The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 4 Chapter 11: Sam, I love you

Even though he knew that Drake ’s ex-wife would not put all of his children ’s two-day Patton travel plans in a funeral home, he clearly insisted on returning to the hotel at lunch time. Oh, this behavior is really enough ... rude. But it doesn't matter if Drake's ex-wife didn't want to communicate with Grande at all.

The specific process will not be repeated, anyway, Drake finally apologized, "She insisted on taking the children back, will go to Liszt Street in the afternoon, and then go to see the port and the beach tomorrow." These trips told Zac, "You and Benjamin can go together if you want."

"You would never want us to be together." Zac refused, and he knew Drake had good intentions, "Watch out for safety."

However, Grande ’s lunch will not be canceled. Fitz ’s group of people came to help, of course, to thank. It's hard for Zac and Louise to make a bunch of food they won't eat. Grand's chef Mo, has gone to see the star, don't forget it.

Zac didn't expect Benjamin to stay and help, "You don't need to stay in Grande, Drake is gone."

"Then I'm leaving." Benjamin put down the ingredients he had just picked up, which was simple enough. But just out of the kitchen door, I made a circle and came back, "I read Madison's new volume of manuscripts. Don't you think you should say something to me? For example, sorry?"

"Why?" Zac was really puzzled.

It was reminded by Sam, "It must be you who told me to tell him the story when he was not Alpha, that paragraph."

"Oh." Zach remembered and began to shift the subject. "Did Madison write a new manuscript, why did you see it in front of me? And." Zach complained a little, "Is he still sending out manuscripts?" , Just leak everyone ’s secret? Ha ha, James ’trouble, is he not enough?"

"Madison didn't. James was enough. He didn't dare." Benjamin continued to pick up the ingredients he just laid down. "He just gave me a commission. The payment I requested was his manuscript, and then I didn't give it. He may refuse. "

"Why?" Still really puzzled.

"Although I left Grand, I still want to keep an eye on what you are doing. Don't be too excited." Benjamin replied casually. "The trade at a loss. At Madison's previous speed, at least one roll a week, some Things you dominate also happen within three or four days. But this time, it has been half a month, and he seems to have just started. "

Zac was right, Benjamin rolled his eyes at the ingredients in his hand, and continued, "And you know Madison's bad habits, he started with stories of passers-by."

Hearing this, Zac wanted to laugh, "So this time, who is the unwinding story?" Remember Maddison's previous explanation to him in this way: Zachary Grand, always using his Speechless features are inserted into the lives of ordinary people. This is a city where there is a restless immortal, and people should live as they should-Zac, taking everyone's life and turning it into their own story.

"Dell Walker." Benjamin pointed to the side of the living area through the kitchen's rear window.

"Oh ~"

"You don't sound surprised."

"Oh, what did Madison write?" Zac decided to ask first.

"Obviously Dale Walker has the habit of writing a diary." Benjamin seemed to think about it, "He summarized his diary into his half-month life in Grande and expressed his confusion about his future. Then ... "Benjamin scratched his chin." He is now Dale Walker's identity, bought from Steve. "

"Really?" Zac was a little interested.

"Really, he wrote in his own diary. When Steve came to Grande, he was avoiding it, so that Steve would not recognize him." Benjamin shrugged. "It's his first time to kill Susan in Button. He messed up a job. "

Not to interrupt, Louise-"Does he want to ask Daisy's whereabouts from me to deal with witnesses?"

Benjamin glanced at Louise, and at Zac, "You are really good." Uh, regardless of the reason for Benjamin's comment, he continued, "Yes, but Grande's differentiation is not given to him. What is your chance to get information from you. "Benjamin turned his head." This Dell seems to be conscious that he belongs to the old Hank camp. "Then Benjamin waved his hand." At the funeral of Mrs. Quinn. The employer, Isela showed After being very familiar with you, he began to be very confused about his situation in Grande. "

"What's so confusing?" Zac knew that Benjamin had tried his best to sort out the narrative, but Benjamin was Benjamin. In this case, it would be better to show Madison's manuscript to Zac.

"He just was confused." Benjamin pouted. "Anyway, he started to understand that Grande's social relationship is with you, but Old Hank wants to let you go." Benjamin is working hard. "If Grande The biggest resource of Germany, you are excluded from Grand, then he is meaningless in Grand, his new career in Barton requires resources. But if he does not continue to stay in Grand, his reputation has been because Ysera's work was messed up and there was no room for survival. That's the case. Understand? "

"Understood." Zack looked at Benjamin with a smile. "You're smart."

"I don't have it, No. 2 analyzed it."

"No. 2." Zac then waved his hand. I almost forgot this man—Tam ’s follower became Toledo on the “General” side, but because Zack did n’t pay much attention to the “General”, he was sent to Benjamin for protection. . Now that he mentioned it, Zac said, "How is he?"

"It's okay. It's quite convenient to go out and run a leg." Benjamin's words turned sharply, and he felt carefully. "It's a Toledo, but there is always something missing."

Toledo of the ‘General’ department does not get Zac ’s true biography and will not use the enchanting pupil.

If Zac couldn't even hear it, it wouldn't be Zac. He didn't look at Benjamin's soft smile and was too lazy to answer.

Benjamin probably didn't expect much. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again. "Dell Walker writes a diary, it's a full moon night. What do you do after that?" He brought the topic back to "Focus on what Zac is doing" Too. There is no skill at all, it is purely the opportunity given by Zac.

"I didn't do anything." The hand gestured to the kitchen full of ingredients. "These, Drake." It means that Drake took the children to meet the 'uncles'. "If Madison wrote this part later, you can Skip it. "The irony was buried deep-Benjamin came to Grande today, was invited by Zach, right. Then personally participate in and read Madison's manuscript afterwards, huh, do you feel the same?

Benjamin probably didn't realize the deep irony. "Skip? No." Benjamin moved his body, but the work in his hands was too boring. He changed his posture. "Today was not the same as I expected. I thought We ’ll go to Cliff ’s Farm. ”Benjamin ’s voice has no special emotions.“ I still do n’t know why you changed your plan. So, when Madison writes, I ’ll take a good look. Then, this morning, there are There are a few things I do n’t know why. For example, the woman who came with her daughter halfway through, you and Drake ran down in the basement for almost half an hour, and Louise said clearly that the funeral is next week, I I do n’t understand why you and Derek are so active in organizing corpses. "

Zac is ready to explain—some problems ushered in by mankind with civilization. Just opened, closed, Benjamin did not finish.

"Dora came once in the middle, don't think I didn't notice, even though she blocked perception, Mocavi still felt her, she told you something."

Well, Zac is going to open his mouth again to explain, and he is not going to hide anyway. Still closed, Benjamin, not finished.

"Also, Lu (Lu Zmisi Lesenbulla) has come to give you the order of the magic feast." Benjamin glanced at Zac, "but you used blood to pass, even Mokawi. Know what information you exchanged. "

Thanks to Benjamin, he showed everything we skipped this morning. I think we only need to care about the last one. After all, what are the first two? Exactly, Zac also had this intention, only, to clarify—

"Blood exchange is the communication method of the Demon Feast." Zac also glanced at Benjamin. "Nothing else. Not trying to hide something, you want to know? Just ask." Can someone feel the slight dissatisfaction in Zac's tone? . This is why Benjamin speaks.

"Okay." Benjamin also simply, "Then tell me what orders the magic feast gave you."

"I need to get on the transportation to the west before tomorrow," Zac said.

The movement in Benjamin's hand stalled for a while, and when he moved again, the words also appeared together, "Huh." The opening that made the atmosphere more awful, and the follow-up, "Another thing I don't understand." The object of the words is not Zac at all, "I think Madison needs some encouragement, or he has hidden a volume of written manuscripts. These things." Benjamin is more specific. Zmysh of the Northland, inexplicably Miley Liszt, James, you! Half a month ago, where the story ended, so far, so many things are broken. I do n’t understand. Gee, why suddenly, The Demon Banquet wants you to go west! "When it came to the end, Benjamin had obviously started to be irritable.

Zack did the work with no expression, and said lightly, "If you are still here, you won't have to rely on Madison's manuscript to connect these things."

Benjamin took a very secret deep breath, and the topic inexplicably changed again, "From Barton to the west, will it be a long journey, do you need a companion."

Zac didn't speak, and Louise laughed beside him. Um ... Louise understands, when Benjamin said he wanted to pay attention to what Zac was doing, the tone was already set, right? It's just that neither of them is honest. One is dull, and the other only puts savvy on childish taunts.

Zac glanced at Louise, and his mouth was too lazy to control, "No."

"You want to go alone?"

"Lu will follow me, only Lesenbullah who is loyal to me." Zac replied, inexplicably out of focus, not knowing what came to mind. "Perhaps, I will have a companion." Shaking his head, his gaze returned Focus. There are some things Zac wants to tell Benjamin. Benjamin interrupted himself, didn't he?


"Nothing. Let's watch then."

"Then when will you come back?"

"It's not easy to say." It's entirely because the topic is here. Zach is thinking about drifting things-don't, Benjamin is better not to give a deep farewell, Zack can't afford it. Zac is also preparing to come back in full. This is not the last contact of Grande ’s “Brothers”.

Benjamin was quiet for a while, and said something amazing, "You won't go." Just emphasize, "You can't go."


"Madison's manuscript is repeated many times. A theory, if the direction of a story points to one thing, that thing will not happen, because there is no surprise, it is a bad story."

Now turned into Louise stunned, Zack smiled, "Are you sick, Benjamin. You see Madison's story, he was brainwashed by him. Don't forget, this is not a story, there is no good or bad. Maddie Sen is just recording the facts. It happens that all the facts look like a story. Do n’t confuse the primary and secondary, we are only characters in the story, but in life, we are us. It has nothing to do with Madison ’s good or bad story . "

Benjamin was arguing, "No. You won't go west. Just like you prepared Eli's arrival before, you spent so much time preparing, but in the end it was improvised and" killed "by Allen." Benjamin looked Looking at Zach, "All the things you plan and prepare will not happen. What new ghost things will break and turn around ..." Benjamin waved his hand and his vocabulary was limited, but his point of view was clear enough. "For example, today, we are not at Cliff's Farm, right? This entire trip." Thank you Fitz for lunch. "All happened temporarily."

Zac blinked and looked at Louise. It was for help.

Louise pursed her lips, "Benjamin said, it seems a bit reasonable. You think about it, as if everything you have prepared has not happened as planned." Nor do you want to admit, "Regardless of Madison's story, It's still the truth of your life. "

Zac shook his head silently, and now he felt ... very isolated, and helpless, "So, what do you mean? There will be an afternoon and an evening before tomorrow, and during this time, what will happen will prevent me from going west. Thing ?? "

be quiet.

Sam broke, "I don't think anything will happen."

Zac cherishes this sudden assistance, "Let's hear it."

"Just Benjamin said Madison missed the story for half a month, didn't he write it right?"


"So, um, if Madison is for the story no, um, it's bad. You deliberately saved your preparation and planning process, as Benjamin said, many things broke ..." Although Sam has a complete stage for He said, but he did n’t seem to be too confident, “Then, then when things happened, it was a story full of surprises. Um, after all, Madison ’s ability is the future, right, he has the ability to make this judgment. , Right, knowing that you will definitely go, so deliberately skip this half a month. Um, think about it, is this logic not? "


Sam, I love you.

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