The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 4 Chapter 32: Cultivate tacit understanding

"Why don't you check it yourself?"

Wes is gone, and Sam is asking Zac to dispel the puzzle.

"Avoid suspicion." Zack answered.

"What to avoid?"

A slight disappointment was on Zac's face, but it was not serious, "How many vampires are there in Button?"

"You, a few guys at the Feast of Allen's funeral, Gangaro on Sissi's side, Nofile in Paisin, 'General' in the southeast, and Rimmer in the West End."

"These are the food channels of these vampires." Zack continued to ask, intending to help Sam to sort out his ideas.

"You, the sheepfold next to you, is considered to be self-sufficient. Gangaro hunts himself, animals. Norfil, they have a fixed source of blood, and occasionally send you a few bottles. The" General "is in the southeast. Remer It should mainly rely on human food, supplemented by blood. After all, it is a half-person. There is no requirement for food. Even if the number is probably the largest, the Western District is enough for them to use. Did you find Benjamin and start arranging the blood supply in the east? "

Zac nodded and said yes, "You missed the unidentified Zmic."

"You mean that they are actually stealing resources from the vampire food distribution that Barton already has?" Sam extended a little. "The guy who attacked Madison was identified by Wandel as Zmiche. This means … No, it ’s a confirmation. There is no news about Steve Walker ’s purchase of legal identities from Northlanders, but we can be sure that in addition to the attack on Grand Zmisi, Barton also has these unidentified Zmits. Hope, the number is still unknown. "

"Yes. Now only the blood channel of Nofil is more formal." It was mentioned a long time ago that Nofil was stealing the blood bank. "The general" is basically still in the stage of obtaining blood on the street. The population in the southeast Decreasing, the number of descendants of 'General' is increasing. "Zac took the latter words to Sam.

"'General' can only start to expand to other neighborhoods, the entire North District."

"Yes, this will cover the streets. There is Gangro coverage in the wild, and there is a Mocavi that we have nothing to ask."

"Oh, so the entire city of Barton, whether in the city or in the suburbs, is officially or fragmented, as long as it can be used to" bleed "channels, all mean vampire control?"

"Well. In the general direction, I know that's it. Specific." Zac shrugged. "I've never participated in any vampire's blood reserves." Zac also looked at the west, the sheep.

"Speaking of course, why don't you participate?"

"I don't need it." Self-sufficiency, and, "I don't want to be verbose by Anthony, simply not participating, as if I don't know." Uh. As a vampire friend of the mayor, there are still many minefields.

"So this time, through the blood loss of Barton, you can find those unidentified Zmich and Zmich who attacked Madison, but you don't want to participate? In order not to be verbose by Anthony?"

"Part of this is the reason." Zack did not deny, "the other part ..." Zack smiled. "It's a tactical evasion."

"What to circumvent?"

"If I go to the vampires in Barton and ask them about their food reserves, do you think they will show me well."

The answer to this question can be surprising.

"Of course. You gave them a living environment in Barton. Most of them are your friends."

"That's the problem. Now, I'm a vampire at the Demon Banquet."

Sam was quiet for a while, "I see, you are worried that the Demon Banquet will require you to integrate the blood reserve channel in Button."

Zac nodded with satisfaction, "matching Benjamin to arrange the future blood channel of the Feast in Barton is to keep the vampires inside Barton still have their own blood supply. I will not destroy this plan because of what is happening now."

"But your first choice is to ask James to investigate, James is the devil ..." Samton paused. "I understand, even if James understands the blood channels of all the vampires in Patton, I ’m not going to tell the Demon Feast honestly. Oh, James is quite reliable. ”The turning point came,“ James is not here, you found Weiss. ”

"This kind of thing can only be done by someone who knows the existence of aliens. Based on the connection between the unidentified Zmich and the blast, the police is the best choice, and can continue to guide the development of the blast. What to choose. "Zac glanced in the backyard, still staring at the new Grand Employee-" Chapman, can't think about it. "


"James will hide the investigations from me because of his personality. Weiss has his own views on aliens and is smart enough that he will judge himself. Chapman cannot do anything by himself. . "

"You said that his human police identity is controlled by Darcy, and there are fallen angels from other races to control his soul. He has no chance to make his own decisions?"

Summing up like this, Chapman is a little pitiful.

Zac pouted, "Yes. I prefer to let a" character "I understand, understand and predict do this." It means nothing to do with trust.

Zac used a word that gave Sam some thoughts, and he was quiet for a while before speaking, "You didn't accept me before because I was 'unpredictable'?"

Zac didn't expect that the topic would suddenly return to Sam. Seriously, Zac and Sam have had a lot of exchanges these days. Although most of them are explaining their actions, in general, this exchange is not bad. Two guys who are destined to bind to eternal life, like this, to exchange feelings and cultivate tacit understanding is a must.

"Yes." Zack affirmed. Now there is no need to whitewash anything, "You don't have a simple motivation, you can say that it is a completely blank background, and it does not give me any reference to understand your actions. It is normal for me to exclude you."

"It makes sense, I get it." Sam eased up and probably solved his big heart. "Actually, when I first heard that there might be a vampire by Barton Alpha, I was very repulsive. When I came to Barton, I still Fortunately, that Alpha must not be the Benjamin I was looking for. I do n’t know how to approach an Alpha who is a brother to a vampire. "

This reminded Zac of recalling, "So the way you get closer is to go to Laipute to block me?"

"That's a last resort." Did you remember the first time that Sam and Zac met, after sending Louise into school, "I was living at Silkela every time I tried to chat Patton Alpha, she said you when she got some information. "

"Oh?" Zac, shameless, "Does Spira like me so much?"

"No, it's Barton Alpha, Benjamin. I didn't do anything in Barton, there is nothing to say. All the alien-related things in Barton are you." Sam's tone, brisk ~ "I am looking for Alpha, yes Your background. To see that background, you can only find the characters on stage ~ "

Looking away from Zach slightly.

"What is that vampire talking to himself?" Grande's new guest, Miley, peeped-peeping-on the window sill.

"Cultivate a tacit understanding with his wizard." The answer came from Chef Grande, Mexico.

"Sorcerer? Where?"

Mo did not answer, "How do I think you are a bit familiar, Miss Liszt. Have we met?"

"Huh. I don't think you are familiar." 89

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