The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 4 Chapter 3: Angel on the train

When Zack returned to his seat, even Massachusetts was already out. There were two more states at a straight distance, and the journey on the train was over. Oh, Zac did n’t come back alone—

James booked the rolls with two seats, and changed to the Republican seat that did not know whether it was a couple or a sibling, and sat across from Zac. There is also an acquaintance, Weiss.

The work introduced can only be done by Zach. "You already know this, Detective James Lance. This Wes is also a detective." Then introduce Dell, "This is Dell Walker. , The employee who went to work in the West with me this time. "

After the introduction, Zac is more concerned about the earth-binding spirits and angels at the front of this car. Surprisingly they are still there. There are no fights anymore, and the angel looks very weak ...

"So what did you do." James, who was not well-intentioned, "makes your life incurable so that it falls to a bad place like Grand ..."

"James!" Of course, Weiss was the one who reminded his friends not to overdo it.

"Why! I can't express my own opinion ?!"

"Don't care about him." Wes glanced at Dell and then at Zac. "He's in a bad mood. His father is undergoing surgery ..."

"Shut up! Don't tell him this !!"

Zac kept smiling and said nothing. Focus on the weak angel floating over.

Wait, James took Zakra away for so long, didn't talk about why James was on this train? Uh. Did we know James on the first day, use our brains! Throughout the entire state of Massa, a Patton detective was pressing civilian vampires, huh, and civilian vampires were extremely cooperative.

"Barton's vampire, Zachary Grand Toledo. I need your help." The weak angel is still very formal.

"My honor." Zack looked at the angel and answered, "Please say."

Opening, betting on the three humans here who reacted first. Is it Dell who has always been dissatisfied with Zac talking to the air, or James who hates Zac both physically and mentally, or Wes who always has a special tolerance for foreign things.

No hurry, give them time to respond.

"I promised that stubborn Mr. Berg to let him fulfill his last wish to go home. Then he was going to heaven." The angel was describing the help he needed, "but from leaving Newton, we were constantly being demonic and Hellhound harassment. "Just like to prove his words, Zac saw a dark mass of things thrust into the car diagonally.

The angel still finished an apologetic expression and turned into a white man hit the demon who tried to approach Mr. Bundlingberger. A fierce battle between black and white, accompanied by passengers in the carriage become more bored and train journey. The angel returned to Zac in a weak state, "As you can see, I need your help, Zacary Grande Torrido."

"Then, I will help." Zac nodded and said he was willing to lend a helping hand. Literally, Zac raised his hand, pulled up the sleeve, and touched the other hand in his pocket. The standard snack can metal wine Unscrew the bottle and empty it ... No need to describe it at the back, everyone understands, let go of the blood.

Hurry up, the face of the three options has started to change. Wes, for example, left his seat a little bit, blocking the line of sight across the hallway that might be seen. James, for example, just had a darker face. Finally, like Dell, it looks silly.

The bottle was placed on the table in front of the seat by Zac. "Do you need me to send it to you?" Zac is just intimate. The weak angel may not be able to complete the move of a bottle of vampire blood.

"That's enough. Thank you, Barton's vampire, Zachary Grand Toledo."

What can you say about it ~ Angel Crowley deserves to be a coaching angel and is very educated.

Last chance to bet.

With the wine bottle on the table disappearing into the sight of three people in the strange light and shadow, Weiss was relieved unexpectedly, James's face was even more gloomy, Dell, oh, Dell is crazy!


"What just happened? !!!" Dell almost bounced from the seat, and Pingbai drew unnecessary attention here.

Yin Yang was weird, "Humph, don't you know what happened." A statement from James gritted his teeth, "Your boss is not the only monster here!"

"James Lance!" This was the last time Weiss reminded his friends of the words.

"Why! What I want to say is what I say!" James's face twitched, "Huh! What I said is still true !!"

Weiss took a deep breath and smiled at the glances from other passengers. "Sorry, we are friends. I wasn't expecting to meet like this. I was a little excited, sorry."

This was immediately refuted, and the only thing fortunately was that the person who refuted consciously could not continue to attract attention here, "We are not friends, I have been working in Grande for less than 20 days." The voice was lowered, "I See you once! "

The meaning of this was translated by Zac with a smile-"Dell Walker, he knows nothing."

Two completely different expressions appeared on the faces of James and Weiss.

James was surprised, and then angry, "What !!!" Thank God, if any, James knew to lower his voice, "He didn't know you but took him to the magic feast? !!!"

"I never said that he was going to the magic feast with me. My original saying was that he accompanied me to work in the West." Zac looked sideways and glanced at Dell. Very satisfied, Dell did not bow his head without any movement, and entered the quiet mode.

This is the best impression Dale Walker gave Zack. Get information quietly and objectively, and then make logical judgments.

Wes's face was confused, and with a subtle sigh, he glanced at the quiet Dell and said to Zac, "Why would you bring him?"

"I haven't. He will follow me himself." Zack shrugged. "Probably just to see me being excluded in Grande, sympathize with me."

Dell's chest slightly protruded, it seemed to have something to say, but soon, the air gathered in his chest was spit out, and he continued to keep quiet.

Wes blocked the mouth James was about to open, pressed it against the back, and looked at Zac. "Does he know anything at all?" Just sure.

Zac answered with a nod. That's right, Zac's attention is no longer here-his blood gives the angel an absolute advantage. Several demon who tried to invade the compartment intermittently were wiped out by the irresistible in the scenery outside the window. .

The only thing Zac was dissatisfied with was the way angels used their blood, which was too wasteful. Hey, it might be forced to keep moving with the train. Passengers might not notice the blood of the vampires that had been turned into tiny particles and were quickly thrown behind by the moving train in the air, but Zac saw it clearly. That's his own blood, the lifeblood of the vampire ...

Weiss turned his gaze back and forth between Zac and Dale, and finally looked at James, who was still covering his mouth. The two detectives who knew everything had a tacit understanding. Wes released James, and the two of them twitched their mouths together, deciding not to take part in the trouble. Only Zac will deal with this kind of thing-

Did Wes tell Dell that your boss is not a human, but a humanoid living on blood forever? Uh.

But after all, there is one thing that James can't skip, "What else is on this train ?!"

Do you want to translate? it is good:

‘Except you vampire. What other disgusting and dangerous non-human creatures are on this moving train where countless humans have no place to hide or escape? ’

Zac corrected James first. "It's this car." It's a reminder to James. "Why do you reason, detective." Zac frowned, not James. It was outside the window. ——

The angel seemed to realize that he wasted and began to use Zac's blood restraint, but its advantages seemed to be gone. The number of demons, and the demons that succeeded in avoiding the angel's accidental crushing attacks, have doubled. Zac looked back a little outside the window, and he could see that the thicker blacks were constantly gathering.

"I'm asking you ..." It felt like James was almost on the verge of exploding again.

"James!" Weiss pressed James in advance and gave his guess helplessly, "Will it be the man with a cardiac arrest? Well, when in Newton?"

If it were n’t for Zack that he was more and more concerned about the dark, almost demonic swarms outside the window, Zack would give Weiss a smile of appreciation.

"Mr. Berg?" James must be praised objectively, at least he still remembers the name, "You mean, bound earth? Here? In the carriage? Gee." James shook his head restlessly. "Impossible! His body was accepted by Newton!"

"The earth-bound spirit is not only bound to the body."

Zac slightly stood up, his face pressed against the window, and his neck deflected-in order to be able to see if the angel that was swallowed by the black moment was still alive.

The situation does not seem to be optimistic. Gold and white were squeezed into a ray of light in the rolling black wave, extinguishing and flashing. There are signs that will go out at any time.

When Zac's face wrinkled against the car window, James's face wrinkled like, "It's still impossible! Newton is an angel city, and the earth-bound spirit could not be taken to heaven without Newton. That's it! Seriously, if James is not of this character, I think he is a very attractive guy.

"What could that be." Weiss pouted, shook his head, and suddenly looked at Dale, who had been staring at him and James for some time.

Do you need to surprise Dell's gaze, er, take it seriously, did the conversation between Weiss and James just now be heard by Dell?

Weiss didn't want to face this gaze. He pursed his lips again and said to Dell, "Don't look at me like this, I won't explain anything to you, and we can't explain it. You have Zac, you ask him, he knows this kind of thing better than we do." Wei Si is also awesome ~ objective, reasonable and reasonable ~

Dell accepted Weiss's suggestion, which sounded very pertinent, and turned to look at Zac, who had completely faced the window, and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say it.

This time, Dell has always relied on receiving information quietly, and then making judgments, which cannot help him understand the situation at this time, because--

It should be the window reflecting Zac's appearance, the image of the same height and clothing as Zac. Absolutely not the Grand boss he knew.

The pale face was crumpled and wrinkled; the eyes that should be white, green, and black were only red; the corners of the mouth that were pulled occasionally when smiling were completely opened; the sharp teeth that reminded everyone of the toothpaste advertisement every time they saw it Pierce; then ...

Zac sorted out his clothes and sat back in his seat again.

It seems that more than just Dell saw the image in that window.

"Why." Zac ’s familiar lower part of his face, with the corners of his mouth slightly pulled, was impatient. "I want to save it. Angels are very scarce species in the Federation. No one is too small." Waving, forget it, too lazy Explanation.

A dilapidated, thin white bag-like white floated in front of Zac, "Thank you. The vampire of Barton, Zacary Grande Torredo, you saved me."

Zac slightly turned his head, "No thanks, it should be."

"No, it's not your duty. You have helped me. The blood you gave is proof of your duty of faith. You don't need to expose yourself for me-there is a strong second generation Vampire, on this train from Barton. "

Don't learn the three fools' daze, listen carefully to this conversation!

"It doesn't matter, sooner or later it will be exposed—" Zac waved his hand. "Toledo of Barton has left Barton. It's only a matter of time."

"But in order to save me, this process was accelerated. When you unblock the sense of blood control and release the vampire's absolute suppression of the soul's alien, at that moment, I can feel the excitement of the group of demonic soul marks, alongside the fear . This will definitely cause you, Barton, unnecessary trouble. "It seems that the angel is very persistent to ask Zac to accept its gratitude. Or, an apology may be more accurate.

"Let's wait and see." And Zac was not prepared to accept the words of thanks or apology. the reason? Guilt is such a special emotion, isn't it? Don't let this angel feel at ease so easily! Is not it. Zach showed off his most vampire in a train before and after the ground ... the ugly look, someone must be responsible for it!

Angel, for a moment, said quietly, "Can I ask you to help me one more thing?"

Oh, still asking Zack for help? No hurry, go down—

After Zac gave the "please" gesture, the angel said its request, "Mr. Berg ’s home is in **** city, which is the next state. Please ask Mr. Vampire to protect him from reaching **** city safely. Go to hell. "Uh, this angel still keeps his promise to bind the earth. It's true ... Forget it, don't comment, "I will return to Newton now and inform Crowley to start preparing for any threats that Patton may encounter."

Guilt has clearly come into play, but this is not a satisfactory result for Zach. "Can't you inform her here."

"I just did this." Remember, the communication method similar to the devil, "But Crowley needs proof, proof of my soul mark." The angel's tone was already full of guilt for Zac, "Crowley Saying that you can be very convincing sometimes, if this is what trick you use, coax the angel to tie Newton ’s fate and Patton together, just like the phantom Rich, you let him force us to do with the feast The transaction (regarding Rich ’s proposal to use Newton ’s local factory products to fill Barton ’s trade vacancies to keep the population from losing. Zac thought of Richie ’s advice to Rich after collecting the fact that the labor was collecting labor). It won't let you succeed so easily. "

Uh. Zac doesn't want to continue this topic, why every time Zac does something good, it will be misinterpreted by this group of guys? Is the character of our vampire really so bad? It doesn't matter, Zac gets used to it, "I will protect Mr. Berg."

"You are a respectable vampire." The angel left.

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