things.

"Yeah." Benjamin responded. "Oh, we didn't see it. You are so good." He continued driving while smiling.

Then, then the topic ended. Mokawi continued to take the time to fiddle Benjamin's ... Mao, anyway, Benjamin Mao, you know. Benjamin, as long as he doesn't interfere with his driving, it seems that Mocavi randomly touches himself.

Even though Zac in the back seat now spurned Lyon with all his might, he couldn't relieve his surging mood.

and so. Zac suddenly leaned towards the front seat, staring at Mocavi ... No, turning halfway, staring at Benjamin's side face, "That's about to hit my bus!"

Can you feel Zac ’s mentality, the naive is like a crying baby seeking attention, "Three days! This car crashed every time I crossed Highway 27!"

"Oh." Benjamin said nothing.

"Oh?" Zac grabbed the front seat and tried to arch forward. Do n’t imitate this behavior that affects the driver, “Just‘ oh? ’Do n’t you care about me?”

"Little Zack ~"

Zac was stiff all over, because it was probably Zac's insertion that blocked Mokawi from playing Benjamin. The ancestor started to fiddle with Zac ’s hair, "Do n’t worry ~ I let it disappear ~" Then, "Your hair is so hard."

After the stiffness, Zac chose to ignore it and continued to face Benjamin, "I don't know what that is! I don't know why this happened! But I know that once I get hit, I will lose my memory! Yesterday I lost my memory ! Forget everything that happened in the last three days! "

Typical ‘I ’m crying! Look at me! ’

"Oh." Benjamin added a little more action, which made Zac desperate. A simple sideways look, "You look good."

Zac, "No!" Mokawi may have deliberately set Zac's hair to match Zac's current mood, "I'm not good at all! I need help! This world should be nothing more than me I do n’t know! But there is one now! This! "

What is not said is ‘you ca n’t leave me at this moment when I need help! ’, The choice did n’t say, yes, it was Zac ’s ideal choice that did n’t say this latter sentence. It is commendable to maintain the factual rationality of knowing that nothing will change Benjamin's imminent departure from Grande.

"Hehe." Benjamin praised him in his way. "You will figure it out. I believe you."

Zac pulled back suddenly, holding his arms in the back seat, his face sullen, and he didn't fix his hair messed up by Mokawi.

Zac is now thinking about a very helpless thing-as if this last time together, it is meaningless. He has completely lost Benjamin's heart. There is nothing worthy of misunderstanding, it is the heart.


"Parking." Zac said calmly.

"Here?" Benjamin actually looked around. The geography of the Southern District was not described.

"Here." Still calm, "James may be at Alan's funeral home, I don't want to go."

"Oh." Another simple response, the car was really stopped by Benjamin.

Zach pushed the car door and glanced at Lyon. "You come out too."

Lyon was a little embarrassed, but it was his turn to explain his embarrassment for himself.

"He's my next model ~" Mocavi looked at Zac who had stood outside the car. "Empty container, I want to draw him and let him accompany me for a while ~ Little Zac ~"

So this is why Mocavi pulled Lyon out.

Forget it, Zac is really powerless to care about this kind of thing, and he closed the door by throwing his hand, turning his head back ... running.

It ’s not that Zack wants to deliberately be embarrassed, this is a sincere desire!

We all know what a decent vampire looks like when he runs. But Zac was still running, and at the limit that human vision could follow, he could already see the heel of the fly and the cracked shoulder seam.

Zac is also a person of personality, all hypocrisy, but those who have not touched his true heart ~

Oh, of course we can be so ridiculous. From the perspective of our God, our pleasure is to see this guy take and force all Patton together.

Then finish reading.

At the speed of our Zac, Zac was already standing in the center of Highway 27 before Benjamin had restarted his car.

Zac is doing something extremely hypocritical.

He was talking to himself, or confessing to something in the air, "I do n’t want to remember these things. I am amnestic, I do n’t remember the process, and then turn these into the results of facts, and then someone tells me! Let me not worry ! "

Perhaps it should be Zac who mourns us now, sincerely a gentleman for everything. Can you feel the distorted logic here that people have to praise? Turn memories into facts and obliterate the annoying process? How calm and determined!

This confession was answered.

On Highway 27, a bus appeared without any light and shadow twists and turns towards a vampire standing in the middle of the road with a mess of hair and few pieces of complete cloth all over his body.

When Benjamin had finished accelerating and the car that originally belonged to Oz Kozier began to drive to Alan ’s Funeral Home at a constant speed, yes, the protagonist of this story disappeared again.

Let the story continue capriciously.

"Do you want to draw me?" Lyon frowned, looking at the two people in the front seat.

"Oh, of course I don't want to ~" Mocavi still smiled, not looking back at Lyon, but Benjamin. "Little Zach's breath disappeared ~"

Benjamin only raised his eyebrows, "He is dead?"

"Oh, no ~"

Benjamin shrugged and smiled.

Mocavi looked back at Lyon, "You are empty, when I see you, all I see is a blank space ~" Remember Mocavi's artistic concept, everything she paints is from others Seeing yourself in the eyes. To explore your own meaning with the appearance of others Yes Mocavi ~ and you ~ are nothing, empty container ~ I ca n’t draw you ~ "

Does anyone understand Mokawi's remarks? It doesn't matter, don't force it, the topic will immediately go away.

"Then why do you say that?" Lyon began to be nervous. "Why did you pull me? I, I ..." also began to be afraid, "You, you won't do anything to me ..."

"Relax." Benjamin glanced into the rearview mirror with a faint smile. To tell the truth, at any time, Benjamin ’s smile is better than Zac, because Benjamin will not pretend, and Zac, need to guess whether the laugh is true or false, or just the courtesy of his good education, "We just need your help."

"My help ??" Lyon was confused.

Everyone should be confused.

"We need a container ~" Mocavi took the call. If Mocavi was replaced with Zac at this time, this scenario would also hold true. Isn't it? Benjamin isn't the guy in charge anyway.

Lyon bowed his head when he heard this. Maybe there is still a little bit of concern, the meaning of your own existence is just a ‘container’.

"Have you noticed the night sky during this time?" Mocavi actually reached over and patted Lyon. "What kind of night sky do you see?"

With the night sky that Lyon sees, everyone should be concerned ... It is Zac ’s continuous misjudgment of the weather that lives on to say that he is gloating with joy-the dark night sky connection is indeed an abnormally sunny day.

"Night, night sky ..." Lyon was stunned. "What's wrong with the night sky? It's pretty good ..."

Wait. The night sky is good?

"No." Mokawi shook his head. "It's not good at all ~" Ignore the woman's words and her smile. She is a lunatic and can laugh at anything, "Our sky, Covered ~ "

"What? I don't understand what you are saying ..."

"You're still human ~" Mocavi's mood is better and very good, "You know the existence of demons because you are possessed ~ Ha ha, you don't see what you can't see ~ So, what you see The night sky, there are moons, stars, everything you can see ~ "

The turning point came, "But we are interracial ~ During this time, we can't see the night sky because it is covered ~"

Uh, this kind of thing happened.

I do n’t know if anyone still has an impression. When Louise was still human, Zac once chatted with Zac while walking outside Grande, and suddenly looked north. He said a fire broke out in the north. Louise said nothing.

The fact is that Smith's system-poison-warehouse resulted in the law punishment due to Dylan's promotion in this world. The aliens can see it, humans can't see it.

Mokawi turned his head back, "That's the desire of faith, the desire to be satisfied with black ~ we need an empty container, huh, come to install ~"

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