The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 9 Chapter 16: Bi Sharp is dead?

There was a guest waiting for Zac when he returned to Grande. Two 'noble' women. Sorry, such a vulgar description, but this is a fact. One is Mrs. Riley Bishop and the other is Mrs. Fiona Falcon. Two, women who can be named as ladies in the most beautiful period, so leaving behind their still beautiful looks and being able to express their traits, you have nobleness ~

When Zach arrived, the two were wrapped in the fur of grace, sitting in the back porch, 'picking' Grand employees.

Their conversation is like this, "Wow ~ Look at that arm ~ Hard as steel ~"

"I bet he can" lift "me all night ~"


Zach looked at the two women on the back porch, looking at the employees who were cleaning in the backyard. "Is this a distorted x fantasy game?" Zach ... actually tried to join the topic.

"It's not an illusion ~" Fiona looked uncomfortably over Zac's whole body. "Can we wait for a while and let some of your employees take you home ~"

It ’s not taken to a hotel or some secret private property, but taken home ~

Zac scratched his chin and looked at the two women again. "What's the matter with you?" Very sincerely puzzled.

"You don't know?" Riley's face seemed to have been thinking about the 'pink' face after going home. "She is picking things up against her husband ~" said Fiona, if the symbol is Zach just returned Barton is witnessing the internal struggles of the 'Falken' family in the new port of the Southern District, which is enough to explain.

Then, Lili narrowed her eyes, and the words after "And I ~" formed a wonderful contrast with her tone, "My dear husband, died ~ So, I am very hungry ~"

Zac reacted for a while before realizing what the succubus Riley said.

A sharp corner of his eyes, "Bi Sharp is dead."

It is also time.

No, it's early. Zac frowned, very helpless, "can't you and the grief Schell be delayed for some time, for example, after the New Year? After the mayor election?" Is really helpless, Bi Sharp is important for the re-election of Mayor Anthony Supporter, when did he die well? Do you want to get stuck at this time?

"Procrastination?" Meili Riley touched the fur on this body, "Are we procrastinating enough?" Rolling his eyes, "His soul doesn't have much 'thickness' in his body. It has been a miracle to live for so long ... "

Riley was interrupted, it was Fiona, and she suddenly laughed as if she could not be restrained, "I just remembered that when we were children, I said to him once after beating Sharpe," If he is in So I went back to Mummy's stomach without thinking, don't come out. "Fiona blinked at Riley again." Look, he died in the woman's stomach after all ~ "

Must be more objective, Bi Sharp died in his home. Unfortunately, his home, Bishape Manor, is a haunted house, a dead place where everything is entangled and entangled by the evil spirits.

Zac frowned and looked at the two women again. It was a sense of confusion that it was impossible to connect the facts in front of him with what he was going to say next. "So, one is Bi Sharp's wife and the other is Bi Sharp's friend. The two of you came to Grande to discuss Bi Sharp's funeral? "

"Of course ~" Riley nodded. "I'm just a woman who marries into the wealthy halfway. I don't know what specifications of burial instruments should be used by people like Bisharp. I need staff." Pointed to Fiona.

Fiona narrowed her eyes and said a horror, "And I need experience ~"

Experience, what experience? ! Husband's funeral experience? ?


Zac was speechless for a moment, looked at the staff in the backyard, and suddenly shouted, "Logan, go back to the room to rest." Instructed a specific employee.

Logan didn't know why, but he still listened.

"Oh! Don't take you to play like this, Mr. Grand!" Fiona's dissatisfaction, "You took away the best thing!"

Zac ignored it and continued to shout, "Evan, why don't you take off your coat and work."

Does Evan have respect for Zac? No, so his answer is, "Then do I freeze to death!"

"Then do some sweaty work, like ..." Zac pointed casually to the carpentry shed, "Go cut the wood."

The Egyptian text is ready to continue to talk back, but when I looked over, I saw two pairs of "glamourous eyes" looking forward to. "Oh!" Go actively.

Hey. Evan was so easy to control unexpectedly. It seems that Zac just didn't find the right way.

Satisfied with the twisted desires of the two women, Zac sorted out his thoughts and said, "What is left of Bi Sharp." The strange opening.


"How is his health?" Zac was more specific.

Lily pursed her lips and reluctantly replied, "Very, good." Rolling her eyes, "What can I do, I'm fed by the blood of Rymer at three meals a day. Except for his life, his body Huh, that body is almost the highest standard of human health. "

Zac seemed satisfied with the answer and continued, "What about the soul?"

"The primitive self-consciousness is about to disappear." Riley waved her hand. "Sher (the evil spirit) destroyed almost all of his imprints of the soul, but kept a little bit to let him know that he was Bishapu's consciousness. Continue to retaliate. "It may have been Zac ’s idea and waved his hand." It wo n’t last long, his soul. "Raised a little finger and stuck a little fingernail on the fingertip," It ’s just a little bit worse, It will become a wandering soul with nothing. If you count on Rymer ’s magic or the wizard ’s witchcraft to force him to “resurrect” in possession, do n’t even think that he will live like a pig. "

Probably to dispel Zac ’s other thoughts, “And you better get this funeral, his body ca n’t continue to stay in the manor, it ’s about to become Shell ’s private property.”

"Explain?" Zac was confused.

"Remember Yuri's return to Patton's party." Riley frowned, "I don't know what happened to his body under the double action of that Maitreya and Poche Quinn. He was rescued back then. But, his body began to change in the direction of the implement, er, change. "


"Huh." Fiona laughed at Zac. "I understand, you don't understand yet ~ Didn't you say that the fierce spirit is a very large earth-bound spirit? That thing called the belt is entangled in matter and puts itself on Is it bound in this world. The meaning now is Bisharp's body, which is already something like this world, and is about to become a tool for Schell to bind himself to this world ~ "

"Everything in the range of the fierce spirits is what the fierce spirits are bound to." Zac didn't care, and the reason why ordinary people can't enter or leave the haunted house at will is here. It was a place where he was entangled with fierce spirits after entering, and came out again. Unless, you have the omnipotent ‘medicine’ that restrains the soul and the alien, and the blood of the vampire protects you, “This is not a thing, just let Rimmer pour blood on him when needed.”

"It's not what you think." Riley glanced at Zac, with a serious expression. "Bi Sharp's body is different from other things. Schell is not just entangled with it, it is entering."

Zac also glanced at Lily, waiting for a more detailed explanation.

"Sher's bandage that enters Bisharp's body will not be cut by the blood of the vampire. Just like the part of the body that accepted Sher's entry into it, it was its original soul. The blood of the vampire would only repair the body by Sher's entry. The damage of time will not play the role of restraining the soul. "

Zac was puzzled for a moment, and raised an eyebrow, "So Bi Sharp is not dead."

"No." Riley began to insist. "He's dead. The soul is now like a broken plastic bag caught by Sher in the strap."

"No." Zach started to fight, "He is not dead, he has a very healthy body, and a part of the soul that will not be destroyed by vampires, Shell's soul. He emphasized," There is no death. "

Riley began to be impatient, and, of course, it was obvious that Zack was pushing a strong man's point of view, "Do you want to think this way? Okay! He is not dead, but he can only live at Bishape Manor. The soul of the evil spirit cannot get out of the manor Range, so as long as he takes a step there, it will become a very healthy body. Zac, you have a clear mind, this is not the kind of blood that can still rely on vampires to make him in Patton. The place where he appeared, with his body that represented Bi Sharp's only body and face appearance. He died, Bi Sharp's person, everything he could provide to the world, with his health although it was very healthy The fact that he could not leave the manor at all, but died. "

I do n’t know if this logic is understood by everyone. Zac understands it, but Zac still raises his eyebrows, “So the question is not whether Bi Sharp is alive or dead, but that the evil spirits cannot leave the manor.”

Riley opened her mouth, closed it, and shook her head, not wanting to argue with Zac again.

Zac's mood was inexplicably good, "How long has Bi Sharp been dead?"

"After Mrs. Quinn's funeral ~" The answer was Fiona. "The next day, I went to Sher. She used Bisharp's body and what I said ~" Fiona was a satisfied face. "It's weird ~ But I'm so happy ~ I don't think I can talk to my friends ..."

Lily, who didn't want to talk to Zac, interrupted Fiona, "Don't encourage him! We are here today to make Bishape's death a reality! Concentrate!"

"Ah ~ yes ~" Fiona looked back at Zac with a smile. "Although I'm very happy to be able to communicate with Schell, I have to admit one thing. Bi Sharp's state of not being able to go out at all, very Trouble ~ When I need him to stand by my side as a friend I grew up with, he can't ~ "

Zac knew that this topic might be connected to the current battle between Fiona and Mr. Falken, and he did not want to extend the topic for the time being, "So this Bishop died, but the situation of 'living in' the manor has continued. It ’s been more than a month. ”Calculating the time, this is exactly the case, Zac returned to helplessness,“ You ca n’t hold on for another month? Wait until the New Year? ”

"No." Lily still talked to Zac, very simply, "I'm hungry." Or directly, "and the fact that this husband is still alive makes me ..." She frowned, thinking about the words. Do n’t worry, it ’s not the boring reason of hunger, it ’s “irritability.” He looked at Zac seriously, “The Bisharp Group is basically under my control.” Do n’t be surprised, this is the demon is talking, all Remember how persuasive she is a creature? She is a guy who even dare to try to convince people like Zac, "And now the directors of the group still have to go through formal things. Bi Sharp's pattern of speaking began to tire me. "

Zach tried, "It's just irrelevant ..."

"Actually not." Fiona took the words. "As I said, I also need Bisharp's support. It's not a corporate group, it's the meaning of the family, it's just the meaning of Bishap's identity in Barton. Now only Bishapu has this meaning. And he cannot come forward. This is not a small trouble, it is a big obstacle. We need Bisharp's meaning to be completely transferred from his useless body to Riley. "

Zac can understand Fiona's words. If the Bi Sharp Group is for actual, measurable value, money. The significance of the Bishapu family is Bishapu's accumulated reputation as the foundation of Barton. This meaning is not measurable by specific value. And as long as Bi Sharp still exists for a day, this meaning cannot be accepted by Riley—as she said, the halfway wife. Must be forced to land on her. And the only way this was forced to land was when the Bishop family died. In conclusion, Bi Sharp must die.

Zac also stood his ground, "I still say that, can't you put off more time?"

"No." The two women answered together. "Our patience is gone. In various senses." Eyes like a wolf stared at Evan who was doing heavy work on the side of the carpentry shed with steam all over his body .

Gee. Zac could n’t really be serious when these two women always showed such an attitude, but it must be, “It ’s better, we think of a compromise. We let Bi Sharp live for a while, and also think of a way for you Get the convenience you want. "

"Are you a wanderer." Zac just ignored so much content just now? "There is no compromise here!" Lily pursed her lips.

"Quinn's only heir, Poki is going to quit the Quinn Group." Zac suddenly mentioned this, thinking carefully, not completely irrelevant, right ~ "He will soon be completely separated from everything that Quinn represents, himself Concentrate on running a nursing home. "

The two women glanced at each other, and Fiona said, "Why?"

"Sorcerer's soul." Zac was not prepared to explain in detail. "It's too long to speak. You can ask if you are interested." Pointing to the neighbor on the east side, "but the meaning is that he wants to leave 'Quin.' He felt that he would be bored to change his surname, and no one would consider him as a descendant of Quinn. However, he no longer manages any Quinn-related affairs. So, Quinn ’s affairs must be done by someone ... "

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