The atmosphere of the city is far away. Zac needs to wipe the dust from the lens from time to time to continue to see their direction. Although there is nothing to see, except the sand is a dead plant, twisted into a weird shape in the sunset.

"Do you like the sunset in the desert." Rut Lesenbula held the steering wheel of the jeep and spoke out from time to time.

Nothing else, just to see if Zac would accidentally answer, breaking the childish silent game.

Zac's defense is not that weak.

Rute turned his head and controlled the car to continue to move forward. "This was the center of the city." Whether Zac responded or not, he continued to make a sound. "This is the municipal square. The era of witch hunting. We are here to encourage the citizens to burn. Dead witch. "

It seemed as if Zac cared ... Zac really cared, tilting his body on the door and glancing down. Killed by the turning of the wheel, pouting up. Zac retracted his body.

"Vega was just a town. Did you know it?" It seemed that Zac's reaction gave Rute the message, "Trading town, the materials we bought from high prices in the central part have to be sent here to the west." This There is an obvious 'blame'-the devil wants to get supplies from the central part at a high price.

Zac gave the reaction again, a smug smile.

This was another confident encouragement for Rute, "I am also a place where I am complacent." Shaking his head, "I created the gold rush."

Zac glanced at Rute and smiled and turned away. Zac knew that this unilateral dialogue would continue.

"Gold rushing brings population and reputation to the west. At least the price of supplies is secretly raised even higher. Westerners will feel,‘ we have gold ’.”

Zac shrugged.

"You must think I was a fluke, gold, huh. Use gold to attract humanity." This time Rout didn't care about Zac's reaction, because the initiative was with him, "but thank the Holy Lord for taking care of this land, west There is really gold ~ So there is a population in the west. "

If Zac wants to speak, it must be— “Papa ’s midnight takes care of the entire continent.” But Zac does n’t speak now, does he?

"We, the Devil Banquet, with population, with gold, the secret can no longer suppress the west." The pride is Rute, "no matter how dangerous the secret alliance promotes the west to be-there are people on the street at any time. Fighting for life and death, being bitten by mosquitoes in the wild, suffering from malaria, being trampled by estrus bison in the market ... Or, **** x female infected with syphilis. Ha ha ha. "Ruth may think his words are funny, where he laughs very happy , "However, countless merchants came to the west for gold ~ The hidden alliance cannot stop ~"

Zac actually confirmed one thing. Rute wasn't chasing. He had a clear destination. And with this conversation that he did not participate in, the distance from this destination is shrinking.

"With the merchants, and the high-priced supplies they brought. I know that I need a way for them to leave everything they can in the west. After all, apart from gold, the west is just a huge piece of wasteland gold. Nothing but gold. ”Rute glanced at Zac and raised his eyebrows.“ I have to make their trip to the west, 'good value for money.' ”

It means not only to match the value of high-priced materials, but also to catch up. The means by which the hidden alliance obstructed the development of the west created the fighting spirit of the Demon Banquet.

The answer is obvious.

"What else can make those businessmen empty their pockets more than gambling?" Do you know that this is a privilege for immortal species-telling history with natural pride, "Vega is here."

Ruth slowed down. "It used to be Vega's **** shop, and there was a pile of goods mortgaged by merchants from all walks of life. There is no shortage of money in the west. What is missing is something. Since when, I have been unsure, But any businessman who came to the west began to carry not only trading goods, but also materials that can be pawned at a high price. "Looking at Zac," You know that for a long time, this place has become a gathering place for 'heirlooms.' , Necklaces, plates ... Then, not only materials, but also people, families, servants, and the fact that everything has smashed into the west and can only start living in the west. "

Rute is describing the history of a snowball.

If it weren't for Zac's vision that there was a depression that was still obvious in the dim light, Zac would think it was Rute's pure sigh of brilliance.

"From here, so, I have a special feeling for this place." Rute's speed is slower, it seems that he is going to the edge of this hollow, "I built my first place here A home. "

The car stopped.

Rout got off the car first and pointed to the east. "That's the vestibule, where most of the things that are going to deal with humans happen there." He seemed to think of something suddenly, "Oh, why do you ask why the east is facing?"

Believe me, Zach fart asked.

"Oh, it's the end of the war, and the west is also on track. I finally have my own time, and I can enjoy the gift that the Lord gave us. Day trip." I fell into my emotions, very pious, "Every time, I see the first ray of light from the east, and I will praise the Holy Lord who gave me the ability to enjoy this moment. "

Zac watched Rute's performance-this is dusk, Rute piously facing the east, what do you think? There is a dying struggling to retain the last ray of sunshine.

Hey. Just be fair. Rute did not perform, this is him, it is the sincerity of the magic feast. It's just that the time he chose to express this piety is a bit inappropriate.

For a moment of ink prayer, Rute reopened, and here, pointing to the sunken pit in front of him, casually mentioned, Zac had seen what was inside-dozens of skeletons that had been put together. "It's my atrium. Most of the banquets are held here." Shrugging, "It's not a business, just a party that occasionally relaxes with my brothers. Banquet, group x, and so on. This is my home, I I like to relax in my own home. "

Ruth paused and grabbed the sand casually, "I guess you already guessed, what is the last party held here."

Zac looked at the skeleton at the bottom of the pothole, he knew. Of course I know, the Indians game that was spoiled by Papa at midnight.

On the first day that Zac lived in his 200-year-old home, in a conversation with Dell, ‘unintentionally’ exposed the fact that half of Vega ’s life was lost, and that some of the In’an families in the middle were rising, right?

"His history and prosperity that I made." Rute rubbed the sand in his hand-he chose a very bad means of power display. After all, the harder the rubbing, the sand was still sand, "stolen." All the previous Proudly, here is the same as what he fell in his hand, anyway, before, hey, sand, turned into a dangerous anger that made Zac want to put on a defensive posture, "stolen by pagans."

I'm very sorry. This way, everyone seems to have caused the illusion that only Zac and Rout are in the car here. Actually, there is another person in the car-

Nick. The only reason he followed was to see if Lesenbull was looking for Zac to go out at this delicate time, was he going to kill Zac?

the reason? Did you forget the conversation between Nick and Zac before? Rosembra's tolerance of the new Toledo will become an important indicator for judging Lembra's judgment on the status quo of Zmiche, isn't he?

"Someone explain." Nick got out of the car and kicked into the sand. Like dead wood rooted in the desert. He frowned and sat back in the car, "Lessenbra, when did you dig such a big hole?"

"Just these two days." Rute stood up, and his anger was withdrawn, and he calmly turned back to explain to Nick. "The first day of Torrido said something I really care about, so it is necessary to confirm it. . "

"Then?" Nick was impatient, but it was understandable that the desert was not a fun place. "You dug a pile of corpses under the ground of your old home ..." Nick stood on the car seat and glanced under his eyes And, with a lip in his mouth, "The corpse of the Ingan people, in terms of skeletal features." Needless to say about the physical appearance of Ingan, "We all know that we buried a lot of things here before, and we like parties. "Tipped the corner of his mouth," What's the point. "Nick still mumbled at the end," What else do we bury, why are there only these Indians? "

Question, but no need to answer. It is enough to show that these bones are independent and special.

Rute looked at Zac. Zac thought for a moment, and finally, he spoke. But, not to Rute, the silent game against Lesenbull continues. Zach said to Nick, "Papa used witchcraft to curse this land at midnight. Vega's prosperity was transferred to some specific In'an families in the middle."

Nick froze for a moment, as if remembering something, and looked at Rout, "Is that Papa's boring game at midnight? He buried our toys alive, let us find them?"

Lu characterized his head.

"Witchcraft can do this?" Nick's face was questioning. "Stealing the prosperity of this land?" The gaze stayed on Rout's face and turned to Zach without answering.

Zac tilted his head, "He is a god, he changed the rules of the world, so that we can not step on the Indian land, you think."

Nick frowned and sat back. Didn't speak.

There is a fact here. If Nick does not speak, the number of people participating in the dialogue is not three minus one equals two, but equals one. The three vampires were somewhere in the desert, wrapped in the night, only Rute's voice—

"Papa will pay for it at midnight. How much he stole from me, he will double, no, triple."

Nick is the only creature that Zac will respond to here. Therefore, Rute's words are considered to the air.

Air gave Rutter a response. A demon wind that didn't know where it came from, picked up half of the dead wood that didn't know where, and smashed one of Jeep's headlights.

It was probably just a coincidence, but Rute still gloomy, "I have let Revro check the belongings of these Ineans. I may not be able to move Papa at midnight. These Indian families should pay their debts.

Zac moved a little while standing, raising his hand to intercept something flying in the night. Another piece of dead wood brought by the air. Zac looked at the wood in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and flicked his hands into his feet.

Lut ’s face was darker, “It ’s been a long time ago, and it ’s still difficult to find out the origin of the blood of these Indians.”

Do you think that when talking about Papa ’s midnight, Rutby wanted to be, eh, counsel? His words seem to constantly regain his momentum.

How should I explain it ...

We should always encounter some products we hate in our lives. For example, Madison, I, after exhausting all hair coloring products, particularly hate a certain brand of hair coloring products. That stuff will tickle my scalp for a week.

Therefore, every time I see a product of this brand on the shelf, I will try my best to defame the product of this brand. So far, my clerk and I have quarreled about refunds, threatened the manager to compensate my scalp care, and blocked countless shoppers who came to this product.

As you all know, I was not happy in Barton. This is my way of venting. Don't criticize me. I am human.

However, one day, I received a customer service call from this brand, and the soft-sounding female voice told me that their company had received a large number of reports that the sales of their products in Barton were vandalized. Of course, the gentle female voice did n’t say it was me. She just said that as a consumer profile feedback from Barton ’s Big Q supermarket, my customer, who would buy a large number of similar products, is an important research object. What this potential customer thinks about their product.

Guess what? I do my own to scold this gentle female voice to her doubts about life? Do not. I said, "You made a mistake."

Can you find the connection between this example and this time? That's it-the product is the Indian people; the company is the god, Papa is at midnight; I am the Rute.

Zac suddenly said to Nick, "Barton has many wizards. Bad wizards, the kind of family abandoned children. But because of the rotten, so they have a group. Wizards with all kinds of family lineages gathered in Paton. English. "

Nick frowned, "I didn't ask what to say to me."

"I just want you to tell our brother, Rut Lesombra, before he does anything stupid, please consider the possibility that Papa might bury the gang of wizards at midnight, and then we will do it to Barton in the future Any effort made is feeding ... "

Zac doesn't need to finish. Ruth forcibly stood in the middle of Zac and Nick's line of sight, "Can't you explain the connection between these two things earlier!" This is an accusation, an unabashed accusation.

Zac glanced at Rute, calm, without any emotion. Then the focus of the line of sight penetrated the humanoid that blocked the road. To Nick, "I never thought that these two things were connected. Perhaps it was the desert, the sunset and the night, this ..." Zach pointed and got stuck in his feet. The decayed wood on the side, "It gave me a strange feeling. I realized that certain things were completely beyond our control. For example, Papa at midnight." Zach shook his head, "Vega was cursed until I Only two days before I came to the west, I knew it was Boque Quinn who told me. And he told me to give his son, who was amazed by his witchcraft talent, to fight for more time. I never let go In my heart. The purpose of the statement is just to adjust the evil taste of human beings. "Uh, also, Zac said this to tell Dell how the beauty in his eyes was formed," By the way, I do n’t speak to Lesenbra Give him something to do during his time. "

Using the third person in front of others, Zac really is ... Forget it, there is no need to spend more time here, watching the awkward conversation of the three vampires. See things that are really out of control.

Vampire, in the desert. So two humans, James and Dale, are at home.

Now, no one is home. Dell threw James, who was struggling in the bag, into the trunk of the rented car and left the house.

There is a note on the model on the third floor, just a sentence.

"When I feel safe, James Lance is free."

James, it's still useful.

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