There is a fact that needs to be clear. Benjamin is also the owner of Grande, so when he directly asked Mo for the list of participants in this funeral, Mo could only do it immediately.

When Mexico went to work, some people's movements needed to be explained to everyone. Mr. Allen wanted to approach Benjamin and was stopped by Hamilton; Lu paused the game intentionally and ran to Benjamin and said, "I do n’t trust the werewolf, please leave Torredo," and Benjamin was too lazy to ignore it. Sam had the intention to lead the reporter to Benjamin, but Benjamin waved his hand and refused.

Saying this: those who wanted to provoke Benjamin but were blocked, those who were directly ignored, and those who directly refused to be contaminated, just to compare the next-

Since he thought that it might not be possible to ignore whether he had greeted James, he silently prepared to return to the auditorium, but was held down by Benjamin, "You stay here."

Contrast this 'dirty thing' that Benjamin pulled himself around.

James was not honored at all, and it was still uncomfortable. He rubbed his shoulder that was hurt by Benjamin's uncomfortable movements. "What are you doing! Zach asked you to find me? Hey! I don't ..."

Interrupt, "You shut up."

This is the first time James has visited countless times in the Grande experience. Benjamin treated James with such a bad attitude ... No. James had never cared about Benjamin ’s attitude towards him before, because he did n’t need to, and James always focused on Zach every time he was in Grande-even if Benjamin once dropped James from Matthew ’s bed. There is nothing special about James, it should be.

But, now, "you ..." James is preparing to question where this inexplicable maliciousness comes from.

I was interrupted as soon as I opened my mouth, "It would be nice not to save you at the beginning of the year, let you die in the woods, and now there is not much to do."

James opened his mouth and could not speak.

Benjamin glanced at James, but he didn't have what he said at all overflowing with malicious consciousness, "What expression do you have, am I wrong?"

James looked away and kept quiet.

Benjamin also turned away and glanced at Mokawi. When they first arrived here, the dispute between Brill and Cyrus was over. Now Mokawi is making a request to the cross-clan vampire couple that they cannot refuse-find their own in Benjamin and Mokawi Before the residence, requisition their home.

Benjamin did n’t pay much attention to Mokawi ’s affairs, he did n’t look at James, he said, “I have n’t been bothered by Zac ’s demands on you, huh, what to do with interracial equality What a comprehensive view of the world. "Shaking his head slightly," Now I am going to do something for you, I realized how much he is ... "

This may reveal why Benjamin and Mokawi didn't finish talking here. James thought he heard the key point and glared at Benjamin in surprise. "What are you saying? Do you want to help me? Help me do what?" ? "

"Substitute." Benjamin seemed to be too lazy to look at James, and his voice did not fluctuate. "It's for you. When you are incompetent, give up, deny the value of your existence, and do it for you. This is not to help, find out.

James opened his mouth. This was a situation he had not expected. When Grande was forced into the corner by Zac, James had at least the ability to tell Zac his attitude with his gloomy face-I ca n’t tell you , But do n’t think you convinced me, look at this gloomy face, I just hate you, and all the words that come out of your mouth!

Now, James can't even show this attitude for a while.

Benjamin's voice still didn't fluctuate. "I used to think that you were a normal ordinary person." Benjamin paused for no reason at all. "Ordinary person." The ghost knew what he thought of, and shook his head, "Man."

Seeing the end of shaking his head, Benjamin had a tendency to speak again.

"People!" James hurried ahead. "Just stop by! Don't continue!" Although James didn't know what Benjamin was expressing, he felt that Benjamin would continue to define himself and something would happen.

Benjamin glanced at James this time, and then glanced, "Human. It doesn't matter whether it's alive or dead. I picked it up, so I picked it up."

Benjamin ’s next sentence made James aware of his situation, yes—

"Madison regards this as a kindness."


James's mood now, Benjamin also read the stories of **** written by Madison!

Remember, what was the state of James when he was driving into Grande's car four days ago. Is to avoid! Avoiding the entire Patton knows that he is a person who hates aliens from his bones!

James' narrow heart made him think he was in danger!

Everyone thought that from the first day of Darcy's appointment of the Patton North District Police Chief, James, who kept defying Darcy's orders, today, why honestly lead his life, came here to back the police station pot?

It was James who knew that the Barton aliens did not dare to come here! This is Alan ’s Funeral Home, where the Demon Banquet is held!

But at this moment, the narrow, life-threatening feeling, after finally halting from this funeral, was rekindled, still the kind of burst. Because Benjamin! That's why James originally retrieved his life in the woods on the border of Barton!

At the moment, Benjamin is telling James that it is the storyteller who has settled on Benjamin! In fact, it's just an alpha, it doesn't matter to ‘people’!

"What are you shaking." Benjamin didn't look at James. The James image at the boundary of his field of vision came in and out at high speed. "Are you surprised, you should understand that the so-called I saved you, but it's just me The choice did n’t kill you. Just resisting you in front of Zac is just the choice I do n’t want to kill. Just casually, drive me as a person behind the person, and be different from the boring spirit of the wolf body. Thing. I have no intention to leave the dying you in the woods I go to once a month to become a corpse, waiting to rot. I thought Zac would use the enchanting pupil directly on you to eliminate all troubles. Simple and simple "

The facts are getting colder. James' tremor is getting worse.

Benjamin shook his head again. "Well, who knows, you rely on a Kozil pant to make Zac keep your interest. Then, I don't care."

One thing needs to be explained, Madison did not make a mistake. What doesn't matter in Benjamin's mouth is that an Alpha can give the world the most precious kindness, huh, even if his initial heart is just a slightly strange mindset that just revealed-want to distinguish his wolf and man. Of course, everyone can add a hint of sarcasm to this sentence, at will.

It may be that James kept telling him to get in and out of the boundary of his line of sight that made Benjamin impatient. Raising his hand to James's back is his palm. "Stand up!"

James forcibly collapsed, closing his mouth tightly.

"I have to admit that most of the time, I don't understand what Zack is doing. I just think that vampires are more human than me. At least they don't have to take a day out every month to completely abandon the form of human beings, and they can't remember anything. Animals. Especially Zach, who saw me on the battlefield for the first time, and also told the soldiers around him to run Toledo farther, he was more like me ... "frowned," man. "

Inexplicably, at this point in time when Benjamin was destined to leave Grande, did he start expressing his heart out of his original origin? Object, or James?

"If he can do something, even if I don't understand, but by his side, do it and cooperate with him, that's it. I can be more human."

More and more ... weird.

In addition to shaking his head, it seems that Benjamin will not use more limbs to match his words, "but after all, he is him, I am me."

Mexico took the list and walked here, perhaps feeling the rush of the topic changing. Benjamin did n’t even allow James to absorb this weird 'confession' time, it was weird to the extreme, "The Madison story was not I should have a weight. His interpretation of my role is just to match the functional settings that Zach has shown, Matthew ’s education, attitude to the wizard, exchange with the wolf personality, and Mokawi ’s Encounter ... this should be my moment, do you see what Madison wrote, the time of passing, omitting, active, all left to Zac, his rescue of the audience, his mood changed, his Tangled and sad. Now, it ’s time to get rid of Zac ’s story and start my own. "

The list that has been handed over by Mo Di has no intermediate connection. "Yes, it is separated according to the names of Republicans and Federals."

Then he passed the list to James, who was losing consciousness in every nerve in his body. "The next Republican victim is here."

James failed to speak, because of Benjamin's words too, too ... James even struggled to pinch the list.

"How do you know?" Mo asked the question. She heard some of Benjamin's words, but she knew she had better pretend not to hear them, unless she was willing to be the one who told them to Zach.

Does anyone who knows that word have a good word of truth?

But someone is willing.

And this willing person, in the spirit that I am a sorcerer, and I care about whether the Vampire of the Feast will be difficult to do, opened the door of the auditorium in front of a group of journalists, Ask questions in the room. "

Then came in Benjamin ’s eyes looking at this side, “I only have one sentence.” It ’s Zac ’s wizard, Sam, “Is that what you really think or Mocavi taught you. I think I ’m right Zac ’s current understanding, with his hypocritical nature that respects the choices of those around him, this will be his only problem. "

Benjamin smiled at the moment when Mo lowered his head and pretended to hear nothing, "Oh, you know well, he will first thank me for his more human praise, and then say with a painful face," If this It ’s Benjamin ’s choice, and finally asked who taught me this. "

Sam shrugged.

Benjamin took a deep breath, "Mocavi didn't teach me, she summed it up. She used Torredo's eyes." The meaning of the following sentence is that you can see Mocavi facing you from everything, Using Toledo's perspective, he helped Benjamin to summarize the reasons why he wanted to leave Grande.

Sam responded for a while and nodded. "If I really understand Zac, I bet he will express gratitude again."

Benjamin put an end to this topic with his last sentence, "This gamble can't be lost, he will definitely be grateful." When looking away from Sam, "you follow him with peace of mind, be a normal person, Samuel." At first Benjamin encouraged Zac accepted the origin of Sam the wizard.

Sam is not talking. He needs to go back to Grande and retell these words before he can process them all in his heart. So, he left Allen's funeral home.

Benjamin's gaze returned to Mo. Mo was really cooperating. When the interruption just did not exist, he asked again, "How do you know that the next Republican victim is on this list?"

"Because Mocavi found the reason why the Republicans were killed." Benjamin glanced sideways at Mocavi's direction. Mocavi actually turned his thumb to this side, somehow.

But with this thumb, Benjamin smiled, as if encouraged. Benjamin moved his body, "I haven't said so much for a long time." It's just boring emotion, not related to the topic, "James, you are so indifferent, I promise you will be more uncomfortable than before Zac. I do n’t have as many goals as him. If someone disappoints me, I will let the other party know that I am disappointed. "

How many times, as many times as everyone said, Zac can use one finger to make James, the detective who dragged Patton ’s IQ, disappear. Zac did not, Zac must reason.

Now, Benjamin is telling James that he is not as reasonable as Zac.

James' tight body was held up by Mo, and Mo frowned, "Don't ..." Shaking his head, giving up asking for trouble caught between James and Benjamin, "Forget it, tell me, Benjamin."

"Desire for faith. Desire to kill heretics." Benjamin pointed to the sky. "Every time, when the sky is filled with the desire for protection inspired by the faith of the Lord for its own safety, something that responds to the desire for faith ... Desire becomes reality. "

Without waiting for Mo to continue to ask, Benjamin: "Mo, what did you say when you first met Danny, do you remember. You said that he is very similar to the Sacred Lord belief that you have seen in the Republic . "


Benjamin is bound to fly once, without giving anyone a chance to speak. Even the object of his question.

When Mo Shu slowly closed his mouth that had just issued a word, Benjamin relaxed with a non-Holy Lord belief in creation: "And every time, when the Republican communicates to the Federals, people, no need to believe, this desire will Appears. Oh, do n’t be surprised, Mexico, you know that the current Republicans will not have any respect for telling the federal people the traditional story of the Republic, there is only one sentence, “We used to believe those, now, we only believe in ourselves”, and this That ’s the reason for the death of the Republicans—they said this to the Federals. The Lord ’s faith is erasing those who threaten their existence. ”Finally,“ This is your case, James. In this case, we must When the Republicans and the Federals are placed together, this topic is bound to talk about the funeral of cultural conflicts. Such a topic will inevitably appear. Death will follow. "

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